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Língua Inglesa​

1.08. Presentations

1o bimestre – Aula 8
Ensino Fundamental: Anos Finais
Conteúdo Objetivos

● Lexical: Greeting the ● Ouvir e compreender aberturas
audiences; Introducing oneself; de apresentações;
Introducing the subject of the ● Planejar e fazer a abertura de
presentation; Sustainable uma apresentação.
● Produção textual e oral:
estrutura de uma apresentação
Para começar

Watch the first 24 seconds of the video, take notes and choose the correct answer.

How does the speaker introduce herself?

( ) How do you do? ( ) Hi, everyone. ( ) What’s up, guys?

Where is she from?

( ) The USA ( ) England ( ) China

What is the subject of her presentation?

( ) How to be a better tourist by planning an agenda.
( ) The connection between environmental emotions and responsible consumption.
( ) How emotions are not enough to save the environment.
Para começar

Watch the first 24 seconds of the video, take
notes, and choose the correct answer.

How does the speaker introduce herself?

( ) How do you do? (x) Hi, everyone. ( ) What’s up, guys?

Where is she from?
( ) The USA ( ) England (x) China watch?v=YUdGVG6W6kw

What is the subject of her presentation?

( ) How to be a better tourist by planning an agenda.
( x ) The connection between environmental emotions and responsible consumption.
( ) How emotions are not enough to save the environment.
Para começar

We are going to prepare short presentations or videos about sustainable
consumption. Divide your class into five groups. Each group will choose and talk
about the topics below:

● Natural and wholesome food (low-fat and low-sugar food, agrochemical-free food,
and other kinds of food that are free from ingredients that are harmful to health).
● Cruelty-Free Products (products not tested on animals).
● Fair Trade Goods (products that adhere to fair labor practices and ensure fair
wages for workers).
● Minimum-waste products (Eco-Friendly Packaging; products with minimal or
recyclable packaging).
● Reducing carbon footprints (Energy-Efficient Appliances; Water Conservation).
Foco no conteúdo

In today’s class, you will prepare a short presentation.
Put the steps below in the order that makes the best presentation.
● Introduce the subject of the presentation.
● Conduct a Q&A session.
● Summarize key points.
● Close the presentation.
● Express gratitude and provide closing remarks.
● What are the problems related to the subject?
● Greet the audience.
● What are the solutions your presentation proposes?
● Introduce yourself.
● State the purpose of the presentation. (Why is it important?)
Foco no conteúdo

In today’s class, you will prepare a short presentation.
Put the steps below in the order that makes the best presentation.
1. Greet the audience.
2. Introduce yourself.
3. Introduce the subject of the presentation.
4. State the purpose of the presentation. (Why is it important?)
5. What are the problems related to the subject?
6. What are the solutions your presentation proposes?
7. Summarize key points.
8. Close the presentation.
9. Conduct a Q&A session.
10. Express gratitude and provide closing remarks.
Na prática

Organize the phrases in the table. Then, prepare your presentation opening.

Hello, everyone. • Hello, friends. • Hi. • Good [morning/afternoon/evening],

everyone! • Hello and welcome, ladies and gentlemen. • Thank you all for
joining us today. • Welcome, and I appreciate your presence here. • Allow
me to introduce myself; I’m… • My name’s… Please call me… • Today,
we’ll talk about... • I would like to talk about… • This is a presentation on... •
Let's learn more about… • We are going to discuss...

Greeting the audience Introducing oneself Introducing the subject of

the presentation

Na prática

Organize the phrases in the table. Then, prepare your presentation opening.

Greeting the audience Introducing oneself Introducing the subject of

the presentation
Good [morning/afternoon/ Allow me to introduce Today, we’ll talk about...
evening], everyone! myself; I’m… I would like to talk about…
Hi. This is a presentation on...
Hello, everyone. My name’s… Please call Let's learn more about…
Hello, friends. me… We are going to discuss...
Hello and welcome, ladies
and gentlemen.
Thank you all for joining us
Welcome, and I appreciate
your presence here.
Na prática

Stating the purpose
You can use “must + verb” to make strong statements about your topic:
● We must use Cruelty-Free Products because they promote the ethical treatment of
● We must check if companies use slave or child labor before buying something.

You can also use the negative form “must not” (short form mustn’t):
● We must not buy products from companies that use slave or child labor.
● We mustn’t change our cell phones every year because it produces more electronic
Na prática

Proposing solutions
You can use “should” or “should not”/“shouldn’t” to propose solutions:
● We should buy products with minimal packaging to reduce waste.
● We should choose goods from local and family businesses to minimize
carbon footprints associated with transportation.

● We should not buy single-use packages to decrease plastic pollution.

● Companies shouldn’t design products to have an intentionally limited

Prepare a 5-minute introduction to a presentation or a video about your topic.
Follow the steps from slide 7.
You can prepare cue cards like the ones below:

Today, let's explore the

This is important
importance of
because Organic
products come
consumption and the
from farms that have
benefits of choosing
responsible farming
organic products.
practices, such as
avoiding synthetic
O que aprendemos hoje?

● Ouvimos e compreendemos a abertura de
uma apresentação;
● Planejamos e fizemos a abertura de uma

Slides 3 e 4 – Emerald Publishing, Tourism Review Journal: How environmental emotions link to responsible
consumption behavior: Tourism agenda 2030:
Slide 10 –

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