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September 2022
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• Presentation outlines

1 Introduction
Discussed the history , how 5 Reports
How to Generate standard
its built and why DHIS2 is
Selected and customized report

2 DHIS2 Building Block 6 Data Analysis and presentation

Pivot , Chart Analysis and GIS
The What , the Where and Analysis will be covered
the when elements of DHIS

3 Data Entry
7 Dashboards
How to create dashboard ,
Share and push to
appropriate users

4 Data Import Export

How to import and export
8 Post training
data into and out off DHIS 2 expectations

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• Name

• Zone/woreda/Health facility

• Profession

• Service year and Experience related with DHIS2.36

• Expectation

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Training Objectives
At the end of the training Participants will be:
Familiarized with DHIS2.36 basics
Will know DHIS2 building blocks
Will be familiar with DHIS2 updated different features and functionalities
Will be familiar on data analysis and Visualization for decision support (DS)
Familiarized with new features on DHIS2.36

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Part I

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Overview of DHIS2
• DHIS2 is a tool for collection, validation, analysis, and

presentation of aggregate and individual statistical data.

• It is a platform and database independent open source tool.

– It is a generic tool that can be easily customized to fit to any field that

is dependent on data collected and analyzed for decision making.

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 Since 2007 ,strengthen the country health information
system, Extensive reform and re-design of the HMIS with
basic principles of standardization, simplification,
integration and institutionalization.

 From 2010 till 2017 the MoH Implemented eHMIS

 In 2017, as a National electronic system, DHIS2 V2.27 was

approved and introduced for use of HMIS in Ethiopia.

 In 2019 it was upgraded into version 2.30 and till now we are
using this version.

 Starting from July 2022 MOH approved and expected to use

the newly version (V2.36) for the revised HMIS

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The Basics: What is DHIS 2?
DHIS2 is a system of Validation Storing and Presentation
It has a flexible user interface and
It is generic tool that can provides easy access for planners,
be easily Validate each managers and monitoring and
evaluation specialists to design the
field to secure data ‘meta-data’ needed to collect
quality and minimize important data.

is an integrated system of It has a flexible user interface
tools that help operators and to design different analysis in
planners – collect, collate and tables , graphs and Maps
USE health data and information
for progressive action.

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What is DHIS2?

Capturing, analysis and Integrated warehouse for

dissemination of data essential data

Handles routine data, D H S 2 Self-service analysis tools

events and surveys
Open source, web-based
Communication software platform
(messaging and feedback) Global network initiative
with local nodes

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Data Dimensions in DHIS 2
• A data value or a data captured in DHIS 2 needs at least three dimensions that
answer three questions: the WHERE, the WHEN and the WHAT.
WHAT We are placing great text
in this text frames.
Lorem ipsum will be

replaced soon.

We are placing great text
in this text frames.
Lorem ipsum will be
replaced soon. WHEN

We are placing great text

in this text frames.
Lorem ipsum will be
replaced soon.

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Rationally for version upgrade
Why Version upgrade? For Version 2.36?

 Implementation of HSTP II and HMIS revision

 Improvement and fixes on past version bugs and challenges

 The advent of DHIS2 V2.36 (Analytical future, system setting,

 Fully compatible with the DHIS2 Android Capture App 2.4.

 Have wide performance improvements.

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DHIS2 new requirement

For 2.36

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Org. units
Updating the Org unit should be from MFR because it is a single source of
truth for health facilities and organizational units.

 Those suspended, operational, and closed health facilities of the operational status
should be imported into DHIS2 with the necessary object assignment.

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Org. units
Naming: - Name of the administrative units, without adding
health office names .{ Optional}
 Level:- 0rg units based on the reporting hierarchy that is currently
used in Dhis2.
 Group: - the grouping should be exhaustive and following MFR
Facility grouping.

New advantage:- Clinic subtype, settlement, facilitate data exchange &

triangulation and Private facilities open/close managements.

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Data Element & Indicator
The New Data element and Indicator names are prefixed with the
acronym/code of the thematic area/program and e.g. TB, HIV, EPI

If the data element is modified or changed, the Old one is prefixed
with a year of revision of the data elements.

e.g. 2017_Total Number of pregnant women that received ANC First visit by gestational week

For Indicators, the new and old data elements are summed up
and handled by a period of data collection.

