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University of Tripoli Al-ahliya

The subject : Zoology

The research subject : Endocrine

:The students
‫رودينة خالد الشيباني‬

The Endocrine System :

It is a network of glands
scattered throughout the
body, producing hormones
that help cells communicate
with each other, and is
responsible for almost all
cells, organs, and functions of
.the body
: What are the endocrine glands
Endocrine glands secrete various
hormones responsible for many
physiological and physiological
processes, including but not limited to
growth, regulating body temperature,
regulating sleep, regulating blood
.sugar levels, and bone growth

Any disorder in the work of the

endocrine glands leads to chronic and
common diseases such as diabetes,
obesity, cancer, sexual diseases, and
bone disorders, in addition to
.metabolic disorders
: Endocrine function
:Here are the most important endocrine functions

Producing hormones that control mood, growth, metabolism, /1

.reproduction, and body organs
.Control the secretion of hormones in the body /2
.Secreting hormones in the blood to be sent to another place in the body /3
Types of endocrine glands :
The endocrine system consists of several
glands throughout the body, as the gland
is located under the thalamumus, the
pituitary gland, and the conifier in the
brain, while the thyroid glands and the
thyroids are located in the neck, while
the thymus gland is located between the
lungs and the adrenal above the kidneys,
while the pancreas, which is one of the
types of endocrine glands, is located
behind the stomach, while the ovary in
women and the testicle in men is in the
.pelvic area
: The gland is under the thalamus
The hypothalamus region is located at the base of the
brain, and the hypothelamus gland connects the
endocrine system to the nervous system, and its main
function is to alert the pituitary gland to start or stop
the production of hormones.Among the most
important hormones produced by the hypothalamus
gland are antidiural hormone, oxytocin, dopamine,
corticotrophin releasing hormone, thyroid-releasing
hormone, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, and
.growth hormone-releasing hormone
The pituitary gland : : Functions of the pituitary gland
The most important functions of the /1
The pituitary gland (English: Pituitary pituitary gland include:The front part of
Gland) is the main gland in the the pituitary gland secretes the hormone
endocrine glands of the body, despite its Prolactin, which secretes milk in mothers
small size and even called the endocrine after birth
woman because it is responsible for Secreting other hormones responsible /2
secreting hormones that control many for growth, stimulating the adrenal and
important functions within the body, thyroid gland, ovaries, testes, sexual
such as growth, as well as controlling .puberty, and reproduction
the hormones that it excretes on other The secretion of the stimulating hormone to /3
.glands as well the pigment cells that secrete melanin to
control the skin tone from the middle part of
.the pituitary gland
Secretion of the hormone oxytocin and the /4
antidiuretic hormone produced by the
.hypothalamus gland
The adrenal gland : Functions of the adrenal
The Adrenal Gland represents two of
the endocrine glands located above the The adrenal gland secretes steroid /1
kidneys (one above each kidney), and hormones such as Cortisol and
the adrenal gland owns the shape of Aldosterone from the outer cortex of the
gland, as well as adrenaline, and
the triangle and despite its small size,
.noradrenaline from the inner cavity
it is responsible for many of the
Aldosterone regulates water and salts /2
physiological functions associated
.in the body
.with the hormones it secretes
Cortisol regulates metabolism and /3
works with the hormones of adrenaline
and norenadrenaline to regulate the body’s
.reaction in situations of stress or danger
: The pineal gland
It is a small gland that is found in a deep
place near the center of the brain and has
even been called the third eye depending
on its location, and while the function of
the pineal gland is still the subject of
research to date, it is known to be
responsible for the production of the
hormone melatonin known as its role in
.sleep and wake control
ThyroidThyroid Gland : : Thyroid glands
is a type of endocrine gland that takes There are four thyroid glands
the form of a butterfly at the front of the (Parathyroid Glands)located behind the
neck under Adam's apple that covers the thyroid gland, each of which is the size
trachea from the sides and from the of a grain of rice located next to each
front.The thyroid gland secretes the other and has nothing to do with the
hormones thyroxin or thyroid hormone thyroid gland, and works to secrete the
(T3) and triiodothyronine (T4) which neighbor's hormone of the thyroid gland
are very important in regulating the responsible for regulating calcium
body's metabolic processes, regulating levels in the body, so this gland is very
the heartbeat and blood pressure, as important for the nervous and muscle
well as regulating body temperature, .system to function efficiently
and brain development in infants and
children. TV
: The pancreas
The Pancreas Is A Long Gland Located Behind
The Stomach And Under The Liver, Which Is
Part Of The Gastrointestinal System And
Endocrine System Responsible For Controlling
Blood Sugar Levels By Secreting The Hormone
Insulin, Glucagon, In Addition To Somatostatin,
.And Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide
And if Langerhams cells in the pancreas cannot
secrete insulin in sufficient quantities, then a
person becomes with type 2 diabetes, but if
insulin is not produced at all, the person becomes
diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and therefore
diabetes is considered the most prominent
.pancreatic-related disease
: Gonads
The ovaries and testicles are one of the glands of the
endocrine system, as the ovaries in women produce
the hormones estrogen and progesterone responsible
for the development and increase of breasts in
adulthood in girls, regulating the menstrual cycle,
.and they also have a role in pregnancy

The testicles in men are responsible for the

production of testosterone, which contributes to hair
growth in boys in adulthood, in addition to its role
.in sperm production
: The sources

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