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Management & Organization

Period 1.1

Pramela Nair –

Doctoral candidate (Info. Sys. & Tech.)
MBA (Finance) & B. E. (Computer Science)
 Post-Discussion SLM Case
(Lecture 2)
 Overview Lecture 3
 Pre-Discussion case (Lecture 4)

Introduction Case Lecture 3

Translation Case
Saturday, 04/11/2017 SLM transports part of the customers today

A technical issue caused SLM to cancel their Flight PY 994 last Friday the 3 rd of
November. SLM-director Robbi Lachmising told Starnews that the part to be replaced,
had to come from the Netherlands. “ It is on it’s way to Suriname with a KLM-plane”.

He has been proactive and rented a plan from Hi Fly to fly the SLM passengers from
Amsterdam. Lachmising explains that part of today’s and Friday’s passengers will be
transported with the SLM plane.

“ Sunday’s SLM-flight is planned to take of according to its normal schedule” Lachmising

says. Part of the delayed passengers from Friday will board Sunday’s flight. After Sunday
all flights will be performed according to the regular schedule. The SLM-director points
out that the technical issues were outside the control of the airline.

SLM transports part of the
customers today

• Assignment: Advice SLM using the

communication matrix
Target Means of Senders Planning
Groups communication

Tip 1: Make a distinction between Internal & External Target Groups

Tip 2: Include the communication that is to be found in the case

Course Overview

Lecture Activities / Chapters

1 Overall Case
2 Ch.1
3 Ch.9 - Par. 9.1 / 9.5 / 9.6
4 Ch.2
5 Ch.3
Ch.6 - Par. 6.6
Ch.8 - Par. 8.1 / 8.2 (tm 8.2.5) / 8.3 (tm 8.3.4) / 8.4
6 Ch.3
Ch.6 - Par. 6.6
Ch.8 - Par. 8.1 / 8.2 (tm 8.2.5) / 8.3 (tm 8.3.4) / 8.4
7 Ch.6 - Par. 6.1 / 6.2
+ Repetition (previous weeks)

Literature – Course Book

Organisation & Management

An International Approach

Jos Marcus & Nick van Dam

Noordhoff Uitgevers
Third Edition (2015)
ISBN: 978-90-01-85022-7

Overview Lecture 3
Class Learning goals module Class objectives
After completing the course the
student will be able to:
3 - Describe various types of Chapter 9: Sections 9.1 / 9.5
organizations. -Cover various types of
- Describe and classify the organizations.
managerial positions (levels
and roles) and the Chapter 9: Section 9.6
communication structures in an -Cover communication and
organization. consultation structures in
(! Important for the Other Method
group assignment !)

Organising activities

• When organising activities a company should recognize the importance of:

– External factors (strategic management) &

– Internal factors (individual staff members, machines & other tools)

External Organising Internal

Factors Activities Factors

Question: Which factors had to be organised/ taken into account in the SLM case?
• Organising is situation-bound, in each set of circumstances, one must look for
solution that matches the situation.

Question: With which management of school of thought is this in line?

Contingency Approach - Lawrence/Lorsch (1965)

Organising activities

Structuring involves the creation of an organisational structure in which

people and resources are optimally utilized to reach the organisation’s

Organisational structure defines the tasks, competences, and responsibility

and sets out the pattern of relationships between positions.

Bron: Noordhoff Uitgeverij B.V. - 2005 10

Organising activities

Organisational Structure:
– organic structure: tasks are divided between various departments. Groups are
given certain functions.
– personnel structure is the human dimension of the organisation’s structure.

Attention needs to be paid to:

* Hierarchical relationships

* Authority

* Position identification

* Communication

Question: On which type of structure does Mintzerg focus with his different
configurations. Organic or personnel structure?

Bron: Noordhoff Uitgeverij B.V. - 2005 11

Mintzberg en organization structures (1)

Organizational configuration: linking up the organization's properties:

1)Organizational parts

2)Coordination mechanism

3)Design parameters

4)Contingency factors


Explain the 4 listed above

Bron: Noordhoff Uitgeverij B.V. - 2005 12

Mintzberg en organization structures (2)

Ad. 1 The Organisation Parts

- Core Production Staff,

- Strategic Apex,

- Intermediate or Middle Level,

- Technical Staff

- Supporting Staff

Bron: Noordhoff Uitgeverij B.V. - 2005 13

Mintzberg en organization structures (3)

Ad. 2 Coordination mechanisms: to effeciently and effectively carry out activities.

Six forms:
•Mutual adjustment,

•Direct supervision

•Standardisation of activities

•Standardisation of outputs

•Standardisation of skills

•Standardisation of norms

There’s a certain order in which the need for

Direct supervision grows with the complexity of

the activities to be performed.

