Минулий час

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Thursday, the twenty-eighth of April


Past Simple (Indefinite)

минулий неозначений час

найчастіше використовується для

позначення дії котра відбувалася
в минулому і вже є завершеною.

У стверджувальному
реченні Past Simple
утворюється за допомогою
додавання до дієслів
закінчення -ed

like – liked
play – played
count – counted

Або ж використання їхньої

другої форми (що також
зветься Past Simple), якщо
дієслово є неправильним.
Слова-покажчики Past Simple
last month ( week, year)
three days ago
in 2015

I go to school every day

I went to school yesterday.

Boys play football. Girls played volleyball.


Для створення питального

речення у Past Simple необхідно
користуватися наступною
Did + іменник + дієслово
Did you play football yesterday?
– Ти грав у футбол вчора?
Did you go to the cinema five
days ago? – Ти ходив у
кінотеатр п’ять днів тому?
Ask the questions.

My father went to the cinema yesterday.

Did my father go to the cinema yesterday?

His sister bought a new dress last week.

Did his sister buy a new dress last week?

Заперечне речення утворюється за

допомогою дієслова did (2 форма
дієслова do) та додавання після
нього частки not. При
цьому did та not можна злити в одне
слово didn’t.Формула:
Іменник + did + not + дієслово
I did not play with my dog yesterday. –
Я не грав зі своєю собакою учора.
I didn’t smoke five years ago. –
Я не курив п’ять років тому назад.
Write the past simple of the verb in
(brackets) to complete the sentences.
a. Yesterday I ____went_____ to the park. (go)
b. My grandparents _______________ us last week. (visit)
c. Last weekend I _______________ an email to my
friend. (write)
d. My brother _______________ any computer
games last night. (not play)
e. We _______________ cereal and
_______________ juice for breakfast. (eat, drink)
f. I _______________ my
favourite TV programme yesterday. (not watch)
g. My friend
_______________ me a new pencil case for my birthday.
(give) h. Yesterday
I _______________ to school, I _______________ by car.
Find the mistake, underline it and
write the correct sentence.
a. We visit our grandparents last month.
_ _______
b. Last weekend I not did any sport.
____ _______
c. I didn’t wanted to get up this morning!
_ _______
d. My dad drinked all the milk yesterday!
_ _______
e. Yesterday my parents didn’t went out.
EX. 2. Write the sentences in the Past Simple negative

1.I took a shower in the morning.

2. We read this story at the lesson.
3. He said “Good bye”.
4. I bought a birthday present for my sister.

Write the sentences in the Past Simple


1. She came to school in time.

2. Yesterday we had a test.
3. Last week we went to the circus.
4. Yesterday I did my morning exercises.
5. Yesterday I got up early.
6. I saw my teacher in the bus.
7. I showed my photos to my friend.
8. I spoke to my friend 5 minutes ago.
9. Last week we wrote a dictation.
10. I thought about it.
was You were
The teacher was/were nice.
The pupils was/were very clever.
But one pupil was/were in trouble.
Teacher was/were sorry for him.
He was/were nice though.
Вправа 4. Використовуйте слова в дужках для утворення
речень в Past Simple. Зверніть увагу, в якій формі має
стояти речення (стверджувальне, питальне або
1) They _____ football at the institute. (To play)
2) She _____ emails. (Not / to write)
3) ____ you____ English? (To speak)
4) My mother ____ fish. (Not / to like)
5) ____ Ann ____ any friends? (To have)
6) His brother _____ in an office. (To work)
7) She ___ very fast. (Can not / to read)
8) ____ they ____ the flowers every 3 days? (To water)
9) His wife _____ a motorbike. (Not / to ride)
10) ____ Elizabeth_____ coffee? (To drink)

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