Technology For Teaching and Learning

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1.Which of the most critical consideration
when choosing an instructional material
A. Learning content
B. Learning outcomes
C. Lurability
D. aesthetic appeal
2. Mrs Flores would like to supplement learning
for her Personality Development class. Which of
the following she may utilize as a supplemental
A. articles from a magazine
B. LCD projector
C. Curriculum guide
D. slide presentation
3. Ms. Lea wishes to perform literary analysis on
the novel “To the Lighthouse.” Which of the
following is the most appropriate level of
experience for this?
A. Symbolic experiences
B. Iconic experiences
C. Enactive experiences
D. Experiential experiences
4. Which among these terms is the most
encompassing in the context of applying each
technology in the teaching-learning process
A. Information Technology
B. Instructional Technology
C. Educational Technology
D. Technology in education
5. As technology applied in education which is
the most limited in terms of the amount of
information that may be transmitted through its
A. chalkboard
B. graphs and charts
C. internet
D. moving film
6. Which statement supports the ultimate goals of
integrating the use of technology in education
A. Learning happens better outside the
B. Technological advancement is
C. Teachers are needed less in learning.
D. Technology must penetrate all aspects of
7. Lloyd cannot attend his class because of chickenpox and
cannot attend school for the meantime. The teachers decided
to provide him with a kit of activities similar to his classmates
so he won’t be left behind. This program is also known as

A. Alternative learning system

B. Distance Learning

C. Informal Education

D. Modular Lesson
8. The purpose of instructional materials
are the following EXCEPT.
A.Make abstract concept more concrete.
B. Concept are easily absorbed.
C. Effective instruction in effective cost.
D. Entertainment value.
9. Teacher Mel brought a white mouse in the class
during a discussion about mammals. The white mouse
is a device commonly known as realia. Teacher can
bring Realia only when it is______________

A. available
B. feasible
C. affordable
D. workable
10. Teacher John is using technology to enhance
the learning in this subject matter. He is

A. gamification
B. Collaboration
C. Technology-driven
D. integration
11. The following are the structural
materials as supplements to textbooks
A. computer software
B. tables, charts and maps
C. guide questions
D. mobile app
12. Teacher Gabriel showed only the important
portion rather than a whole video as a
motivation to his lesson in the class. What did
he achieve?
A. saving on electricity
B. avoiding unnecessary noise
C. better use of time
D. managing discipline
13. The following are the importance of
internet and world wide web in the teaching
and learning, EXCEPT:
A. Access to a large database of
B. Support open distance learning
C. Extended learning opportunities
D. can be used in search of lifetime partner
14. Arrange chronologically the following events of instruction
that developed by Robert Gagne:
I. Elicit performance
II. Provide feedback
III. Gain attention
IV. Inform learners of objectives
V. Stimulate recall of prior learning