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Data Set
 The data sets are re-organized based on thematic areas

 There are Custom & Section features in the data sets.

 The Data categorization should be aligned to indicator reference

guidelines and reporting period.

 There are 24 Data sets for services,5 for hospital & health center
quality and reform, and 1 for disease data sets.

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Validation Rules
 There are loose and mandatory validation rules for selected service data

 Field level validation confirms that the data entered has the correct data

 There will be age and sex-specific validation rules to improve the quality
of disease data capturing.

 Should be grouped by thematic areas

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Content Completeness

 For service data sets, in all numeric data elements Zero should
be stored

 In Disease data entry, if there are no diseases, entry of 0’s is not


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Content Completeness
Fill zero should be available for the selected data sets and
program area.

 There are selected data elements designated as


Content completeness should be computed in the


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Report Timeliness
Report Frequency of
Hierarchy Reporting level arrival date reporting Comment
20th of the month closing
HP HC 24th of the month Monthly & Annual

Including private health

Health facility WorHOs /Towns 20th of the month closing Monthly, Quarterly & facilities
26th of the month Annual

WorHOs ZHD / RHB 2nd of the Next month Monthly, Quarterly & Including private health
Annual facilities

Including private health

Monthly, Quarterly & facilities
ZHD RHB 5 of the next month

Including private health

Monthly, Quarterly & facilities
RHB FMOH 5 of the Next month

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DHIS 2 Sign in page
 To access the FMOH DHIS 2

application in the Production


 URL:

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As you click
on Apps …

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Part II

Data Entry
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Data entry tools

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Routine data entry
 The Routine Data Entry module is where aggregated data are manually entered in
the DHIS2 database. Data are entered for an organization unit, a period, and a set of
data elements (data set) different thematic areas.

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Routine data entry
• Data entry is done using datasets (Forms) for an intended organizational unit
and for a specified period.

• Examples of datasets for data entry:

• Health Center Monthly Service Delivery Form data entered at Health Centers every
• Health Center Quarterly Service Delivery Form data entered at Health Centers every
• Health Center Annual Service Delivery Form data entered at Health Centers every year.

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Disease registration app
• The previous NCoD list of
NCOD Disease - Extended ESV_ICD 11 code category

Cholera 1A00 - - - Cholera

disease are mapped with Typhoid Fever (due to Salmonella typhi) 1A09 - - - Infections due to other Salmonella

Typhoid Fever (With Other

ESV-ICD 11 diseases Complications)
Typhoid Fever

- - - Typhoid fever
- - - Typhoid fever

• Age and sex specific diseases Salmonella enteritis 1A09 - - - Infections due to other Salmonella

validation (Shaded for

specific age and specific - - Obstetrical tetanus >15 Female
diseases) - - Tetanus neonatorum <1 Male & Female

• Disease grouping - - Gas gangrene All Age Groups Male & Female

- - Diphtheria All Age Groups Male & Female

• Morbidity and mortality - - Legionellosis All Age Groups Male & Female

specific Indicators were - - Listeriosis All Age Groups Male & Female

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Disease registration app

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Demo Data Entry and Practice

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Data Entry Exercise 1

Please follow the following instruction for data entry exercise:

1. Select one health center/Hospital from your woreda.
2. Enter the monthly FAKE data for selected health facility
3. Monthly Service data: for the month Ginbot 2013, Sene 2013 and Ginbot 2014, Sene 2014
4. Register at least more than Ten diseases for your health facility .

Note: Though what you enter is fake data, please do it responsibly, and enter only meaningful

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Part III

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Brainstorm: Export/Import – What is it?
 What do you think is Metadata Export/Import?

 What do you think is Data Export/Import?

 What is the use of Metadata/Data Export/Import?

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Part IV

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Custom Data Set Report

Generates dataset reports for multiple periods/org units

Has options to filter by other dimensions (Org unit groups,
Category option group sets)
The disease registration dataset further generates Top lists,
filters by sex/age/disease)
Integrated completeness/timeliness

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Custom Dataset Report
• Generates dataset reports for
a number of periods/org
• Has options to filter by other
dimensions (Org unit
groups, Category option
group sets)
• The disease registration
dataset further generates Top
lists, filters by
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Category option group set
filter (for disease report)

Org unit
group set filter

Top lists (any number),

filters by sex, age, and

Multiple periods/org

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Report rate summary

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Let us Practice Reporting functionalities!

