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Literature and Language

repared by
lalzal 8ln Pashlm
Muhamad 8ldwan 8ln Sulong
Muhamad Amlnullah 8ln CLhman
nor Muhamad Ashraf 8ln Musa
what is Literature
Dse words Lo lmaglnaLlvely record explaln
explore and shape Lhe experlences and feellngs
Lxamples SLory poem or play
Dse llLerary devlces
Lxamples rhyLhm rhyme and meLaphor
LlLerary wrlLlng may convey meanlng from wrlLer
Lo reader
Lxample sad dlsllke Lhe characLers
what reading literature
LlLeraLure ls not [ust a process of mean|ng
gett|ng buL of mean|ng mak|ng as we||
8eadlng llLeraLure ls more Lhan undersLandlng
Lhe plaln sense of Lhe LexL
SLudenLs creaLe an lmaglnary world wlLh Lhe
producL of Lwo lmaglnaLlons
8eader's and wrlLer's lmaglnaLlon
8y lnLroduclng llLeraLure Lo classroom Leacher
lnvlLes Lhe sLudenL Lo [olnLly creaLe wlLh Lhe wrlLer
an lmaglnary word
Comprehenslon ls a 'plaLform' sklll ln engaglng wlLh
Lhe llLerary LexL
8eader musL be aware of Lone and aLLlLuLe of Lhe
why use literature in the language
Jhy use
Language development
Je can brlng abouL language
developmenL ln sLudenLs by uslng
llLeraLure as a
l Model of language use
ll SLlmulus for languagebased acLlvlLles
lll ConLexL for languagebased acLlvlLles
Model of language use
LlLeraLure shows us how vocabulary grammar
and paLLerns of dlscourse may be use d
affecLlvely ln varlous form of wrlLlng Lo convey
a message
Lxample Lhe flguraLlve use of language encourages
sLudenLs Lo develop Lhe sklll of comparlson
Pow flguraLlve language sharpens boLh Lhe sLudenL's eye
and hls lmaglnaLlon sLlmulaLlng hlm Lo vlew Lhe world ln
creaLlve and lmaglnaLlve ways
oo ooqtylookloq bollos blq os o plom ooJ oboot tbe
some coloot
SLudenL also learn Lhe formal convenLlons of wrlLLen
Lhey are also exposed Lo Lhe shape a plece of wrlLlng
can Lake
hases llke #ooce opoo o tlme and #tbey oll llveJ
bopplly evet oftet glve sLudenLs sense of openlng
and closlng of pleces of narraLlve
SLorles and poems wlLh a sLrong repeLlLlon
sequence help sLudenLs Lo Lune lnLo sound
and words whlch are new Lo hlm and focus on
Lhe way words are grouped Lo form phrases
and senLences
Stimulus and Context for language-based
LlLeraLure can serve as boLh sLlmulus and
conLexL for language learnlng acLlvlLles ln
SLlmulus you can explolL sLudenL responses Lo
LexL Lo produce language
ConLexL sLudenLs can Lhrough Lasks devlsed
be lnvlLed Lo 'lnhablL' LexL by assumlng role of
Social/moral development
LlLeraLure brlngs Lhe sLudenLs lnLo conLacL wlLh
Lhe LhoughLs feellng and experlences of people
who exlsL ouLslde hls own surroundlngs
1ask uslng Lhe conLenL of llLeraLure can develop
ln sLudenLs an awareness of human lssues as
well as a sysLem of values relaLed Lo lL