A. I, III, II and V C. II, V, III, IV

and I
B. II, V, III, and I D. III, IV, V, I
15. Who among the following believes that
educational technology serves as learning tools that
help learners construct knowledge through hands-
on activities?
A. Progressivist
B. Constructivist
C. Traditionalist
D. Behaviorist
16. Blended learning is made possible
partly through actual classroom meetings
coupled with ___________ instruction.
A. print module
B. tape-recorder
C. online
D. private tutor
17. Among the five levels of technology integration,
what is achieved by Teacher Ruby who directs
students on conventional use of tool-based
software, e.g. Microsoft, as an entry point?
A. adaptation
B. infusion
C. adoption
D. transformation
18. What level of technology integration is achieved
by Teacher Fe who applies collaborative learning
and also enable students to use technology to
collaborate with peers and experts regardless of
time zone and physical distance, etc.
A. infusion
B. entry
C. transformation
D. adoption
19. MOOC’s or Massive Open Online Courses or
open since they are ______________.
A. free-for-all
B. in the internet
C. available during the opening of the
school year
D. open to ideas without limit
20. With the influx of technology in the 21st
century, how can students be best re-educated on
the ethical use of social media, such as Facebook
and mobile texting?
A. Integrate social media competences in the
B. Students monitoring of peers
C. Punishment for violators
D. Seminar on social media
21. Teacher mark is searching for an
appropriate mobile app that he can use in his
history class. What are the factors that may
help him in evaluating the app?
A. objectivity
B. accuracy
C. author
D. all of the above
22. What types of knowledge refers to the
methods of teaching, including identifying
objectives, developing learning activities, and
evaluating learning outcomes?
A. Technological knowledge
B. Content knowledge
C. Pedagogical knowledge
D. Technological pedagogical
23. What knowledge refers to teacher’s
solid understanding about a subject
A. Pedagogical knowledge
B. Subject knowledge
C. Content knowledge
D. Technological knowledge
24. Teacher Leric uses virtual reality box in
teaching solar system. What type of
experiment does Teacher Leric employ?
A. Enactive Experiences
B. Iconic Experiences
C. Symbolic Experiences
D. Abstract Experiences
25. In providing the students access to the internet, teacher
should observe the standards EXCEPT:
A. Teach students to test reliability and authenticity
of a website
B. Allow student to independently explore the world
wide web.
C. Require students to cite all the websites they use
to ensure that they give proper or proper
credit and avoid plagiarism
D. Inform students of their limitations in accessing
the internet
26. What educational technology is most
appropriate in showing the trend in
temperature change from month-to-
A. bar graph
B. flowchart
C. drawing
D. map
27. In ICT, what component advanced the application of
modern-day digital technology (PC’c phones, internet,
communication, etc.) that was superior to the analogue
technology in the late 1900’s (e.g. movies using
projectors, line telephone communications, beepers
A. electronic circuit
B. physical structure
C. editorial content
D. entertainment content
28. What is the appropriate response for
millennials who are more exposed to virtual
reality (digital toys and tools) instead of actual
A. No mobile phones in school
B. Limits use of Facebook and texting
C. PTA conference with parents
D. Align learning and context of reality
29. Face to face communication is
made possible via computer through
the use of ______________.
A. Email
B. Twitter
C. Skype
D. Google
30. Leric would like to create a brochure for
his entrepreneurship class. What
application software should be use?
A. spreadsheet
B. word processing
C. slide presentation
D. desktop publishing
31. Which is not a form of educational
A. projector used in displaying images
B. using of chalkboard in demonstrating
C. television used in tour entertainment
D. chart showing the different animal
32. What is not a proper behavior
A. citing of references
B. giving personal information
C. avoiding visiting website
within operate content
D. not talking to strangers
33. Librado was assigned to create a letter
of invitation for the parents for PTA
conference. What application software
should he use?
A. spreadsheet
B. word processing
C. slide presentation
D. desktop publishing
34. This corresponds to eliciting
students’ interest in learning:
A. self-sufficiency
C. significance
D. usefulness
35. Mr. Santos is an instructional designer whose
project is to develop an app for Philippine history.
He sees to it that the content and assessment are
aligned with objectives. What consideration is
referring to?
A. currency
B. authority
C. objectivity
D. accuracy
36. Which is not true about using technology in the
A. Using computers in school is costly.
B. Schools that integrate online learning must
confer with parents about this
C. Integrating computer used in class is always
D. Lack of a proper computer laboratory does
not mean for student performance.
37. People who were born in the time, when
digital technologies were commonplace are
A. Digital natives
B. Digital migrants
C. Digital experts
D. Digital dinosaurs
38. Support instructional materials
aim to advance this improvement in
the classroom.
A. enhancement of learning
B. teaching new content
C. replacing the teacher
D. speeding up learning
39. Before technological advancements and student
diversity were widely seen and accepted in
classrooms, what classroom management paradigm
was dominant and prevailing?
A. Learners provide learning input.
B. Interaction flow was one-way.
C. Shared learning is a must.
D. Self-discipline is integrated.
40. What technology integration is achieved by
Teacher Gina who directs students
conventional use of tool-based software e.g.
Microsoft as entry point?
A. adaptation
B. infusion
C. adoption
D. transformation
41. Selena would like to select all the text
on her document. What shortcut key
should be should use?
42. Internet consists of thousands of network
computers around the globe. Which of the
following terms that does not refer to internet?
A. net
B. online
C. cyberspace
D. information superhighway
43. Which among of these terms is the most
encompassing in the context of applying
technology in the teaching-learning process?
A. Information Technology
B. Instructional Technology
C. Educational Technology
D. Technology in Education
44. Teacher Maricar is searching for an
appropriate mobile app that she can use in
her anatomy class. What is the factor that
may help her in evaluating the app.
A. Content Knowledge
B. Technological Content
Knowledge C. Technological
Pedagogical Knowledge
45. ICT in acronym which means:
A. Information and Collaborative
B. Information and Communication
C. Integration and Collaboration of
D. Intelligent and Cooperative
46. Republic Act 10844 is also known as _____.
A. Enhanced Basic Education
Curriculum Act of 2013
B. Department of Information
Communication Technology Act of 2015
C. ICT Act of 2012
D. K to 12 Act of 2011
47. This is the goal-setting stage in the
ADDIE instructional model.
A. Design
B. Development
C. Analysis
D. Evaluation
48. Rule of Six is followed by Teacher Melinda whenever
she is creating her Powerpoint presentation. Most likel,
she will:
A. Limit her presentation six slides with six
sentences on each slide.
B. Identify six important points to discuss and
use about six minutes to explain each point.
C. Have six lines on each slide and each line
must not have more than six words.
D. Include six paragraphs presented in six slides
49. If intended structural material is not
available, what materials can be used?
A. realia
B. maps
C. improvised
D. supplementary
50. Mr. Amonelo would like to request audio-
visual aids from the multi-media center. Which
should not be included on his request?
A. television
B. videotapes
C. specimen
D. LCD projector

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