Calculator Project

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Calculator Project

-using HTML,CSS and JavaScript

The calculator project aimed to build a functional calculator interface using
HTML, style it with CSS for a visually appealing look, and implement the
logic using JavaScript for arithmetic operations.
Technologies Used
• HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

• CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

• JavaScript
Project Structure
How it works:

1 HTML Structure
• Implemented the calculator using the HTML <div> elements, creating
buttons for digits , operations and display screen

2 CSS Styling
• Styled the calculator layout using CSS to enhance the user interface
• Utilized flexbox/grid for arranging elements.
• Defined colors, sizes, and fonts to make the calculator visually
appealing and responsive

3 JavaScript Logic
• Implemented JavaScript functions to handle user inputs and perform
• Captured button clicks and performed corresponding actions(e.g.
addition , subtraction , multiplication , division).
• Evaluated expressions and displayed results on the screen.
Challenged Faced
•Evaluation Logic: Implementing the logic to evaluate mathematical
expressions accurately posed a challenge, especially handling complex
equations and order of operations.

•Responsive Design: Ensuring the calculator displayed correctly and

functioned well across various screen sizes and devices required careful
attention to responsive design.
Future Improvements
•Scientific Functionality: Adding scientific calculator features such as
trigonometric functions, exponential calculations, etc.

•Memory Functions: Implementing memory recall, storage, and

manipulation functionalities.

•Improved UI/UX: Enhancing the user interface with animations, themes,

or additional styling for better user experience.
The calculator project successfully demonstrated the integration of HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript to create a functional calculator. It provided valuable
insights into front-end development, challenges in logic implementation,
and opportunities for further enhancements.

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