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Intellectual Revolutions

That Defined Society

Meso-American, Asian, Middle East and African

At the end of the lesson, the student must be able to:

• Discuss how the ideas propose by the three known intellectuals

contributed to the spark of scientific revolution.

• Analyze how revolution is done in various part of the world such as

in Meso-America, Asia, Middle East and Africa.
What is Intellectual Revolution?

Intellectual Revolutions

can be defined as historical changes to the thoughts; beliefs and social

institutions due to new ideas and principles.
Cradles of
Information Early Science
Ideas of known
In human history, there were three intellectuals who significantly changed the
views about the world and humanity. They were Nicolaus Copernicus, Charles
Darwin, and Sigmund Freud

Nicolaus Copernicus Charles Darwin Sigmund Freud

In the 6th century, Ptolemy introduced the
geocentric model where it showed that the Earth
Ideas of Known
is the center of the universe which was thought to
be true by most of the people at that time. Intellectuals
Copernican Revolution (Nicolaus Copernicus)
Copernicus is an Astronomer who contradicts the • ·Brahe’s observation of the star Cassiopeia
geocentric model and proposed the heliocentric • ·Kepler stated that the planets move in elliptical orbits
Theory where planets revolve around the sun. The and the sun at the center
change from the belief of geocentric to • ·Galileo Galilei developed a telescope and observed
heliocentric happened through the contributions Venus
of other important persons such as: • ·Isaac Newton’s law of gravitation. The Copernican
revolution influences conceptual changes in cosmology,
religion, physics, and philosophy.
rwinian Revolution (Charles Darwin)
Ideas of Known
Darwin proposed the theory of evolution
Formulated his book “On the Origin
by natural selection where organisms
of Species” in 1859 that presented
change overtime as a result of changes in
evidence on
heritable physical or behavioral traits. The
how species evolved over time and
changes that allow an organism to better
“The Descent of Man (1871)” that
adapt to its environment can help it
introduced the idea of all organic life
survive and have more offspring
under the realm of revolutionary
There are two main points in his theory:

• All life on Earth is connected and

related to each other
• This diversity of life came about
because of the modifications in
populations that were driven by
natural selection

Natural Selection- Survival of the

Ideas of Known
eudian Revolution (Sigmund Freud)

Freud founded psychoanalysis. He described that the brain can be segmented into
compartments. He developed an observational method to study human's inner life mainly
focuses on human sexuality and evil nature of man. The Freudian revolution greatly affected or
gave rise to the Literature, Visual Arts and Music
Information Revolution
• refers to the change in the social, economic and political role of

The Information Revolution also known as Computer Age

started from the Sumerian pictographs, which is the earliest
writing system. Then comes the invention of Gutenberg’s
printing press 1455. There emerged the use of typewriter
and telegraph. Today, technologies are used widely which
became easier with the help of internet to communicate and
disseminate and store information.
The Four Cradles of Early Science

Development of Science in Meso-America

Development of Science in Asia

Development of Science in Middle East

Development of Science in Africa

Mesoamerican Civilizations
It is the term form Greek that means Middle
America that extends from central Mexico down • Mayan
through Central America, including the territory
which is now made up of the countries of • Inca
Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador,
it is therefore seen as partly in North America • Aztec
and encompassing a large part of Central
Civilizations and their Contributions
Mayan Civilization is one of the famous civilizations that lasted for approximately 2,000 years

1. Astronomy
They incorporated their advance understanding of astronomy into their temples and other religious
structures allowing them to use their temples for astronomical observations.

2. Celestial Bodies
Their advance knowledge of predicting eclipse and using astrological cycles in planting and

3. Calendar system
They are known for their two complicated calendar systems that they most especially in planning
activities and observing their religious rituals and cultural celebrations.
• Haab
The Haab cycle is 365 days, and approximates the solar year. The Haab is a nineteen month calendar. The Haab is
composed of 18 months made of 20 days, and one month, made of 5 days. This 5-day month is called "Wayeb."
Thus, 18 x 20 + 5 = 365 days.
• Tzolk'in
The Tzolkin, meaning “the distribution of the days,” is also called the Divine Calendar and the Sacred Round. It is a
260-day calendar with 20 periods of 13 days, and it is used to determine the time of religious and ceremonial events.
The days in each period are numbered from 1 to 13.


