Artificial Intellegence

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and its impact on the future.

Presented by MEHDI YAMINE

Artificial Intelligence

Human New future

Welcome, everyone, to a momentous juncture in

human history. The arrival of AI AI has already
brought about significant changes in our lives, from
self-driving cars to virtual assistants. But what is the
true impact of AI on human life? And what does the
future hold for us? Join me as we explore these
questions and more in this presentation.
1. What is the AI?
2. The Benefits of AI
3. The Concerns of AI
4. The Future of AI and
Human Life
It’s important to understand
5. Conclusion the utilities of artificial

New future
Let’s try new things like AI

01–What is AI?
AI refers to the development of computer systems and machines that
can perform tasks requiring human intelligence. It involves techniques
like machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision,
and robotics. AI systems learn from experience, adapt to new
information, and perform complex tasks with minimal human
involvement. They perceive their environment, make decisions, and take
actions to achieve goals. The ultimate aim of AI is to create intelligent
machines that can replicate or exceed human cognitive abilities in
problem-solving, decision-making, pattern recognition, and language
02– The benefits of AI

We are still Many industries have been transformed

human by artificial intelligence, including
healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.
AI-powered machines have proven to be
more efficient than humans in
performing repetitive tasks, leading to
increase productivity and cost savings.
Furthermore, AI has also catalyzed
significant advancements in healthcare,
from personalized treatment plans to
early disease detection.
03 – The concerns of AI
One of the main concerns people have
about AI is job loss. With machines
becoming more advanced and capable of
tasks once done by humans, there's a
fear that many jobs will become
obsolete. However, it's important to
remember that AI also has the potential
to create new jobs and industries that
we can't even imagine yet.
Another concern is privacy. As AI
becomes more integrated into our daily
lives, there is a risk that our personal
information could be compromised.
04- The Future of AI and
Human Life
The promise of AI for the future lies in the
advancement of machine learning and
economics through seamless technological
integration with human existence.
Nevertheless, issues such as prejudice, privacy,
and employment displacement must be
addressed. Human-centric design is necessary,
given that collaboration between humans and
AI can enhance healthcare, education, and
various industries. Future developments in
healthcare and climate change underscore the
importance of responsible development and
regulation to prevent existential threats and
ethical dilemmas related to artificial
intelligence. Involving society is essential for
securing a bright and just future.
Like a two-edged sword, artificial intelligence has benefits and

05– Conclusion
In conclusion, the future of AI is both exciting and uncertain. While
AI has already brought about significant benefits to human life,
such as increased efficiency and improved healthcare, it also raises
concerns about job loss, privacy issues, and potential misuse. As we
look ahead to the future of AI, it is important for us to consider our
role in shaping its development. We must ensure that AI is used
ethically and responsibly, and that its benefits are shared equitably
across society.

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