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Logistic Proposal

for PT BEI Internasional Marketing

Warehouse Solution
Key Assumption

Storage Profile FINISHED GOODS Storage Profile

• Pallet Type : Wooden Pallet • Pallet Type : Wooden Pallet
• Pallet Dimension :1m x 1.2m x 1.2m • Pallet Dimension :1m x 1.2m x 1.2m
• Storage : Racking • Storage : Racking Shelving
Product Profile
• Product : Procurement and distribution of “Product”
1m 1.2 m • Packaging : Carton Box – Inner Box
• Size : Small - Medium

Handling Profile
• Inbound Receive : Carton Box/ Case
• Outbound Handling : Carton Box/ Case

Volume Profile
• Storage : 1230 Case
• Handling In : 50Case
• Handling Out : 2840 Case

2 | Date, Location/Topic
2 | DSV SOL Indonesia
Layout Warehouse Halim
3 | DSV SOL Indonesia

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