S04 - MGMT Staff S1 - Job Analysis and Description

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Job Analysis & Job


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The Roadmap
Job Analysis
1. Observation Method : in this method the job analyst observes the employees
work and records all the tasks that are performed and also those that are not
performed. This may seem to be an easy method of job analysis, but it is the
most difficult one. The main reason being that every person has a different way
of observing things, which might involve personal bias, likes and dislikes which
will not give the desired result.

2. Interview Method : in this method the manpower is interviewed. The employee

under this method comes up with different ideas towards their working style,
problem faced by them. It helps the organization in knowing exactly what the
employees are thinking about their jobs. This helps in minimizing errors as not
only on employee is interviewed, but everyone in the organization is

3. Questionnaire Method : this is another common method of Job Analysis, which

uses a questionnaire to be filled by the employees. Care should be taken while
framing questions for this, because this method also suffers from bias by the
superiors. It is always better if the staff is communicated in a better way to make
them understand that the data collected is for their own good. Here different
types of questionnaires are prepared for different grades which is also time
Job Description and Common Myths
Differentiating Factors In a Job
What Goes into A Job Description (JD)?
What Goes into a Job Description?
A. Job Purpose
What Goes into a Job Description?
B & C. Principal Accountabilities
What Goes into a Job Description?
D. Qualification and Competencies
What Goes into a Job Description?
D. Qualification and Competencies
What Goes into a Job Description?
E. Decision Making Authority
What Goes into a Job Description?
E. Decision Making Authority
What Goes into a Job Description?
F. Working Relationship
What Goes into a Job Description?
G. Major Challenges
What Goes into a Job Description?
H. Organizational Relationships
What Goes into a Job Description?
I. Endorsement/Sign-Off
What is RACI Matrix?

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