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Hector’s Pathways


• I like this quote

because it gives me
motivation to
accomplish my goals
and to keep going.

• Hector Esquivel
• Born and raised in San Diego, CA
• Hiking, gym, playing guitar
• Main topics of my presentation:
-Your strengths, interests, and values
-Financial literacy/budget
Strengths, Interests and Values

• My results from my survey
-I like working private
-I’m creative
• I like working
independently and working
on my own time- this
would be a good fit with
software engineering.

• I will now use this time

to show you my e-
• Somethings I want to
showcase are:
-My Cover Letter
-My Personal Statement
Career Research

● Software Engineer
● I like working privately, but
also with people.
● Bachelor’s Degree
● Credentialing Program
● Avg. pay is $130,000
starting off in California

• San Diego City College

• I like the campus
• It’s very diverse
• They have a good transfer
program to SDSU
• I can get my GE credits
taken care of there
• It’s close to my house
Financial Literacy

• From creating a budget, I learned:

- How to set monthly goals
- know when to spend
- Be aware of how much you spend
• Credit Cards- I learned:
- The bank gives you money to spend
- They charge you interest for the money you use
- You have to pay it every month
• Loans- I learned:
- That you need good credit to get a big loan
- to also avoid debt.

• Overall, I am confident in
my life after high school.
• I want to be a software
engineer and from my
research from this course I
will create a plan to reach
my goal.

• Does anyone have any


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