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Present Continuous

The dogs ______ to the movie theater.

(to go)
Eduarda’s new dog ______ TV.
(to watch)
The teacher’s cat _____ t.v. (to watch)

He ____ potato chips and popcorn. (to eat)

He ____ soda. ( to drink)

Paulinha ______ Monopoly.
(to play)
The little man _____ hopscotch.
(to play)
Lucas’ guinea pig _____ a “Beatle” song.
(to sing)
The boy and the two cats ______ a lot. (to dance)
The white bears ______ on the frozen
(to dance)
Sabrina’s new dog ______ to good music
(to listen to)
João _____ a tree.
(to plant)
Fernando’s pig _____. (swim)
The two dogs ______ a bicycle (to ride)
Felipe’s dog _______ a horse.
The babies __________ .
(to skate)
João Vinicius’ dog ____ a book.
(to read)
Mariana_______ a picture of the
(to take)
Clarissa_______ the dog.
(to wash)
They_______ tic tac toe on the
(to play)
The teacher______ rope. (to jump)
The dog _____ shoes and
sandals (to wear)
The family ____ to the beach
(to go)
The horse
______ a story
to the teacher.
(to tell)

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