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Energy Density of

Electrostatic Fields

Electrostatic fields are essential in understanding the storage and distribution of

electrical energy. This presentation will explore the concept of energy density and its
importance in understanding the behavior of these fields.
Concept of Electric Field

1 Definition 2 Representation 3 Properties

An electric field is a vector Electric fields are often Electric fields can be created
field that describes the visualized using field lines, by stationary charges
electric force experienced by which indicate the direction (electrostatic) or by
a charged particle in its and strength of the field. changing magnetic fields
vicinity. (electromagnetic).
Relationship between Electric Field and Energy
Electric Field Energy Density Relationship

The electric field, E, describes the The energy density, u, represents The energy density is proportional
force experienced by a charged the amount of energy stored per to the square of the electric field
particle per unit charge. unit volume of the electrostatic strength, u = (ε₀/2)E².
Derivation of Energy Density Formula

Work Done 1
The work done in moving a charge q through
an electric field E is given by W = qE.
2 Energy Density
The energy density is the energy per unit
volume, u = dW/dV, where dV is the
Final Formula 3 infinitesimal volume element.
Substituting the expressions, we arrive at the
energy density formula: u = (ε₀/2)E².
Energy Density of a Parallel Plate Capacitor

Electric Field E = V/d, where V is the voltage and d is the plate


Energy Density u = (ε₀/2)E² = (ε₀/2)(V/d)²

Total Energy U = uV = (ε₀V²/2d)V = (ε₀V²A)/2d, where A is the

plate area
Energy Density of a Spherical Capacitor

Electric Field Energy Density Total Energy

E = Q/(4πε₀r²), where Q is the u = (ε₀/2)E² = (ε₀Q²)/(8πr⁴) U = (4πr³/3)u = (ε₀Q²)/(6r)
charge and r is the radius
Energy Density of a Cylindrical Capacitor

1 Electric Field 2 Energy Density 3 Total Energy

E = V/(r ln(b/a)), where V is u = (ε₀/2)E² = (ε₀V²)/(2r² U = (πLε₀V²)/(ln(b/a)),
the voltage, r is the radius, a ln²(b/a)) where L is the length of the
is the inner radius, and b is cylinder
the outer radius
Factors Affecting Energy Density

Electric Field Dielectric Material Geometry

The energy density is proportional The choice of dielectric material The shape and dimensions of the
to the square of the electric field affects the energy density through capacitor influence the energy
strength. the permittivity. density.
Applications of Energy Density

Energy Storage Particle Accelerators

Capacitors store energy in their electrostatic High-energy particle accelerators rely on
fields, and energy density is a key parameter intense electrostatic fields to accelerate
in their design. charged particles.

The energy density of electrostatic fields is crucial in the design of miniaturized electronic
Dhanashree Biria

Mis- 612205010

Topic - Energy Density in Electrostatic Fields

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