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Microorganisms :

Friend and Foe

These are so many tiny organisms around us which cannot be seen through naked eyes.
These are called Microorganisms.

They may be unicellular or multicellular or exist as cell clusters.

Microorganisms are divided into four major groups – Bacteria, Fungi, Algae and protozoa.

Virus are also considered as microorganisms but they grow and multiply only inside the
living cells of plants, animals and even bacteria.


Bacteria are unicellular organisms belonging to the prokaryotic group where

the organisms lack a few organelles and a true nucleus.

Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that include microorganisms such as yeasts, moulds
and mushrooms.
• These organisms are classified under kingdom fungi.
• The organisms found in Kingdom fungi contain a cell wall and are omnipresent.

Algae are autotrophic organisms. Their plant bodies are not differentiated into
root, stem and leaf, and thus known as thallus.
• These organisms are mostly aquatic habitat, i.e. of either freshwater or marine
water. Only a few algae can survive in wet soil.

• Protozoa are single celled organisms. They come in many different shapes and sizes ranging
from an Amoeba which can change its shape to Paramecium with its fixed shape and complex
• They live in a wide variety of moist habitats including fresh water, marine environments and the

• Viruses are obligate parasites. In addition to proteins, viruses also contain genetic
material, that could be either RNA or DNA. No virus contains both RNA and DNA.
• A virus is a nucleoprotein and the genetic material is infectious.

Where do Microorganisms Live?
• They live in all types of environment, ranging from ice cold climate to hot springs; and deserts to marshy lands.
• They are also found inside the bodies of animals including humans. Some microorganisms grow on other
organisms while others exist freely.
• Microorganisms play an important role in our lives.

Friendly Microorganisms
Friendly Microorganisms. Microorganisms are used for various purposes. They
are used in the preparation of curd, bread and cake.

Curd contains several micro- organisms. Of these, the bacterium, Lactobacillus

promotes the formation of curd.

Making of Curd and Bread

Commercial uses of Microorganisms

• They are used for the large scale production of alcohol and acetic acid (vinegar).
• The process of conversion of sugar into alcohol by action of yeast is called Fermentation.
• Fermentation was discovered by Louis Pasteur in 1857.
• A dilute solution of acetic acid is called vinegar. Bacteria can turn alcohol into acetic acid.

Louis Unskool
Medicinal uses of Microorganisms

Antibiotics Vaccine

Edward Jenner

Increasing in Soil Fertility Commensals Cleaning the

Harmful Microorganisms
Some of the microorganisms cause diseases in human beings, plants and animals. Such
diseases – causing microorganisms are called pathogens.

Some microorganisms spoil food, clothing and leather.


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