Palace of Westminster

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Palace of Westminster

Prepared by: Dmitry Bobkov , Nikita

The Palace of Westminster is the meeting place of the House of
Commons and the House of Lords, the two houses of the
Parliament of the United Kingdom. Commonly known as the
Houses of Parliament after its occupants, the Palace lies on the
north bank of the River Thames in the City of Westminster, in
central London.
This building arose in 1840 - 1860 years on the site
of the palace burned down in 1834. From the
medieval palace remained the Westminster
Reception Hall (1097), where the Westminster
Courts met, and the Tower of Treasures
The building contains about 1200 rooms, 100 stairs, and
5 kilometer of halls. The biggest and the oldest part of
the building is called Westminster-hall. it was built in
1097. This room has once served a place of the English
Supreme Court’s sessions. Westminster Palace has
several high towers.
The most famous of all is Big Ben. Everybody
knows that it’s the biggest clock in the world
and that it’s the symbol of Great Britain.
Another well-known tower is the Victoria
Tower. It’s a bit higher than Big Ben.
the house of Commons AND Lords Chamber Located in the
Northern part of the Palace of Westminster. Its design is much
more modest than the boardroom to the house of lords; here is
dominated by green color. Along the walls are benches for the
members of the house of Commons. In the Northern part of the
courtroom is the seat of the speaker, and before him the table of
the house . It is a richly decorated room. Here, as in other areas
of lords, dominated by red color.
In 1987 the Westminster Palace and the adjacent
Church of St. Margaret were included in the
UNESCO World Heritage List. By the way the
world-famous Westminster Abbey is situated
right behind the Westminster Palace.

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