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St Columba’s Baccalaureate

Five strands; all preparing you for the next step in your life and
helping you to be the best you can be:

• Academic Progress Success

• Leadership
• STC Participation
• Volunteering – Faith in Action
• STC Service
• Pastoral Mentoring
• Academic Mentoring
• Catholic Life of the School Mentoring
• For this role of leadership, you will be expected to help and support your younger peers in
school. You will be there to give advice and guidance to our pupils who may have worries or
concerns in school.
• You will be working in younger tutor groups, especially in Year 7 & 8 and be working with
small groups to help support any pupils that may need help or advice with any issues they
may have with school. This could be punctuality, homework, behaviour in
lessons, organisation or making friends. Some pupils who join us in year 7 have problems
making friends, you are there to make that easier for them.
• Finally, you will be the role model for the tutor group and work with the tutor so that
the student know the expectations of St Columba's
• You will also be expected to help at any after school events or in school events – for example
taster days, parents evening, Open Days, primary school visits and Awards evenings.
• For this role of leadership, you will have the opportunity to coach and support pupils who may have
difficulties either in their numeracy or literacy. There will be a literacy programme where you will
support our younger students in their reading. This will happen in the library twice a week during form
• You will be expected to support at homework club – this will be on a rota system so not every night after
• If departments are running any revision/booster sessions for our younger students, you will be expected to
show support and assist with these sessions.
• At lunch times you will be on duty at lunch times to prevent pupils to enter the school buildings. There
are 6 areas that need to be secure during lunch – the JP2 building (x3), the Maths building, the Science
area and the IT stairs. There will be a minimum of 3 of you at each station. Mr Eldridge and SLT will be
monitoring you doing your duty and supporting you during lunch.
• For this role of leadership, you will be expected to do the following to support the school and
promote the Catholic ethos in the school.
• You will be working as a team of representatives and working alongside Mrs Myles-Watson to
fulfil this role.
• You will be expected to help, organise and present in School Masses, Acts of
Worship, External school Masses with future SELCAT Masses, and our feeder school
• This role will be suited especially for students who were RE Ambassadors in Year 7-9 and
have also been confident in speaking and reading in front of audiences.
• Need to send a letter of application either handwritten or electronic to your Head of Year and
state what leadership role you are applying for.
• In your letter you are expected to provide clear evidence why you think you would be suitable
to do that specific role of leadership.
• What experience of leadership have you had whilst being at St Columba's – RE
Ambassador, Sports Leader, Librarian, etc. What key jobs, roles have you had to do?
• What are your key qualities and skills – how will these help you be an effective Senior Leader
at St Columba's?
• How have you set example as a positive ambassador of St Columba's in your last 4 years?
• Deadline for application is Monday 17th April at 5pm .
• Any late entries will not count and will be discarded
• All successful applicants will then have a group interview with other successful applicants and will
be questioned by a panel of experts.
• If you have any questions – please see Mr Eldridge in person or send an email.

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