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By: Hannah Margareth A. Garcia

A. Pregnancy Related Concerns
Pregnancy is the term used to describe the
period in which a fetus develops inside a woman's
womb or uterus. Pregnancy begins with fertilization
when the sperm of a man and the ovum from a
woman unites form complete set of human genes.
From fertilization to eight (8) weeks it is called
From the start of nine (9) weeks until birth, it is called
a Fetus.
During pregnancy, the mother to be provides the
fetus in her uterus with nutrition from the food they
eat and other supplements given by the doctor and
oxygen through the umbilical cord that becomes the
baby‘s belly button. The umbilical cord is a tube that
connects you to your baby during pregnancy.
State of Being Pregnant
There are lot of changes happening to a mother
during pregnancy. The mother’s pregnancy is divided
into three specific time periods called trimesters.

These are the changes that occur every Trimester

1st Trimester ( Week 1-12)
• Fatigue
• Breast tenderness
• Increased urination
• Ache in lower abdomen
• Morning Sickness(
2nd Trimester ( Week 13-27)
• Breast enlargement
• Leg cramps
• Back Pain
• Pelvic ache and hip pain
• Stretch marks
• Hemorrhoids and constipation
• Heartburn
• nose bleeds
• Hand pain, numbness or weakness
3rd Trimester ( Week 13-27)
• Fatigue
• Back Pain
• Pelvic ache and hip pain
• Hemorrhoids and constipation
• Heartburn
• Difficulty in breathing
• Mild swelling of the feet and ankles
• Difficulty in sleeping and finding comfortable
• Frequent urination
Pregnancy Timeline

6Weeks Developing features

• Sixth of an inch long
• Heart begins to beat
• respiratory and digestive starts
to form
• facial features begin to develop
Pregnancy Timeline

16Weeks Developing features

• Movement can be feel
• About 4 inches long
• Facial expresssions such as
squinting and frowning is
Pregnancy Timeline

24 Weeks Developing features

• Weighs about 1 pound

• develop inner ears and
reacts to sound
• Eyelashes and eyebrows are
B. Maternal Health Concerns
a. Blighted Ovary - impaired ovary with formation of
b. ectopic pregnancy (Extra uterine pregnancy) - type of
pregnancy wherein the embryo is implanted outside the
uterus or fallopian tube. after a few weeks, the fallopian
tube burst requiring immmediate medical care.

c. Polycystic ovary - a variable disease caused by

different conditions such as obesity, infertility, and
ovarioan enlargement.
d. myoma - a non-cancerous tumor grow in the uterus
consisting of muscle tissue.
B. Maternal Health Concerns
2.During Pregnancy
a. Pre-eclampsia ( toxemia) - A sudden rise in blood
pressure, swelling of the body, severe headache, edema,
and visual disturbances that may result in eclampsia if
b. Gestational diabetes- abnormal high blood sugar levels
in the mother during her conception up to delivery. If
uncontrolled, may result to abnormalities or fetus deathand
mother’s medical problem.
c. Miscarriage - the expulsion of a fetus before it is viable,
especially between the third and seventh months of pregnancy due
to mother’s body abnormality or abnormal embryo.
d. Stillbirth - the delivery of a dead child after 20 weeks or more of
pregnancy caused by medical condition of a mother such as lack of
medical and personal care.
e. Breech birth - the baby is born outside down with the feet
coming out first that may cause the baby’s head to get caught by
the cervix. Most breech deliveries are done by caesarian.
B. Maternal Health Concerns
3. Post- Pregnancy
a. Post-partum disorder - after childbirth, a
mother develop or experience different emotions which
commonly include mood swings, crying spells, anxiety and
difficulty sleeping.
b. Sepsis( blood poisoning) - the bloodstream is invaded by
micoorganisms and bacteria along with their toxins from a local
seat of infections accompanied by chills, fever and extreme
physical weakness or exhaustion.
C. Importance of Maternal nutrition during Pregnancy

Maternal nutrition is important to observe

during pregnancy, since the health of the baby depends on what
the mother eats.
It is important that a mother eats healthy foods and take other
supplements such as vitamins prescribed by the doctor for every
phase of pregnancy where the baby develops the different part of
their body at a certain period. Regular check-up is very important
D. Importance of new born screening and APGAR

1. New Born Screening - (NBS) is a public health program

aimed to identify infants affected by metabolic or infectious
conditions. It detects and intervene disabilities of an infant. Tests
should be made to newly born up to 30 days old.
D. Importance of new born screening and APGAR

2. APGAR Scoring Test - This a test that checks a baby's heart

rate, muscle tone, and other signs to see if extra medical care or
emergency care is needed. Babies usually get the test twice: 1
minute after birth, and again 5 minutes after they're born.
Importance of Pre Natal care

Prenatal means before birth. A Prenatal care is important for

he health of a mother and a baby. It is where a mother should
have a regular check-up, eat healthy and nutritious food, and
avoid coffee, softdrinks, and alcohol that may results to serious
medical conditions to a baby. A pregnant women should also
avoid physical activities unless approved by a physician.
Importance of Post Natal care

Postnatal care is important as the prenatal care.

A mother and a baby needs a postnatal care. For a mother, regular
monitoring of vital signs, should be made after delivery, rest and
sleep is advised and should have a postnatal check-up with her
A baby should be breast feed after birth to get the most
nutritious milk from a mother and should be fed with other
nutritious food as he/she grows. They should be vaccinated to
prevent getting infected from a disease.
The importance of maternal health plays a
vital role in ensuring the health and well-being
of both the mother and the child. A healthy
pregnancy is essential for the healthy growth and
development of the fetus, and it can reduce or
prevents the risk of infant death and serious
medical conditions.

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