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PETE 313-04:

Well Logging
Semester 221
Dr. Hasan J Khan

Explore, Learn, Solve. Together

DR. Hasan J Khan

2012 – BE Petroleum Engineering, NED UET

2016 – MS Petroleum Engineering, UT Austin
2019 – PhD Petroleum Engineering, UT Austin
2022 – Assistant Professor @ KFUPM

Office : 76-1253
Email :
Office phone number : 1934

Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Course description
Course number

Course title
Well Logging

Catalog description
Introduction to modern well logging techniques. Open-hole and cased-
hole logging. Concepts of logging program design.

Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Course description
Meeting location

Class time
UTR 12:00 pm to 12:50 pm

Office hours
U 10:00 am to 11:00 am
TR 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Course description
The Geological Interpretation of Well Logs by Malcom Rider (1996)
Theory, Measurement, and Interpretation of Well Logs by Zaki Bassiouni

• Presentation slides
• Handouts
• Reviews

Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Course description
Course objective
• Introduce the student to the theory and practices of well logging
• Understand the basic physics behind open-hole logging
• Develop skills to interpret standard measurements in "clean" formation
for lithology, porosity and fluid saturation and estimate porosity and
saturation in shaley sands
• Develop skills to calculate volumetric reserves (oil/gas/water) and to
diagnose production performance problems
• Improve communication skills through team solving problems (via lab
work and use of software packages) and presenting an engineering
Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Course outline
The course will cover the following areas:
• Logging environment • Nuclear logs
• Temperature logs • Borehole imaging
• Caliper logs • Log integration
• Resistivity logs • Clean and shaley formation
• SP logs evaluation
• GR logs • Hands on application using
• Acoustic logs

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Evaluation components Component %

Course grade Homework 10

Attendance 5
The final grade will be based on the
Quizzes 10
following distribution
Project 15
Midterm Exam 30
Homework Final Exam 30

Copied HW will take zero grade, late HW will take zero.

No late HWs! unless prior arrangement is made

Periodic quizzes, one midterm and one final exam
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Semester schedule
Week Date Course content Submission Techlog session
1 28 Aug Introduction and overview
2 4 Sep Well logging environment HW 1
3 11 Sep Fundamentals of log interpretation Session 1 (TH)
4 18 Sep Temperature and caliper logs HW 2 Session 2 (TH)
5 25 Sep Gamma ray logs Session 3 (TH)
6 2 Oct SP and resistivity logs HW 3 Session 4 (TH)
7 9 Oct Resistivity and induction logs Session 5 (TH)
8 16 Oct Porosity logs HW 4 Session 6 (TH)
9 23 Oct Techlog week Session 7 (T,TH)
10 30 Oct Porosity logs HW 5
11 6 Nov Permeability and well productivity
12 13 Nov Clean formation evaluation Midterm Exam
13 20 Nov Formation lithology and effective porosity HW 6
14 27 Nov Midterm break
15 4 Dec Shaly formation evaluation
16 11 Dec Project preparation Project
17 18 Dec Exam break
18 25 Dec Final examination Final Exam
Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Types of logs in rig operations
• Driller’s log – Record that describes each formation
encountered and lists the drilling time relative to
depth, usually in 1.5 to 3-m intervals.
• Mud logs - Detailed record (well log) of a borehole by
examining the cuttings of rock brought to the surface
by the circulating drilling fluid.
• Wireline logs
• Open hole
• Cased hole
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Wireline well logging
• Continuous permanent recording of a
geophysical parameter along a
borehole (open or cased hole)
• Also known as electrical logs or
wireline logs or borehole logging
• Measured value of the parameter is
plotted continuously against depth
• Example of geophysical parameters
include resistivity, acoustic impedance,
natural radioactivity, spontaneous
potential etc.
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How are well logs generated?
• Recorded after drilling finishes and the wellbore is empty
• Bottoms up to clean hole
• Well logging company brings their equipment which
• Truck mounted wireline unit
• Well log tools
• Top pulley
• Bottom pulley
• Well logging

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How are well logs generated?
• Combination of tools are loaded on the wireline
• Wireline is calibrated and sent to the bottom of the
• Logging/data collection is started on the upward direction
Why is data recording
performed in the
upward direction?

