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Gallantry Award winner

Aryan Dixit
10TH E
What is Gallantry Award ?
Our Honours and Awards. Param Vir
Chakra. PARAM VIR CHAKRA Design of
the Medal and Ribbon Instituted on 26 Jan
1950, to recognize the most conspicuous
bravery or some daring or pre-eminent act of
valour or self-sacrifice in the presence of the
Who is Subedar Ajit Singh MVC?

Subedar Ajit Singh was born on

April 8, 1933 in Sobhana village
in Jalandhar district of Punjab.
Son of Shri Ujagar Singh, Sub
Ajit Singh joined the Army at the
age of 19 years and was
enrolled in the Sikh Regiment
on 23 May 1952.
How Subedar Ajit Singh Maha Vir Chakra

During the Indo-Pak war 1965, Sub Ajit Singh’s

unit, 4 Sikh, was deployed in the Punjab sector.
The battalion was assigned the task of capturing
the Burki village in Pakistan. The troops decided
to take the frontal approach and the time was
fixed at 2000 hrs on 06 Sept 1965. When
assaulting companies commenced move from
their forward positions, enemy opened up with its
mortars, artillery and automatic weapons from
the village. The enemy fire was coming from the
entire front of the village and also from the
Ichhogil Canal Bank.

The Indian advance was, however, held up by a well -

sited enemy gun position. Subedar Ajit Singh was
assigned the task of destroying the gun emplacement
which was holding up the Indian attack. In complete
disregard of his safety, the Subedar Ajit Singh charged
the emplacement single-handedly. Though wounded in
the chest by a burst of medium machine gun, he
pressed home the attack and destroyed the post by
lobbing a grenade through a loophole in the

Sub Ajit Singh’s gallant act not only removed the

menace of the machine gun but also inspired his
comrades to destroy the enemy position. Subedar
Ajit Singh later succumbed to his injuries and was
martyred. Subedar Ajit Singh was awarded with the
nation’s second highest gallantry award “Maha Vir
Chakra” posthumously for displaying exceptional
courage and devotion to duty.
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