4. Hydraulic systems
They built hydraulics system with sophisticated waterways to supply water to different

5. Cocoa beans as their currency

• Believed to be the first people to produce rubber products 3,000 years before Goodyear
received its patent in 1844.
• They are also famous as one of the world’s first civilizations to use a writing system known as
the Mayan hieroglyphics.
Inca Civilization is also famous in Mesoamerica. The Incas made advanced scientific ideas
considering their limitations as an old civilization. The following were scientific ideas and tools
that they developed to help them in everyday life.

1. Roads paved with stones
2. Stone buildings that surmounted earthquakes and other disasters;
3. Irrigation System and technique for storing water for their crops to grow in all types of land;
4. Calendar with 12 months to mark their religious festivals and prepare them for planting season;
Inca Calendar
Aztec Civilization has also made substantial contributions to science and technology and to the
society as a whole.

1. Mandatory Education
The Aztec put value on education; that is why their children are mandated to get education regardless of their
social class, gender, or age. It is an early form of universal or inclusive education.

2. Chocolates
The Aztec valued the cacao beans highly and made it as part of their tribute to their Gods.
3. Antispasmodic medication
They used a type of antispasmodic medication that could prevent muscle spasms and relax muscles, which
could help during surgery.

4. Chinampa
It is a form as Aztec technology for agricultural farming in which the land was divided into rectangular areas
and surrounded by canals.

5. Aztec Calendar
This enabled them to plan their activities, rituals, and planting season

• The biggest continent in the world.

• Considered as the home of many ancient civilization.
• The host of many cultural, economic , scientific, anf
political activities of all ages.

In the field of science, technology, and mathematics, great civilizations have stood
out in India, China, and the Middle East civilizations. These civilizations were
incomparable in terms of their contributions to the development of knowledge
during their time.
India is a huge peninsula surrounded by vast bodies of water and fortified by huge mountains in its
northern boarders. They have creatively developed various ideas and technologies useful in their
everyday lives.

• Metal Works
They are known for manufacturing iron and in metallurgical works. Their iron steel is considered to be the
best and held with high regard in the whole of Roman Empire.

Ayurveda, a system of traditional medicine that originated in ancient India before 2500 BC, is still practiced
as a form of alternative medicine.
Susruta Samhita- describes different surgical and other medical procedures famous in Ancient India.

They developed theories on the configuration of the universe, the spherical self-supporting Earth, and the
year of 360 days with 12 equal parts of 30 days each.

Indus Valley Civilization- The people in this civilization tried to standardize measurement of length to a high
degree of accuracy and a designed ruler (Mohenjodaro Ruler)

Indian astronomer and mathematician Aryabhata (476-550), in his Aryabhatiya introduced a number of
trigonometric functions, tables and techniques, as well as algorithms of algebra.
China is one of the ancient civilizations with substantial contributions in many areas of life like
medicine, astronomy, science, mathematics, arts, philosophy, and music, among others. Chinese
civilizations have greatly influenced many of its neighbour countries like Korea, Japan, Philippines,
Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, and other countries that belong to the old Silk Road

1. Chinese are known for traditional medicines. They discovered various medical properties and uses of
different plants and animals to cure human illness. An example is the practice of acupuncture.

2. The Chinese Civilizations famous discoveries and inventions were compass, papermaking, gunpowder, and
printing tools that became known in the West only by the end of the Middle Ages.

