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By Hannah Margareth A. Garcia
Keeping yourself in Check
Recent psychological research has pointed out the
existence of six Basic facial expression convey distinct
universial emotions
The emotions conveyed are happiness, sadness, anger,
11 to Paul Ekman, These six
fear disgust and surprise. According
emotions are universal, they are the same for every
person, regardless of culture or race. In this world, everyone
makes the same face whenever they are happy, sad, angry,
scared, disgusted or surprised.
It is a feeling that comes over you when something
good happened and you cant help but smile.
Facial Indicators:
1.Crow’s feet wrinkles go outward from the corners
of the eyes
2.Cheeks are Raised
3.The corners of the lips are drawn back and up; the
teeth may or may not be exposed.
4.A wrinkle runs down from the nose to the outer
edge beyond the lip corners.
It is a feeling of strong disapproval aroused by
something unpleasant or offensive.
Facial Indicators:
1.The brow is lowered, lowering the upper eyelid.
2.Cheeks are raised.
3.The upper lip is raised.
4.The lower lip is raised and pushed up to the upper
lip or is lowered and slightly protruding.
An emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or
something you feel has deliberately done you wrong.
Facial Indicators:
1.The eyebrows are lowered and drawn together
2.Vertical lines appear between the eyebrows
3.The eyes have a hard stare and may have a bulging
4.Lips are in either of two basic positions; pressed
firmly together with the corners straight down or
open, tensed in a squarish shape as if shouting.
An emotional state characterized by feelings of
unhappiness and low mood
Facial Indicators:
1.The inner corners of the eyebrows are drawn
2.The upper eyelid corner is raised.
3.The corners of the lips are down or the lower
lip is trembling.
Strike with wonder or amazement especially
because it sunexpected
Facial Indicators:
1.Eyebrows are raised so that they are curved and high.
2.Horizontal wrinkles go across the forehead.
3.Eyelids are widely open; the upper eyelid is raised and
the lower eyelid is drawn down.
4.The jaw drops open so that the lips and teeth are parted,
but there is no tension or stretching of the mouth,
Unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or
something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
Facial Indicators:
1.Eyebrows are raised and drawn together in the middle
2.The mouth is slightly open and drawn back.
3.The eyes are open and drawn back.
4.The eyes are open and the inner corners go up.
5.There are wrinkles in the middle of the forehead.
Other emotions
Apart from the six universal emotions, there are other emotions such as
love, shame, or pity. But in such cases, there are no universal indicators
for these feelings. For example, you cannot distictly determine which
facial expressions indicate that one person is “in love”.
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