Lxposure Lo llLeraLure can brlng lnLo Lhe
language classroom Lhe lesson LhaL llfe ls noL a
slmple process
Aesthetic development
1he Lerm 'aesLheLlc' encourages Lhlnklng
abouL Lhe arL lncludlng llLeraLure ln Lerms of
'beauLy' 'LasLe' 'lmaglnaLlon' and '[udgmenL'
1he aesLheLlc experlence ln llLeraLure lnvolve
Lhe pleasure we geL ln readlng novel hearlng
a poem or waLchlng a play
L Louches our lmaglnaLlon and emoLlons and
we respond Lo lL
1eacher can effecLlvely fosLer aesLheLlc
developmenL by lncludlng ln Lhe language
programme acLlvlLles such as performlng plays
and choral readlng
@e Genres
bott stotles folkLales myLhs legends and falryLale
-ovelslonger flcLlonal works conLalnlng a sLory llne
or ploL LhaL run Lhrough Lhe whole book
tomoplays wlLh sLage dlrecLlons
9oettywrlLlng characLerlzed by rhyLhms sLanza
plLhy language and sensory appeal conveyed by Lhe
use of varlous devlce
@e C|ass keader
LlLher a slmpllfled and/or abrldged verslon of a
llLerary LexL or a new sLory wrlLLen accordlng Lo
cerLaln language speclflcaLlons
ulfferenL level accordlng Lo Lhelr dlfference
level of language compeLence
ulfferenL by Lhe vocabulary sLrucLural llmlLs
lnformaLlon characLers Lechnlques
nLroduclng Lo Lhe llLeraLure
e|ect|ng L|terary @exts
8eadable comprehenslble and lnLeresLlng
1) 1he SLudenL
2) 1he LexL
3) 1he Leacher
@e tudents
a) SLudenLs background
b) SLage of developmenL
c) nLeresL
a) tudents background
1he envlronmenL of Lhe sLudenLs
1he exposure Lo Lhe medla
Dse famlllar Lhemes seLLlng and
envlronmenL flrsL
b) tage of deve|opment
1he developmenL of Lhe sLudenLs are lndlcaLe by
Lhe age of Lhe sLudenLs
Accordlng Lo Ldward 8osenhelm [r(1967) Lhe
crlLerla LhaL we should have Lo choose an
approprlaLe LexL are
1he book can play lnLo Lhe chlld's lmaglnaLlon
nvlLe Lhe exerclse of compasslon and humor
LxplolL Lhe capaclLy of belng curlous
1he language challenge Lhe chlld's awareness of
rhyLhms and sLrucLures
1he characLers and evenLs can call or sLrengLhen
Lhe undersLandlng of human moLlve and
c) nterest
Ask Lhe sLudenLs abouL Lhelr readlng lnLeresL
1he lnLeresL may dlfferenL accordlng Lo Lhe
age and beLween male and female
8elaLe Lhelr hobbles wlLh Lhe readlng LexLs
@e @ext
1) Content
Lhe conLenL musL be lnLeresLlng
SLoryllne Lhe play characLers seLLlng and more
) Language
MusL be accesslble
llguraLlve he Lurn green"
SenLence paLLern
Language complexlLy
1he Leacher have Lo ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo declde
Lhe LexL ls approprlaLe or noL
1) Jlll Lhe sLudenLs be able Lo read Lhe LexL
comforLably on Lhelr own?
2) Jlll Lhey be able Lo read lL wlLh some help
from Lhe Leacher?
3) Jlll Lhe language of Lhe LexL make Lhe
readlng a frusLraLlng experlence?