• Logging speed:
250 - 300 m/h
Which log is measured while
running in hole? Why?
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Wireline logging rig-up

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Logging truck and depth measurement
A – Principal winch
• Holds up to 9000 m of logging E
cable H D
• Pulling capacity of several tons A
B – Auxiliary winch C

• Containing thinner mono- G

conductor cable generally for

use when is wellhead pressure
C – Winch control panel
• Controls the winch movement

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Logging truck and depth measurement
D – Surface panel (recorders)
• Includes computers and video E
screens to control downhole tool H D
and process the gathered data A
E – Air conditioners C
• To cool the computers G

F – Driving cabin
G – Generators
• Generate power for running the
tools and logging truck

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Logging truck and depth measurement
H – Depth measurement system
• Magnetic marks are detected by E
the spooler H D
I – Logging cable C

• Main functionality includes G

• Running tool in-and-out of hole

• Electrical contact between
subsurface tool and surface
• Depth measurement

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Logging cable
• The outside consists of galvanized steel
while the electrical conductors are
insulated in the interior
• Multicable – 15/32” in diameter
• Monocable – 7/32” in diameter
• Can support 8 tons of tension on surface
• Must resist abrasion by rocks and corrosion
from mud and high temperature
• Low S/N ratio for the large transmission
• Signal frequencies of 200 kHz
• Seven copper conductors insulated with
propylene and rubber jacket
Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Logging tools
• Specialized electromechanical
instrument to measure the geophysical
• Vary in complexity from simple
electrode carrying mandrel to highly
sophisticated electronic circuits
• Enclosed in a sealed pressure-resistant
housing with high

Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Logging tools
• All tools contain at least a detector, receiver, or sensor
• Source or emitter is also present when measuring induced
• These parts are mounted in a sonde, which also contains hydraulic or
mechanical system to open/close arms
• Power supply to the emitter
• Power supply to the detector/receiver
• Noise filtration and amplification
• Transmission of the signal up the cable
• Power supply and control for the mechanical parts (e.g., opening of the
caliper arms)
• Several tools are usually run-in combination
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Challenges during well logging?
• Stuck tool
• Electrical failure
• Tough logging conditions
• Deploy tolls in highly deviated or horizontal wells
• Includes tractors, drill pipe conveyed wireline

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Open hole vs cased hole logging
Open hole Cased hole
• Petrophysical properties • Production engineering
• Porosity, permeability, saturation • Fluid movement and flow rates
• Geology • Well intervention or well integrity
• Formation tops • Cementing
• Geophysics
• Fracture orientation and
• Reservoir
distribution monitoring
• Estimate the
• Reservoir engineering amount of
• Volume of fluids fluid being

Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Why are well logs needed?
• Records of sophisticated geophysical measurements along the
• Provides a picture of the borehole and nearby condition
• Fills in the gap between ‘drill cuttings’ and ‘full cores’
• Used to estimate the well production capacity, well bore fluid
configuration and distribution, rock and fluid properties
• Logging is precise but needs adequate interpretation to make use of
the generated data
• One tool does not give enough diverse data to make conclusions
therefore multiple tools (geophysical parameter measurement) are
conducted in tandem
Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Uses of well logs
Geophysicist Geologist
• Are the formation tops where • What depth are the formation
you predicted? tops?
• Are the potential zones porous • Is the environment conducive for
as you have assumed from hydrocarbon accumulation?
seismic data? • Is there evidence of hydrocarbon
and is it in commercial quantity?
• What are the reserves?
• What type of hydrocarbons?
• How does the data relate to
known geological maps?
Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Uses of well logs
Drilling Engineer Reservoir Engineer
• Is the borehole uniform? Are • How thick is the pay zone?
there any severe dog legs or • What is the fluid properties and
washouts? distribution?
• What is the hole volume for • How homogeneous is the zone?
• What is the volume of
• What is a good location for hydrocarbons present?
packer setting?
• How much is economically
• Where to place whipstock? extractable?
• Where to place the casing seat? • How long will the well last?

Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Uses of well logs
Production Engineer Management
• Which zone should the well be • Is the well going to be
completed in? commercially viable?
• What is the expected production • What information does it give
rate? about the extent of the field?
• What fluids are expected? Will • What is the time-scale of return
there be any water production? on investment?
• How should the well be • Is it economically worthwhile
completed? completing this well and drilling
• Is the potential pay zone further in this area?
hydraulically isolated?
Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
What do we get from well logs?
The most important questions to be answered by well
site interpretation are:
• Does the formation contain hydrocarbons?
• What depth are they present at and what type of fluid
is present?
• What is quantity present?
• Are the hydrocarbons recoverable?

Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Types of open hole well logs

Log type Formation parameters

Mechanical measurements Caliper Hole diameter

Temperature Borehole temperature

Spontaneous potential Spontaneous electrical currents
Spontaneous measurement
Gamma ray Natural radioactivity
Borehole imaging (optical) Images of borehole wall

Resistivity Resistance to electrical current

Induction Conductivity of electrical current
Sonic Velocity of sound propagation
Induced measurements Density Reaction to gamma-ray bombardment
Neutron Reaction to neutron bombardment
Borehole imaging (electrical and Images of borehole wall using acoustic or electrical
acoustic) signals

Explore, Learn, Solve. Together


Well log


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Spectral GR
Gamma Ray

Borehole imaging




Mineral ID



Depositional Env


- Fracture ID

+ Overpressure ID


Source rock ID




Shale volume

Water salinity

HC saturation

Gas ID

Interval velocity



- Qualitative
+ Semi-quantitative
^ Strictly quantitative
Passive vs active logs
• Passive logs record the • Active logs have at a minimum
natural environment and an emitter and a receiver
typically have a receiver only combination; the emitter is
• Gamma ray – natural the source which generates
radioactive decay in the rocks the signal and the receiver
• SP – electrical potential of the ‘listens’ to it after it passes
rocks through the subsurface
• Temperature – borehole environment
temperature • Sonic
• Resistivity
• Neutron-density,
• Borehole imaging
Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Well log output

Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Log presentations
• A standard API (American Petroleum Institute) format exists
with a total width of 8.25” and
• 3 tracks of 2.5”
• Tracks 1 & 2 separated by 0.75” column where the depths are
• Track 1 is always linear with standard divisions of 0.25”
• Tracks 2 and 3 may have a 4-cycle logarithmic scale, a linear
scale of 20 standard divisions, or a hybrid of logarithmic scale
in track 2 and linear scale in track 3.

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API standard log formats

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Log header
Provides specific
information about the well
• Operating company
• Well information (field,
well , location etc.)
• Borehole information
• Datum
• Mud properties
• Types of log run
(equipment, unique IDs
• Remarks
• Units
Explore, Learn, Solve. Together
Log headers
• Log analysis is performed on computers and data is recorded
• The log heading should contain all the information that is necessary to
analyze the log traces. Because auxiliary documents are frequently
unavailable to other users of the log, all the critical information
concerning the log should be on the final log heading.
• It is now appended as header in the log files and includes:
• Background well information
• Borehole conditions
• Equipment data and logging parameters
• Specific information for nuclear logging probes
• Specific information for acoustic and electric logging probes
• Stored as a text file in ASCII format, abbreviated to LAS (log ASCII)
Explore, Learn, Solve. Together

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