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Name :
Grade : VI Date : 06-03-2023 Day : Monday
Marks : 80 Subject : Science Duration : 3 hours

Section A

I. Multiple Choice Questions. [ 1 × 30 = 30 ]

1. The bones in the skull are joined by ____________.

a. Ball and socket joint b. Pivotal join c. Hinge joint d. Fixed joint

2. The process of filtration can be used to separate

a. salt and water b. sand and stones
c. sand and water d. iron pieces and sand

3. The ray which reflects back is called _________ ray.

a. Emergent b. Reflected c. Incident d. None of these

4. Which of the following is not an example of response to stimulus?

a. Watering mouth when we see delicious food items.
b. Closing of leaves of mimosa plant when touched.
c. Shutting our eyes when an object is suddenly thrown in our direction.
d. A chick hatching out of an egg.

5. A cylindrical magnet has how many poles?

a. One b. Two c. Five d. No poles

6. Animals of which of the following habitats ave slippery and streamlined body?
a.Water b. Desert c. Grassland d. Mountain

7. Choose the odd one out from below with respect to reproduction.
a. Eggs of hen b. Seeds of plants
c. Buds of potato d. Roots of mango tree

8. Which out of the following is the most suitable method to separate the grains from the flour?
a. Threshing b. Sieving c.Winnowing d. Filtration

9. Which of the following is a biotic component?

a. Orchid b. Water c. Soil d. Light

10. Which amongst the following methods would be most appropriate to separate grains from bundles of stalks?
a. Hand picking b. Winnowing c. Sieving d. Threshing
11. Which of the following methods will be most appropriate to prepare lassi from curd?
a. Filtration b. Decantation c. Churning d.Winnowing

12. Earthworms breathe through their

a. skin b. gills c. lungs d. stomata.

13. Which of the following cannot be called a habitat?

a. A desert with camels.
b. A pond with fishes.
c. A jungle with wild animals
d. Cultivated land with grazing cattle.

14. Which one of the following is the natural source of light?

a. Electric bulb b. Sun c.Tube light d. Moon

15. Which of the following is an example of opaque object?

a. Stone b. Mirror c. Butter paper d. Electric light bulb

16. Cockroaches have __________ pair of wings

a. two b. three c. four

17. Which of the following materials does not attract a magnet?

a. Some types of steel b. Nickel c. Iron d. Magnesium

18. Which of the following pairs of poles will attract each other?
a. North-North b. South-South c. North-South d. Both (a) and (b)

19. Out of the following choices pick the natural magnet.

a. Magnesium b. Iron c. Magnetite d. Hematite

20. Which of the following animals are found in mountain regions?

a. Frog b. Deer c. Camel d.Yak

Which of the following plants has thorny or spiny leaves and thick succulent stem?
a. Orchid b. Peepal tree c. Pine tree d. Cactus

Which of the following is not a characteristic of living beings?
a. Growth
b. Movement
c. Do not need food
d. Respiration

Animals of which of the following habitats have fur on their body?
a. Water b. Desert
24. Tea leaves from tea can be separated by the method of
a. Filtration b. Decantation c. Evaporation d. Condensation

25. Which of the following can never form a circular shadow?

a. A ball b. A flat disc c. A shoe box d. An ice cream cone

26. _________ is called the "universal solvent”.

a. Air b. soil c.water d. milk

27. How many ribs are present on each side of our rib cage?
a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 14

28. Which of the following organisms does not have both muscles and skeleton for movement?
a. dog b.snail c. earthworm d. human being

29. How many muscles work together to move a bone?

a. One b. Two c.Three d. Four

30. A __________ camera is a device to show that light travels in a straight line.
a. 3D b. 2D
c. Pinhole d. None of these

Section B

II. Very Short Answer Questions. [ 1 × 10 = 10]

31. Where are the poles of a magnet located?

32. Write two methods of separation of components from solid-liquid mixture.

33. What are luminous objects?

34. What is a cell?

35. Which joint allows only a back and forth movement?Give example

36. What is reflection?

37. What is a habitat?

38. What do you mean by the term “gait of animals”?

39. By which process salt is obtained from sea water?

Answer in short. [2 × 6 = 12 ]

State two properties of magnet.

What is meant by saturated solution?How can it be increased?

Write two difference between image and shadow.

Differentiate between biotic and abiotic components.

Write the characteristics of living things given below.
i. ii.

Identify the type of magnets given below.
i. ii.

IV. [2×4=8]
Give reasons.

Yak has thick coat of fur.

X-ray is used to confirm bone injuries.

Speed is important for survival in the grasslands for animals that live there.

Only certain amount of salt can be dissolved in a certain amount of water.

V. [ 4 × 3 = 12 ]
Answer in long.

What do you understand by transparent, translucent and opaque materials? Give one example of each.

Write four adaptations of aquatic plants.
How are cactus adapted to survive in deserts?

Distinguish between movement of bird and fish.

VI. [2×4=8]
Practical based questions.
Which of the following labels shows the correct function of a plant part? Justify your answer.

Varun was experimenting with a compass and a bar magnet. In the first case, he brought the South pole of
the magnet close to the compass needle. In the second case, he brought the North pole of the magnet close to
the compass needle.
What will be the effect on the needle of the compass in each case? Will it be the same? Give reasons.

While on a road trip, Mohit’s grandmother was tired and wanted to sleep for some time. However, the bright
sunlight entering from the back windows of the car was disturbing her. Mohit covered the glass of the car
window with his jacket and his grandmother was able to sleep comfortably.
a. What values are shown by Mohit?
b. What purpose did covering the window with his jacket serve?

***** All The Best *****

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