3. They also invented tools like wheelbarrow and propeller and developed the design of different models of
4. Invented the first seismological detector

5. Developed a dry dock facility

6. Paper Making
World’s First Earthquake Detector
The widespread use of paper and printing were distinctive features of ancient Chinese culture. Paper
was traditionally invented in China, setting it apart from other ancient civilizations. The invention and
use of paper in China had a significant impact on the spread of knowledge and information in ancient

7. Chinese also made significant records on supernovas, lunar and solar eclipses, and comets, which were
carefully recorded and preserved to understand better the heavenly bodies and their effects to our world.
8. Chinese are also known in seismology. This made them more prepared in times of natural calamities

Chinese Inventions that Changed the World

Ancient Chinese inventions, such as papermaking, printing, and the compass, have had a profound
impact on global technological advancements. The Chinese invention of paper, in particular,
revolutionized information dissemination and communication around the world.

In conclusion, the contributions of Chinese science and inventions have played a crucial role in the
development of science and technology worldwide. From traditional Chinese medicine to
groundbreaking inventions, China has made lasting contributions to global scientific progress
throughout history.
Middle East

The term "Middle East" originated from the same European perspective that described Eastern Asia
as "the Far East." The Middle East denotes the transcontinental area between Western Asia and

• Dominantly occupied by Muslims.

• Greater value of science experiments.
Contributions of famous Muslim Scientists

1. Ibn al-Haytham is regarded as the Father of Optics, especially for his empirical proof of the
intromission theory of light.

2. Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi gave his name to concept the algorithm while the term algebra is
derived from al-jabr, the beginning of the title of one of his publications. What is nowknown as
theArabic Numeral Systemoriginally came fromIndia, but Muslim mathematicians did make several
refinements to the number system, such as the introduction of decimal point notation.

3. Jabir ibn Hayyan- considered to be the “Father of Chemistry”

4. Ibn Sina- pioneered the science of experimental medicine and was the first physician to conduct clinical
trials.His most notable works in medicine, the Book of Healing and The Canon of Medicine, were used as
standard medicinal texts in both the Muslim world and in Europe during the 17th century. Among hismany
contributions are the discovery of the contagious nature of infectious diseases and the introduction of clinical

Contributions in the Middle East:

The Arab applied the romans principles and improve the watermill known as noria.

• The Middle East is known for their machine designed for the improvement of irrigation, industrial work and for war. The
windmill and watermill are used for crushing sugarcanes, grinding grain, and pumping water.

• The book of Badic al-Zaman ibn al-Razaz al-Jazari described candle and water clocks, water vessels, fountains, automata, and
water raising devices.
• The book written by Taqi al-Din ibn Maruf al-Rashid al-Dimashqi explained steam power and a blueprint of a six-piston pump.
• The oldest civilization on this earth is considered to have originated in Africa.
• The African intellectual revolution is known as the first societal intellectual revolution.
• African enlargement as massively contributed to the early data used by humankind.

• Development of Geometry

2. Center of Alchemy
Egypt was known to be a center of alchemy, which is known as the medieval forerunner of chemistry.
3. Studied human anatomy and pharma logy
They tried to study human anatomy and pharmacology, and applied important components such as examination,
diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for the treatment of diseases.

4. Astronomy was also famous in the African region. For instance, documents show that Africans used three types
of calendars: lunar, solar, and stellar, or a combination of the three.

5. Metallurgy was also known in the African regions during the ancient times. They invented metal tools used in
their homes, in agriculture, and in building their magnificent architectures.

6. Mathematics was also known to be prominent in the life of early people in the African continent. The Lebombo
Bone from the mountains between Swaziland and South Africa, which may have been a tool for multiplication,
division, and simple mathematical calculation or a six- month lunar calendar, is considered to be the oldest known
mathematical artefact dated from 35,000 BCE.
The Lebombo bone, the
oldest known
mathematical artifact, is a
tally stick with 29 distinct
notches that were
deliberately cut into a
baboon's fibula. It was
discovered within the
Border Cave in the The Lebombo bone resembles the calendar sticks
Lebombo Mountains of still used by Bushmen in Namibia.

Sunga, J. M. (n.d.). Intellectual Revolutions that Defined Society. Studocu.

D. J. (2022, February 18). Intellectual-revolution-that-defined-society. Prezi.

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