Kingdom of God

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Group 5 BSA 1A
The Kingdom
of God
The Kingdom of God is the central
image of Christ’s teaching in the
Gospels. The focus of Jesus’ teachings
and ministry during His time on earth
was in fact on the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God in the Gospel of
01 It has such precious value that it cannot be
measured – its worth is beyond anything else
we possess. (Mt 13:44-46)

02 Also like the yeast that leavens the dough and

the tiny mustard seed that grows into the
largest of plants. (Mt 13:31-33)

03 Lastly, it is like a dragnet thrown into the sea

that catches the good fish and the worthless- it
includes the good and the bad. (Mt 13:24-30,
What is the Kingdom of God?
For everyone
It is open to everyone who deserves The King, God the
to enter, no matter what their
situation in life is. Father
Jesus revealed in his works and
teachings what the true Kingdom of
Conversion God is like. He showed the merciful
To enter, God requires its hearers a and compassionate, forgiving face of
conversion from their wicked ways God who accepts all people in His
and live according to the kingdom Kingdom.
values of love, justice, forgiveness,
& peace.
Linguistic Meaning of
the term Kingdom
The primary terms, both in Hebrew (malkuth or
kingdom) and Greek (basileia or royal palace),
the main idea behind the words is authority or
rule of a king. When we talk about the kingdom
of God, we’re referring to the realm where God’s
authority is supreme. This kingdom includes
everything that falls under God’s rule.
Linguistic Meaning of
the term Kingdom
Throughout the Bible, different terms like “kingdom
of heaven” (Matthew 13:11), “kingdom of God”
(Mark 4:11), “kingdom of Christ and of God”
(Ephesians 5:5), and others all refer to the same
kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God
in the Old Testament
and in the New
Old Testament
☩ Revolves around God's authority and rule over His
creation and particularly over Israel
☩ The focus often shifts between His immediate reign
and a future fulfillment of His universal rule,
especially associated with messianic expectations.

☩ The Old Testament focuses more on the concept of

God's kingship and anticipates a future fulfillment
New Testament
☩ Particularly through Jesus' teachings and ministry,
introduces a more tangible understanding of the
Kingdom of God
☩ Depicted as both a present reality and a future
☩ The Old Testament focuses more on the concept of
God's kingship and anticipates a future fulfillment
Characteristics of the
Kingdom of God
Four Characteristics
1. A place where peace is the alternative 3. A alternative
place where sharing of goods is the
to amassing of wealth
to violence
Jesus taught about turning the other cheek and Jesus taught about the dangers of greed and the
loving one's enemies (Mt 5:38-48) importance of prioritizing eternal treasures
over earthly riches (Mt 6:19-24).

2. A alternative
place where inclusion is the
to the emergence of elites 4. A the
place where a God of the powerless is
alternative to a God who sanctions
He emphasized the importance of humility and inequalities
service rather than seeking positions of power or Jesus emphasizes the establishment of God's
prestige (Mt 20:25-28). reign where His will is done on earth as it is in
heaven, implying a society where justice and
equality prevail. (Mt 6:19-24; Mk 12:41-44 )
for Entry
Five Conditions
Conditions for
Jesus began his ministry by proclaiming
that “the reign of God is at hand!
Reform your lives and believe in the
Gospel!” (Mk 1:15). This leads us to
five conditions to enter the Kingdom of
God (CFC 739-745).
Conditions for Entry
Repentance New Law


Discipleship The Beatitudes

Conditions for Entry
☩ As sinners, we must reform our lives, the total personal conversion, a
lifestyle change, and priorities. It cannot be merely a private,
individualistic turning to God but must entail a commitment to social
transformation (cf. PCP II 271-76).
☩ (Mt 18:3)
Conditions for Entry
☩ In the kingdom of God, the life that is love is not that we have loved God, but
that God has loved us and because God has loved us, we should share and have
that same love with one another. It is forgiving, universal, and necessary
☩ Two direct effects of this love:
☩ Fellowship (koinonia)
☩ Service (Diakonia)
Conditions for Entry
☩ Personal commitment to being Christ’s disciple is the key to all Christian
☩ Catholics are called to discipleship. It means Christ invites us to follow his
ways and deeds.
☩ In the Gospel, we will hear Jesus saying “Come, follow me” (Mt. 4:19; Mk
☩ Through following the deeds and actions of Jesus, we are led to enter in God’s
Conditions for Entry
New Law
☩ Before the New Law of the Kingdom, the Christian cannot have a legalistic
attitude, but must have a filial one. It is not external show but the quality of the
heart that matters.
☩ “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul,
with all your mind, and with your strength. And shall love your neighbor as
yourself” (Mk 12:30-31)
☩ A Catholic should “act neither out of fear like a slave nor out of calculation
like a businessman, but out of love like a child. (CFC 743)
Conditions for Entry
The Beatitudes
☩ It is not a series of commands but rather they picture for us the face of Christ
who is merciful, peacemaker, gentle, pure of heart, just, kind, and loving. They
spotlight the essence of Christian living and they announce the blessings and
rewards manifested in the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints.
☩ The beatitudes are sketches of the different vocations that each and every
Catholic can follow.
Our Response to the
Kingdom of God
From CFC 746-749
Our Response to the Kingdom of God

01 Respect for Oneself and 03 Fidelity

for One Another Faithfulness to God’s love and to
one another is a way of answering
Respecting our dignity as a person and Christ’s call. By our constant
valuing the other people is a good way to communication to God through
answer Jesus’ call to follow his ways. (Phil prayer and the sacraments, we can
2:3-4) be strengthened to do the will of
02 Solidarity God and hence, be faithful to Him.

Is committing oneself to the good of all

individuals in the community by reconciling with
our enemies, forgiving those who have hurt us,
uniting the community that is divided, & bringing
people closer to God.
Thank You!
Samantha Nicole Garzon
Maria Antonette Gilos
Margarith Grafia
Lovely Flores
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by
Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, infographics &
images by Freepik

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