) @ext presentat|on
hyslcal feaLure of Lhe LexL
1he lengLh of Lhe work
1he LexL ls accompany wlLh Lhe lllusLraLlons
Cood lllusLraLlon
aLLracL Lhe sLudenLs lnLeresL
faclllLaLe beLLer comprehenslon
provldlng deLalls
deflnlng seLLlng
@e @eacer
llnal success of llLeraLure ln Lhe language are
depend on Lhe Leacher
1he Leacher also have Lo llke Lhe LexL
1he communlcaLlon wlLh Lhe sLudenLs
1one volce faclal expresslon and Lhe
commenLs Lo Lhe sLudenLs
Share Lhe response wlLh Lhe sLudenLs
L|terature8ased teac|ng
1eachlng four skllls of language and Lhe mlcro
skllls of grammar and vocabulary
Make acLlvlLy llke a play uslng arLlcles poems
and sLorles
CLher maLerlals llke from Lhe adverLlsemenLs
posLers encyclopedlas or brochures
tag|ng Cf Act|v|t|es
1) repar|ng for te text prereadlng sLage
before Lhe encounLer wlLh Lhe LexL
) Work|ng w|t te text Lhe whlle readlng
sLage where acLlvlLles focus on Lhe language
and conLenL of LexL
) Work|ng out from te text Lhe posL readlng
sLage where Lhe LexL ls used as a sprlngboard
for exLenslon acLlvlLles
repar|ng for te text
uraw Lhe sLudenLs lnLo Lhe LexL
AcLlvaLe any personal knowledge relaLe Lo Lhe
8elaLe Lhe LexL Lo Lhelr personal llfe
CreaLe lnLeresL or curloslLy ln whaL ls Lo come
lnLroduce key feaLure of Lhe LexL whlch wlll
faclllLaLe comprehenslon(mood seLLlng
Lheme or characLers)
1) Ds|ng v|sua|
Cover deslgn of Lhe book
CarLoon plcLures
1o glve Lhe flrsL vlew abouL Lhe LexL
) Lxp|o|t|ng te teme
CeL sLudenLs Lo develop Lhelr own sLorles
based on Lhe Lheme of Lhe LexL
1heme from Lhe newspaper reporL for a
slmllar lncldenL
AcLlvaLe Lhe sLudenLs' relevanL background
knowledge and vocabulary
) Ds|ng te |anguage of te text
Iery useful for prereadlng sLage
8ased on Lhe LlLle of Lhe LexL
lor example Lhe mysLery dragon"
can ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo reconsLrucL Lhe ploL
of Lhe sLory
Dslng key words from Lhe LexL and ask Lhe
sLudenLs Lo consLrucL Lhelr verslon of a
plauslble sLory llne lor example
A glrlplcnlclosL[unglealonesearchrlver
LourlsL guldesavefamlly
) Ds|ng drama and ro|ep|ay
nlLlal prereadlng acLlvlLy
Ask Lhe sLudenL Lo acL ouL uslng dlfferenL
ulfferenL acL llke pulllng pushlng eLc
Clve Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe LexL and ask Lhem
Lo lmaglne whaL wlll follow and acL ouL Lhe
sequence of Lhe evenLs
2 Jorklng wlLh LexL
SLudenLs may read Lhe LexL elLher
sllenLly or aloud or llsLen Lo lL
belng read or Lold Lhem
1eachers help sLudenLs susLaln
Lhelr readlng and explore Lhe LexL
wlLh some acLlvlLles
recognlze lnformaLlon provlded ln Lhe llLerary
LexL ( eg who wha1 where when how)
go beyond Lhe lnformaLlon Lhlnk abouL maln
ldeas and supporLlng deLalls make
comparlson see cause and effecL
respond emoLlonally Lo Lhe characLers ploL
Lheme well
relaLe Lhe conLenL wlLh personal experlence
8eformulaLe and presenL Lhe lnformaLlon ln
varleLy of forms
ur|ng act|v|t|es teacers ave to
ensure students w||| be ab|e to
3 LncounLer wlLh LexL
a) 8eadlng aloud
Makes Lhe encounLer a shared
?oung learners need Lo hear Lhe sounds
of words rhyLhm sLresses and pause
rlslng and falllng Lones
SLudenLs develops Lhe ablllLy Lo hear
Lhem ln hls mlnd's ear
SLudenLs have Lo heard llLeraLure read
aloud well before dolng so Lhemselves
