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TENNIS ELBOW/ स्नायुगत
• Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis or
enthesopathy of the extensor carpi radialis origin, is
an enthesopathy(attachment point disease) of the origin of the
extensor carpi radialis brevis on the lateral epicondyle.
• The outer part of the elbow becomes painful and tender.
• The pain may also extend into the back of the forearm
• Major cause is the overuse of the arm, be it in a sport or one's
profession. It is caused due to damage to the specific tendon. Minor
tear occur in the tendons which lead to inflammation and pain.
• Sports such as tennis, badminton, squash or throwing discus
• Using paint brush while painting the walls, carpentry activities,
sculpture making, typing and writing
• Wear and tear due to age
• Wiggling clothes after washing them
• Pain on the outer part of the elbow (lateral epicondyle).
• Point tenderness over the lateral epicondyle—a prominent part
of the bone on the outside of the elbow.
• Pain with resisted wrist extension or passive wrist flexion.
• Symptoms associated with tennis elbow include, but are not
limited to, pain from the outside of the elbow to the forearm
and wrist pain during extension of wrist.
• On the basis of physical examination
• Mri, Xray for excluding some situation.

Cozen’s test Maudsley's test

• S. Vata is developed when the vata dosha aggravates due
to atichesta, ativyayam, etc. and gets localized in snayu of kurpara
• The vayu responsible for this function, that is, vyanvayu is
ultimately unable to carry out the function of kurpara
sandhi (elbow joint) and hasta pradesha (forearm) smoothly.
• The features such as pain, stiffness, restricted movement, etc.
develop in this region.
• These symptoms may also develop due to kaphavritta vyana
vayu. Hence, it is also considered an important causative factor for
manifestation of S. Vata.
Treatment plan
• In some theories we are found that vata and kapha involvement is
• And amaja condition is available for stiffness in the elbow.
• Acharaya sushruta mentioned -Snehana, Upanaha, Agnikarma,
and Bandhana for S. Vata.
• Ksheerabala taila 101 – is used for oral administration – this rejuvenates the
• Bala taila – Massage improves strength of muscles and tendons
• Sahacharadi taila – Massage is especially useful when there is elbow joint
• Prasarini taila – reduces pain, relieves nerve irritation
• Dhanvantara taila – externally applied to relieve swelling and inflammation.
• Avartita maharaja prasarini taila – Used to soothe nerve irritation and to heal
torn tendons.
• Murivennam
• Ksheerabala taila
• Kottamchukkadi taila
• Nirgundi taila
• Dashamoolarishta
• Balarishtha
• Asthavarga kashaya
• Maharasnadi Kashaya
• Sahacharadi kashaya
• Rasnasaptaka kashaya
• Yogaraja guggulu
• Mahayogaraja guggulu
• Gokshuradi guggulu
• Kaishora guggulu
• Vatavidhwamsa rasa
• Ekangaveera rasa
• Mahavatavidwansa rasa
• Mridu abhyanga with oil given above(ignore in severe cases)
• Swedana depends upon on the condition
• But initially prefer patra pinda swedana
According to modern science
• This is a self-limiting problem and recovery is
seen in about 90% of cases within 1-2 years of
conservative management.
• Anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs, steroids
injection, physiotherapy, exercise etc.
• In modern ,tennis elbow strip is
• And strength exercise should be done on
• Botox injection
• Ice fomentation
• PRP therapy is commonly seen
• Surgery may be the last option.

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