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Unit – 2

I/O Memory Interface

1. Programmable, Interrupt initiated,
DMA, Serial and Parallel Interfaces for
data transfer
2. Detailed study of 8251 USART chip
1. Introduction to data transfer techniques
2. Programmed Data Transfer
3. DMA Controlled Data Transfer
4. 8251 USART – A Serial I/O Processor
1. Introduction to Data Transfer
Data transfer may take place between two
devices. For e.g.
Microprocessor and memory
Microprocessor and I/O device
Memory and I/O device
Classification of data transfer techniques
Programmed data transfer
Direct Memory Access (DMA)
2. Programmed Data Transfer
Data is transferred from the I/O device to
the microprocessor or memory
Data is transferred under the control of the
program stored in the program memory of
the microprocessor based system
This technique of data transfer is normally
used if the size of data to be transferred is
Programmed data transfer techniques
Classified as
Parallel data transfer
Serial data transfer
Synchronous data transfer
Asynchronous data transfer
Interrupt Initiated data transfer
Parallel Data Transfer
All the bits are transferred at the same time
Used for data transfer between nearby
E.g microprocessor and program memory
Data transfer is very fast
Serial data transfer
Data is transferred one bit at a time
Suitable for data transfer over long
E.g. dial-up internet connections using modems
Data transfer is slow as compared to
parallel data transfer technique
Comparison of Parallel/ Serial
Parallel Serial
8 bits of data Only 1 bit of data is
tranferred at a time transferred at a time
9 lines required to 2 lines required to
connect two devices connect two devices
Advantageous over Advantageous over
small distances long distances
Synchronous data transfer
Used when the I/O device is always in the
ready state for data transfer
Microprocessor reads / writes to the I/O
device without checking if it is in a ready
For e.g. data transfer from 8085
microprocessor to a 7-segment display
Asynchronous Data Transfer
Microprocessor reads the status of a device
to check if it is ready for data transfer
This method is also known as polling
method of handling I/O devices
Handshake signals are used for
communication between microprocessor
and I/O devices
Used to connect slower peripherals with
Comparison of Asynchronous/ Synchronous
Data Transfer techniques
Asynchronous Synchronous
Used to transfer one Used to transfer a block of
character at a time characters at a time
Start and stop bits are used No start/ stop bits are used
with each character Speed is high
Speed is less Transmitter and receiver
Transmitter and receiver share a common clock
can use two separate clock
Interrupt Initiated Data Transfer
Microprocessor initiates the interrupt
mechanism and starts executing the main
I/O device informs the microprocessor that
it is ready by generating an interrupt signal
Microprocessor services the interrupt by
completing the data transfer
3. DMA Controlled Data Transfer
DMA stands for Direct Memory Access
used when large amount of data is to be
Microprocessor does not participate in this type of
data transfer
Data is transferred directly between an I/O device
and memory or vice-versa
Data transfer is controlled by an I/O device or a
DMA controller
DMA data transfer is fast as compared to
programmed data transfer

Memory DMA Controller

I/ I/ I/
rt rt rt
External External External
device device device
8085 signals used for DMA
DMA controlled data transfer uses two pins
HOLD (pin 39) and HLDA (pin 38) of 8085
An input signal to 8085 from a DMA controller
It is a request to 8085 to hand over the control of data
and address bus to a DMA controller
8085 responds to HOLD request by
Freeing up the buses for use by a DMA device
Sending out Hold acknowledge signal HLDA on pin 38
DMA Modes of Operation
DMA operates in these two modes
Slave Mode
Master Mode
Slave Mode
DMA behaves as a I/O peripheral requesting
the microprocessor for the control of the buses
Master Mode
DMA plays the role of a data transfer processor
to peripherals such as floppy disks
DMA Data Transfer Techniques
These are
Burst or Block transfer DMA
Cycle Steal or Single Byte transfer DMA
Transparent or Hidden DMA
Burst or Block Transfer
It is the fastest DMA mode
Two or more data bytes are transferred continuously
N number of DMA cycles are added into the
machine cycles of the microprocessor
DMA controller sends HOLD signal to 8085 and
waits for HLDA
After receiving HLDA signal, DMA controller gains
control of buses and executes DMA cycle to transfer
1 byte
Then it increments the memory address, decrements
the COUNT and transfers the next byte
Cycle Steal/ Single Byte Transfer DMA
Only 1 byte is transferred at a time
Slower than the burst DMA
Only 1 DMA cycle is added between 2 machine cycles
of the microprocessor
DMA controller sends HOLD signal to 8085 and waits
for HLDA
After receiving HLDA signal, DMA controller gains
control of buses and executes DMA cycle to transfer 1
After single byte transfer, it disables the HOLD signal
and goes into SLAVE mode again
Transparent or Hidden DMA
Microprocessor executes some states during which
it floats the address and data buses
During these states the microprocessor is isolated
from the system bus
Transparent or Hidden DMA uses these states to
transfer data between memory and I/O devices
This type of DMA transfer does not reduce the
speed of the microprocessor
This is the slowest type of DMA transfer
4. 8251 USART – A Serial I/O
8251 is a programmable USART chip
designed for Synchronous and
Asynchronous serial communication
USART stands for Universal Synchronous/
Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter
It is used to implement hardware-controlled
serial I/O in a microprocessor based system
How 8085 uses 8251 for serial
8085 initializes 8251 chip by sending some
command words to it
8085 sends a 8-bit data value to 8251 for serial
data transfer
8251 converts this parallel data into serial stream
and transmits on serial output line
Similarly, 8251 can receive data on serial input
line, converts it to parallel form and then transfers
it to 8085 microprocessor
Block Diagram of 8251
Features of 8251
Supports both synchronous and asynchronous
modes of operation
Synchronous baud rate – 0 to 64 K baud
Asynchronous baud rate – 0 to 19.2 K baud
Contains full duplex double buffered system
Provides error detection to detect parity and
framing errors
Compatible with INTEL microprocessors
28-pin DIP package, TTL compatible
Single +5V supply
Chapter – 15,16 of “Microprocessor Architecture,
Programming, and Applications with the 8085” by
Ramesh Gaonkar
Chapter – 10 of “Microprocessor and Assembly
Language Programming” by U.S. Shah
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