8eadlng aloud
Iolume lLch
1ypes of readlng aloud acLlvlLles
- JrlLLen wlLh an
emphasls on rhyLhm
and rhym 1here ls
sLrong rhyLhmlc
underplnnlng (whlch
can be Lapped or
clapped ouL as sLudenLs
- JrlLLen wlLh an
emphasls on rhyLhm
and rhym 1here ls
sLrong rhyLhmlc
underplnnlng (whlch
can be Lapped or
clapped ouL as sLudenLs
- nvolves sLudenLs
readlng ln chorus
formlng a klnd of
'speech cholr'
SLudenLs can be
grouped accordlng Lo
Lhelr speaklng volce
low medlum or hlgh
- nvolves sLudenLs
readlng ln chorus
formlng a klnd of
'speech cholr'
SLudenLs can be
grouped accordlng Lo
Lhelr speaklng volce
low medlum or hlgh
- 1he LexL ls read aloud
dramaLlcally Lo convey
Lhe meanlng of Lhe llnes
- 1he LexL ls read aloud
dramaLlcally Lo convey
Lhe meanlng of Lhe llnes
- A sLudenL reads a
segmenL of Lhe LexL
followed anoLher
readlng Lhe nexLunLlll
- A sLudenL reads a
segmenL of Lhe LexL
followed anoLher
readlng Lhe nexLunLlll
2 SllenL readlng
An lndlvldual acLlvlLy whlch allows
sLudenLs Lo proceed aL hls own pace
SLudenLs ls free Lo make hls own
meanlngas hls experlences and
knowledge of Lhe world
Lspeclally useful when uslng longer
JhaL sllenL readlng lnvolves?
8ecognlzlng sLrucLures words
redlcLlng ouLcomes guesslng word
meanlng uslng conLexLual clues
Applylng a readlng sLraLegy Lo Lhe LexL
shorL sLory or poem
Maklng connecLlons wlLhln Lhe LexL
3 SLory Lelllng
LlsLenlng Lo sLorles ls an en[oyable
way of learnlng Lhe language
LffecLlve as sLory Leller and audlence
are ln dlrecL conLacL
LlemenL of volce faclal expresslon
and gesLure may be effecLlvely used
Pow Lo choose a good sLory??
Jhen chooslng sLorles look for
a clear slmple sLory llne
a sLory repeLlLlon sequence eg Jho's
a sLory you wlll en[oy Lelllng
lannlng for effecLlve sLory Lelllng
As story te||er s|t
c|ose to te
know te story
Dse vo|ce |n
|nterest|ng manner
Dse fac|a|
espec|a||y eyes
Look at aud|ence
so tat tey fee|
warm|y |nc|uded |n
te story
1 kLC@CN AC@I@
SLory or poem
1eacher posslble Lo pause aL varlous polnL and ask
Lhe sLudenL whaL are Lhey predlcLs nexL based on
Lhelr of whaL has happened
Lxample JhaL wlll happen when Lhe Llger sLrlkes
Lhe SulLan's 'gong' whlch Lhe mousedeer clalms Lo
be guardlng
1hls can be done orally Lhrough dlscusslon or
sLudenLs could wrlLe down Lhelr predlcLlons
2 @CkMA AC@I@
Many sLory have Lhe moLlf of a [ourney ln Lhem
1he [ourneys can be represenLed dlagrammaLlcally Lhrough
a sLory map
Lxample 1he Leacher could geL Lhe sLudenLs Lo draw Lhe
map of llLLle 8ed 8ldlng Pood's [ourney sLarLlng from her
house movlng Lhrough Lhe woods (where she sLopped Lo
plck flower and Lalk Lo Lhe Jolf) and Lhen on Lo
CrandmoLher's house And eLcpage 271
1hese deLalls should be bullL lnLo sLory so LhaL Lhey can be
Lransferred Lo Lhe maps
ulagrammaLlc represenLaLlon of Lhe forLunes of Lhe hero
or herolne could also Lake Lhe form of graph where Lhe
faces lndlcaLe of Lhe evenLs are happy sad frlghLenlng or
leaves losL meeLs escape meeLs
home monsLers frlend
AcLlvlLles can focus on heroes herolnes
vlllalns and Lhelr acLlons and Lhelr
relaLlonshlps wlLh oLher peoples
Lxamples #guess wo am" acLlvlLy
1he Leacher may glves Lhe scene and Lhe
sLudenLs guess who ls Lhe characLer
Lxample felL off Lhe wall (who am ?)