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Part V
Data Analysis & Visualization

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New DHIS2 Analytics Features

From 2.30 to 2.36

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New data visualizer app ( In 2.36)

• A completely new version of the

Data Visualizer app introduces a
more intuitive, user-friendly
experience for building charts in
DHIS2. You will find a new and
simpler selection process for
periods, organizational units, data,
and layout.

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Visualization type menu (In 2.36)
• A new menu is available for
selecting the type of
visualization, which offers nicer
icons and a description of the
visualization type, making it
easier to select an appropriate
way to explore your data.

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Pivot tables in the Data visualizer app (In 2.36)

• The Data visualizer app now supports pivot tables,

meaning the functionality of the pivot table app is

merged into the data visualizer app. A pivot table is

now just another visualization type within the data

visualizer app.

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Combination charts (In 2.36)
 You can now create a line and bar combination chart. For

example this is useful for showing a cumulative case

count as bars and an infection rate as a line over time on

the same chart.

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Year-over-year chart(In 2.36)
• A new chart type is available: year over year. With year

over year charts you can make a line or bar chart where

both categories and series represent a time dimension. A

typical chart will display the last years as series and the

last 12 months (within those years respectively) as


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Practical Exercises for data visualizer app

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Combination charts (Exercise-2)

• Data: Malaria cases tested, Malaria cases positive

• Period: last 12 month
• Org Unit: Harari region
• Layout
• Series  data (Malaria cases tested & positive)
• category dimension Period
• Report filter  org unit

• Convert Malaria cases tested to a bar chart and Malaria cases positive to a Line graph
• Save the chart as a file using initials - What, Where, When, and add Description.
• Download it as PDF

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Year over year(line) chart (Exercise-1)
• Data: Number of maternal deaths in a health facility.
• Period: 2013,2014, by Months per Year
• Org Unit: Harari region
• Layout
• series)  Period (category dimension) Period
• Report filter  Data (Data Element), org unit
• Save the chart as a favorite using initials - What, Where, When
• Download it as pdf

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Part VI

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Dashboards …
• DHIS2’s Dashboard is a place to post key analysis results.

• We can make the performance figures in the Dashboards dynamic. This can be
achieved by making the analyses periods relative.

• Dashboards can be used to share elements of DHIS2 with specific users/groups.

Example of things to share are: Pivot tables, Graphs and Maps.

• We can also share data elements/indicators to the public specific groups.

• From the Dashboard APP, we can manage (add, delete or edit ) Dashboards, update our
profiles, write feedback, exchange messages, write interpretation of analyses, and share
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Dashboard Filter (In 2.36)

• The dashboard app now provides filters

which apply to entire dashboards. You
can filter the dashboard content by most
available dimensions.

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Dashboard print (In 2.36)
• You can now easily print a
dashboard, either with a single
item per page or in the preset
dashboard layout. This enables
you to create a dashboard as a
standard printed report for
routine meetings or plannings.
You can also save a dashboard as
a PDF to be shared via email or

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Practical Exercises for Dashboard

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Part 1 - Creating Dashboards
• Review the previous save file that you have made in the charts and maps
exercises, and think about how you could group them together as dashboards
• Please follow the following instruction for the dashboards exercise:

1. Create two of the dashboards you have to include Single value charts, different types
of charts, and maps

2. Add the necessary favorites to the dashboard.. One can be a program-specific

dashboard and one should be a generic overview containing data from multiple
health programs.

3. Filter the dashboard content by Period dimensions for Ginbot -2014

Note: Use your initials at the beginning of the dashboard name

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Identify the implementation of HMIS recording and reporting based on revised HMIS
Support the service units to clean data from registers and tally sheets before the compilation of
the report.
 DHIS2 skill transfer for Health Center /Hospital experts.
The HITs/HMIS focal Persons should yield accurate/consistent, complete and timely data by
maximizing data quality techniques.
 Avail generated data and analyzed information for Performance Monitoring Team of the facility.
 Based on PMT finding prepare relevant action plan and close follow-up for its implementation.
 Create DHIS2 dashboard for the facility by using different data analyses apps in relative period.

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