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Republic of the Philippines


Senior High School Department
Calawitan, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

Pre-oral Defense
Menoro, Shalom Grace
Grade 12 (GAS) , Calawitan National High School
The Influence of Watching
English Movies through the
use of Subtitle toward
Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency

Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Background of the Study
In this new generation, students are more accessible
through different types of media. Wherein, they can
browse and watch their new favourite movies from
multiple applications of media. Then, how was it
affecting the students English fluency when they
were watching movies.
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Background of the Study

Aim is to identify and evaluate the efficacy of

incorporating English movies into language
learning curricula as a method to improve
students' proficiency in English speaking,
comprehension, and overall language skills.
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Background of the Study
This study aims to help both students and
teachers by providing useful ideas for teaching
methods. It focuses on using English movies
through the use of subtitle make learning more
interesting and improve students' speaking and
writing skills.
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Statement of the Problem
1. What is the demographic profile of the
participants in terms of:
1.1 Name;
1.2 Age;
1.3 Gender; and
1.4 Section?

Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Statement of the Problem

2. How frequent do you watch English movies?

3. How may the student’s English fluency be

described in terms of:
3.1 Spoken fluency; and
3.2 Written fluency?
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Statement of the Problem

4. What is the significant influence of watching

English movies to students in terms of:
4.1 Spoken fluency; and
4.2 Written fluency?

Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Theoretical Framework
This study dispensed theoretical
foundation on the Allan Paivio (1991)
Dual-coding theory, which posits that
human cognition involves two separate
processing systems: verbal and visual.
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Theoretical Framework
The theory is relevant to the researcher's study
because American psychologists George A. Miller
and Richard Shiffrin developed the cognitive
framework known as "information processing
theory" in the 1960s to elucidate how the mind
receives, organizes, and recalls information.
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

•Gathering and analysis of

•Outcome of watching English Influence of Watching English
data through interview.
movies. movies through the use of
subtitle toward student’s
•Interpretation of collected
•Importance of English English Spoken and Written
fluency fluency.
•Presentation of finding result.


Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Scope and Delimitation

This study primarily focuses on

investigating the influence of watching
English movies through the use of subtitle
toward Student’s English spoken and written
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Scope and Delimitation
/ Only grade 12 students of Calawitan
National High School
× Grade 11 students
× Junior High
× From other school
× Not attending school
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Significance of the study

• Students
• Parents
• Teachers
• School Administrator
• Future Researchers
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency

Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Legal Bases

Republic Act No. 10533, known as the "Enhanced

Basic Education Act of 2013" or the "K-12 Act,"
aims to enhance educational standards to meet
global benchmarks, introducing new curricula,
teaching methods, and assessments.

Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Legal Bases
Commission on Higher Education Memorandum
Order No. 59, series of 1996. To improve students'
English language competency in private higher
education institutions, this memorandum order, titled
"Institutionalizing the Teaching of English in All
Levels in Private Higher Education Institutions," was
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Synthesis of Review of Related Literature

According to Engine (2019), watching

English-language films is an effective
method for improving speaking and
listening skills in English.

Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Synthesis of Review of Related Literature

According to Kloppers, M. (2023), We

think that, just like with adults, films
leave a lasting influence on young people.

Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency

Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Research Design

Qualitative approach, it accumulates the

views, behaviors, and experiences of
people.(Tenny, S., Brannan, J. M., &
Brannan, G. D. 2022)

Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Research Design

Phenomenological research is a
qualitative research approach that studies
lived experiences to gain deeper insights
into how people understand those
experiences. Delve, et. al. (2022).
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Subject of the study

Grade 12 students of
Calawitan National High

Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Sampling Technique

According to Dovetail website (2023),

In order to choose a certain set of
people or units for study, research
projects employ purposive sampling.

Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Research Instrument

The interview will utilize as the main

data-gathering instrument. The
researchers utilized a structured
questionnaire that must be answered in
an open-ended form.
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Research Instrument

The questionnaire is made by

the researcher.

Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Research Instrument

Section 1:Participant’s Information

Name (optional):
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Research Instrument
Section 2: English Movie
How often do you watch English movies?
□ Daily
□ Monthly
□ Occasionally
□ Never
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Research Instrument
What platform are you using when you watch English
□ Facebook
□ Websites
□ Television
□ Cinema
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Research Instrument
Section 3: English Speaking Fluency
What is the level of your English speaking fluency?
□ Beginning
□ Emerging
□ Developing
□ Proficient
□ Exemplary
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Research Instrument
Have you noticed any improvements in your English
speaking skills after watching English movies? Please

In what aspect does watching English movies has

influenced your speaking abilities?
□Vocabulary usage

Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Research Instrument
□ Pronunciation
□ Diction
□ Intonation
□ Enunciation

Do you feel more confident in expressing yourself in

English conversations after watching English movies?
Why or why not?
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Research Instrument
Section 4: Writing Skill
Have you observed any enhancements in your English
writing skills as a result of watching English movies?
Please explain.

Could you give examples of how watching English

movies has impacted your writing skills?
□ Sentence structure
□ Spelling
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Research Instrument
□ Word choice
□ Grammar
□ Punctuation mark
□ Capitalization

Do you believe that watching English movies has helped

you become more proficient in expressing your thoughts
in written English? Please elaborate.

Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Procedures of Gathering Data
• Seek the approval of the school
principal and teachers.

• Permission of the participants who are

willing to be interviewed.
Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Procedures of Gathering Data

• Organize and interpret the gathered data.

Title of Research: The Influence of Watching English Movies through the use of Subtitle toward Student’s English Spoken
and Written Fluency
Castillo, A. (2018b, May 22). What is English fluency. Retrieved from
Datulio, J. (2023b). Exploring the After effects of Watching English Movies without Subtitles: Perspective of Students. Retrieved from
Do, S. (2018b, May 23). Tips for Improving English Effortlessly through Movies. Medium. Retrieved from
Dovetail Editorial Team. (2023, February 5). What is purposive sampling? Technique, examples, and FAQs.
Engine, E. (2019b, July 27). How watching movies can improve your English. Retrieved from
fluency. (2024b). Retrieved from
Kloppers, M. (2023b, December 9). Negative Effects Of Movies On Children » Thoughts On Life And Love | Mental Health Therapy.
Retrieved from

Kubrak, T. A. (2020b). Impact of Films: Changes in Young People’s Attitudes after Watching a Movie. Behavioral Sciences, 10(5), 86.
Main, P. (2023b, April 28). Information Processing Theory. Retrieved from
Murphy, A. D., Manvell, R., Stephenson, R., Andrew, D., & Sklar, R. (2024, March 6). Film | Definition, Characteristics, History, & Facts.
Retrieved from
Nordquist, R. (2020b, January 29). English Language: history, definition, and examples. Retrieved from
Phenomenology (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). (2013b, December 16). Retrieved from,first%20person%20point
Raj, P. (2023b, August 9). The Impact of Cinema on Youngsters: A Closer look. Retrieved from

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