Bron: Noordhoff Uitgeverij B.V. - 2005 14

Mintzberg en organization structures (4)

Ad. 3 Design Parameters determine the way tasks are divided in an


The main design variables are:

a)Specification of tasks: the number of tasks per function and the way that
responsibility and authority are assigned

b)size of departments or groups: the number of employees per unit or group

c)centralisation or decentralisation: degree to which decision-making authority

is assigned to staff lower down the hierarchy

d)formalisation of behaviour: the extent to which rules, procedures and job

descriptions standardize the duties

Bron: Noordhoff Uitgeverij B.V. - 2005 15

Mintzberg en organization structures (5)

Ad. 4 Contingency / situational factors influence the organisational parts, coordinating

mechanisms and design parameters. Important situational factors are:

1.The technical system of an organisation: the level of automation that is used by the
operational core
2.The environmental characteristics of the organisation (dynamic, complex)
– Dynamic environment requires an organic structure
– Complex environment demands decentralisation
3.The age and size of organisation: old and/or large organisations become more formal

The organisational properties mentioned (organisational parts, coordinationg

mechanisms, design parameters and contingency factors) must match each other in
such a way as to create coherence.  configuration approach.

Bron: Noordhoff Uitgeverij B.V. - 2005 16

9.6 Communication and consultation

What is communication?

9.6 Communication and
consultation structures

• The communication process : figure 9.37 p. 507

Sender Encode Message Decode Receiver


Feedback Reply

Bron: Noordhoff Uitgeverij B.V. - 2005 18

9.6 Communication and
consultation structures

• Types and examples of Integration Mechanisms (Tools that might contribute

to improvement of coordination and communication):
– Direct contact

– Liaison role

– Task forces

– Crosfunctional groups

– Integrations roles and departments

– Matrixstructures

– Figure 9.36 p.507

Bron: Noordhoff Uitgeveij B.V. - 2005 19

9.6 Communication and
consultation structures

• Designing a communication and consultation structure is

one of the necessary aspects of creating an
organisational structure.

• Coordination facilities allow:

– flows of information through the organization
– interaction and cooperation between people

• Communication is either personal or impersonal

Bron: Noordhoff Uitgeverij B.V. - 2005 20

9.6 Communication and
consultation structures

• Communication structures can be:

– horizontal: communication between divisions or individuals at the
same hierarchical level
– vertical: communication between divisions or individuals at
different hierarchical levels
– lateral: open communication, irrespective of level

Assignment Other Method Groups: When we look at the internal

communcation in your communication matrix for SLM, which
direction of communication do you recognize?

Bron: Noordhoff Uitgeverij B.V. - 2005 21

Pre-Discussion Case
(Preview week 4)
It became apparent from the news article that SLM is influenced by different stakeholders
while at the same time can influence them. It was for example KLM who transported the
replacement part of the defected airplane. Next to that SLM rented a plane from Hi Fly to
be able to transport parts of the delayed passengers from Amsterdam to Suriname. It was
necessary since passengers started expressing their dissatisfaction very strongly.

Looking at the future, Robbi Lachmising, SLM’s CEO, is thinking about what strategical
long term decisions to make. He recognizes the growing criticism and growing importance
of the public opinion regarding environmental unfriendly emissions of airplanes. As a
result of technical developments, Lachmising considers to buy expensive, though very
ecologically friendly airplanes. SLM strives to take it’s corporate social responsibility. Not
purely because of the public discussion but also because the Government might subsidies
companies who act environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Although convinced of the decision, Lachmising is questioning the timing of the

investment. His most profitable destination flights are Zanderij – Schiphol and Schiphol –
Zanderij. He acknowledges Suriname’s current recession and is afraid that the amount of
people that have the resources to buy a flight to for example Amsterdam is decreasing
day by day. Next to that he sees that the Dutch population is growing old and he has
never researched if there is a relationship between age and the willingness to fly.
Guidelines: How to Discuss
– 7 step Approach
Current Lecture (Pre-Discussion)
1.Explain any unclear terminology and concepts
2.Identify the problem or problems / main – key subjects
3.Analyse the problem, brainstorm
4.Generate a systematic list of the different explanations generated in step 3
5.Formulate learning issues

At home!
6. Seek additional information outside the group. Study the literature (learning plan)
and if needed additional sources to answer the learning goals.

Next week
7. Synthesize and test the new information. Presentations & Discussion
Learning Goals Case
1) What are the various stakeholders that are effected by, & effect

2) What are the various environmental factors that effect organizations?

Assignment: Study & prepare the learning goals. Apply your acquired
knowledge on SLM. In other words which stakeholders are effected
by or effect SLM & which environmental factors effect SLM. How?
Examples. Use chapter 2 in the book and other sources if necessary.
Different Other-Method Groups will be asked to present different
stakeholders and/or environmental factors in SLM’s Environment
Week 4
Class Learning goals module Class objectives Teaching methods & Assignments
After completing the course timetable /
the student will be able to: Selfstudy
4 - Identify the various Chapter 2 - Class discussions and Study:
environmental factors -Cover the various lecturer’s PowerPoint * Ch2.
and stakeholders that stakeholders that effects presentation: 75 min.
effects organizations. organizations. - Continuation discussion OM Prepare for
-Cover the various group assignment: 15 min. week 5:
environmental factors that * Ch3.
effects organizations. * Ch6 -
* Ch8 -
8.1 / 8.2 (to
8.2.5) / 8.3
8.3.4) / 8.4.


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