AnoLher acLlvlLy ls CCCGkAM
1hls acLlvlLy show Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
lace Lhe maln characLer ln Lhe cenLer and Lhe
oLher relevanL characLers ouLslde
JrlLe Lhe naLure of Lhe relaLlonshlp ln Lhe
llnklng llnes
1here are numerous oLher acLlvlLles whlch
focus on characLer
SLudenLs should be encourage Lo supply
ad[ecLlves Lo descrlbe characLer skeLch Lhem
or produce mlsslng" or wanLed" posLer
Lxample JCLl (JAn1Lu)
lCnA (MSSnC)
L can be represenL ln a varleLy of ways by
sLudenLs ora||y or wr|tten form
SLudenLs can be encouraged Lo lnLerpreL and
express Lhelr personal responses Lo Lhe evenLs
and presenLs Lhem ln some followlng forms
Lxample 1 ulary enLrles assumlng Lhe roles
of characLer
2 Cral reLelllng
3 8oleplay
4 Summarles newspaper arLlcles form
(rlnce llnds MysLery Clrl's shoes)
W# %
Jorklng wlLh Lhe conLenL of a LexL requlres
worklng wlLh language
SLudenLs have Lo use language Lo express Lhelr
vlews orally or ln wrlLlng
Language ls seen as parL of communlcaLlon
1eacher can devlse acLlvlLles LhaL dellberaLely
focus aLLenLlon on Lhe language used ln Lhe
JC8knC J1P
W3 N
Jords ln a poem or an excerpL from a play or
sLory may be clusLered Lo show Lhe relaLlonshlp
beLween Lhem
Lxample grouplng words accordlng Lo wheLher
Lhey descrlbe a characLer or seLLlng or creaLe a
1hls wlll lllusLraLe how wrlLes use words Lo creaLe
cerLaln effecLs or convey a parLlcular messages
Lxample refer page 272
W3 N
1hls web wlll help Lo esLabllsh Lhe descrlpLlon
of a place
1eacher also can bulld a second web focuslng
on Lhe characLer
A way of geLLlng sLudenLs Lo Lhlnk abouL a
wrlLer's cholce of words
CmlLs words whlch could be syncraLlc (eg
berbs) semanLlc or poeLlc (eg rhymlrlng
words alllLeraLlons)
J8knC CD1 l8CM
A81 8C!LC1
#% 3#W@%N
1eacher can encourage Lhem Lo creaLe wall
dlsplays for Lhe Lngllsh corner by helplng
Lhem Lo prepare a mural key characLer and
Lxample lalry Lale museum
CeL sLudenLs Lo make ora| presentat|ons
where Lhey can Lalk abouL Lhe characLer ln Lhe
kete|| stor|es
1hey could do so by assumlng a characLer's
role eg 8ed 8ldlng Pood can be Lold from Lhe
llLLle glrl's Lhe wolf's Lhe grandmoLher's or Lhe
woodcuLLer's polnL of vlew
|a|ogues lnLervlew
SLudenLs can be encouraged Lo make Lhelr own
p|cture d|ct|onar|es based on words Lhey come
across ln Lhelr readlng of LexLs
Wr|te |etters from one characLer Lo anoLher
abouLs evenLs Lhay have read
AnoLher examples ls dlarles newspaper arLlcles
or reporLs
llnally older sLudenLs can be encouraged Lo wrlLe
a leLLer Lo Lhe auLhor Lelllng her/hlm whaL Lhe
feel abouL Lhe LexL

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