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Self assessment test

Which of the following is a measure of central tendency?

a) Variance

b) Standard deviation

c) Median

d) Range
Which statistical test is used to compare the means of two independent

a) T-test


c) Chi-squared test

d) Regression analysis
The mode of the data set – 2,3,3, 3,4, 4,5,7,9,9, 10, 12, 20 is

a) 3
b) 4
c) 9
d) 10
In a one-way ANOVA, what is the purpose of comparing the
means of three or more groups?

a) To determine if there is a significant relationship between two

continuous variables.
b) To determine if there is a significant difference between the
means of the groups.
c) To test for the presence of multicollinearity in the data.
d) To assess the strength of association between variables.
When conducting a post hoc test following a significant ANOVA
result, what is the primary purpose?
a) To determine which specific group(s) differ significantly from
the others.

b) To calculate the effect size of the ANOVA.

c) To check for normality in the data.

d) To compute the correlation between variables.

Which one of the following equation correctly depicts relation of
standard deviation (σ), standard error of mean (SEM) and
population size (n)

a) SEM = σ / √n

b) SEM= σ / n

c) SEM= σ * n

d) SEM= n/σ
Normal data distribution is also known as-

a) Poisson distribution

b) Gaussian distribution

c) Bell distribution

d) Newtonian distribution
Pearson Correlation Coefficient ranges from-

a) 0 to infinity

b) -2 to +2

c) -1 to +1

d) 1 to 100
Which one of the following is a non parametric test-

a) Paired t- Test

b) Unpaired T- Test


d) Chi-square Test
Q 10
• If we have to assess the effect of gender and dose of a drug on the outcome
of disease treatment, then we will use which of the following tests-

a) One way ANOVA

b) Two way ANOVA

c) Chi-squared goodness-of-fit test

d) Spearman Rank Correlation test

Answer Key
• 1-c • 6-a

• 2-a • 7-b

• 3-a • 8-c
• 4-b • 9- d
• 5-a
• 10 -b

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