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We’ll start in a few minutes …
Quarter 2 – Module 3

Body Structures
of Animals for Adaptation and
After going through this module, you are expected to infer that body
structures help animals adapt and survive in their particular habitat.

Specifically, you are expected to:

 infer that animals have different body structures that make
them adapt to land and water
 infer that animals have different body structures in getting
or eating their food and how to protect themselves from their
enemies  identify the animals adapted to live and survive in a
particular habitat
Did you know that every
organism has a unique
“home” just like us?

Yes. It is a
lace where
we can res
t, eat and
move arou
Did you know that
our “HOME” is also
called as
A habitat is a place where plants
and animals live. This is where
the basic needs of the organism
for survival are met: food, water
and protection from enemies,
shelter from the weather. This is
also a place where they can raise
their young safely.
Habitat maybe
classified as
What’s the
TERRESTRIAL or difference
AQUATIC. between them?
Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitats

A terrestrial habitat refers to

desert, taiga, grassland, tundra
and rain forest, polar region.

Aquatic habitat can be further

classified as fresh water, marine
and coastal habitat.



Terrestrial Animals
Aquatic Animals
What body structure of animals
allow them to live in the particular
habitat? How they were able to adopt
the kind of environment they live?
What is a STRUCTURE?

A structure is anything made up

of parts held together.
Animals have many
structures that help them
survive. Some structures are
internal, like the lungs,
brain, or heart.
Other structures are external,
like skin, eyes, and claws.
Some structures are unique,
like the long neck of a
giraffe. Other structures are
more common, like a heart
Some animals have hair/fur
to keep them warm.
Some animals have Gills or
Lungs for breathing
Other animals use their body to
move like snakes, birds use their
wings to fly and horses have legs to
In getting their food animals like
Elephants uses their nose, crabs use
their claws and octopus uses their
Other Specialized Structures

PELICAN BIRD- long beak and large throat MOSQUITOES- have mouth parts used
for catching and eating their prey as sucking tube

Hoatzin Bird/Stink Bird – It has a stomach like a

COW HOOVES – use to help them walk even cow’s and ferments its food like a cow that’s why it
on hard rocks stinks like a fresh cow’s manure.
Penguins, seals and walruses are the animals that can survive
in the polar regions because of their thick skin known as
blubber. Tundra is a habitat found in the North and South
poles. This place has no trees because the soil always remains
Foxes, reindeers, wolves and owls are some other animals that
could live in a taiga. Taiga is one of the best places for the
animals that could stand the cold. Taiga is also called a boreal
forest because of the cone-bearing trees that grow in there.
Animals have different adaptations from
obtaining and eating food and survival, they
protect themselves in various ways, like using
camouflage technique or smelly odor or poison or
venom. Animals also change their behavior or
structure to attract a potential mate and ability to
change its body color.
Foul Odor - some animals release foul- smelling substances to irritate
or intimidate their predators.

Examples of these animals they are bombardier beetles and The

Philippine pangolin or Palawan pangolin (Manis culionensis), also
locally known as balintong, is a pangolin species endemic to the
Palawan province of the Philippines.

Palawan Pangolin or
Bombardier Beetle
Appearing Bigger and some of animals can make
themselves appear bigger to scare their predators
away and get their food.

Puffer Fish
Poison – Poisonous animals are those animals that can
cause death or illness when eaten touched Venomous
animals are those that deliver or inject venom into other

King Cobra
Camouflage – is the ability of animals to remain unnoticed by
other organism. Visual crypsis include mimicry and
camouflage. Mimicry happens when an organism copies or
mimics the properties of another organism. Camouflage uses
various materials, coloration or illumination to conceal an
Living in Groups- animals live in groups to lessen the risk of
being attacked by a predator. They would take turns in looking
for would be predators and issuing warning when one is
Pits – vipers, pythons and boas have holes on their faces
known as pits that help them detect warm bodies up to a meter
away Ex. Of pit – vipers Tropidolaemus which is was found
originally from Zamboanga but also present in some areas of
Leyte, Samar, Western and Southern Mindanao.
Do animals migrate?

Yes. Some of the reasons is to find

another source food, look for
warmer regions, or they could not
stand the cold temperature.
what will happen if
They will die or some
animals are removed
species will decrease
from their natural their population.
Do you have any

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