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Do you know to address

cultural differences in a
classroom setting?
What is culture?

Now let’s find

Defines as the way of life of a particular people,
esp. as shown in their ordinary behavior and habits,
their attitudes toward each other, and their moral,
language, ideas, beliefs, customs, codes,
institutions, tools, techniques, works of art,
rituals, and ceremonies
Every student is unique. In order to
properly understand and promote
cultural awareness, teachers need Race
to understand all the different types A person’s skin color can have a great impact
of diversity they may encounter in on their experience in society. It can also
their classrooms. impact how they view themselves and others
when engaging in classroom activities.
It relates to a person’s culture and nationality. Ethnicity is
sometimes confused with race, but it is important to recognize that
while some people may have the same skin color, they may come
from different places and have vastly different cultural beliefs and
views of the world.
It is important to understand that people have different religious belief or no religious beliefs, and it
may impact their participation in the classroom. Students may react differently to lessons based on
their religion or may not be able to be present on certain religious holidays.
While English is commonly used in American classrooms, for some students, it is not
the language they speak at home. Accommodations should be made to help students for
whom English is a second language.
Socioeconomic Status
A student’s socioeconomic status can affect their ability to participate in the classroom
without some type of accommodation. For instance, access to a computer at home or
reliable internet access is not a given for some children. Teachers should be aware of this
and the stress it may cause students who may struggle due to a lack of resources.
Sexual Orientation
A student’s sexual orientation can have a great impact on how they are
experiencing the world. Teachers should understand the struggles that exist
and ensure that the lessons taught in their classroom are inclusive.
Gender Identity
Similar to sexual orientation, it is important to understand each student’s gender identity and how
they would prefer to be recognized. Teachers should respect their student’s identity and use
preferred pronouns when interacting with their students.

 Maintain Consistent
 Get to Know Your Students Communication

Take the time to learn about each Scheduling 1-on-1 meetings with students
student’s cultural background, hobbies, to “check in” every so often will allow you
learning styles, and what makes them to consistently improve how accessible the
unique. classroom is to everyone.
This can help identify issues or ways to
improve the overall experience.
 Acknowledge and Respect  Practice Cultural
Every Student Sensitivity

Encourage students to learn about their It’s equally as important to make sure
diverse backgrounds, remember to take you’re being sensitive to everyone’s
the time to highlight what’s offensive culture, beliefs, and language concerns.
and the distinction between cultural Take the time to understand each
celebration and appropriation. Learning student’s cultural nuances – from
how to talk about other cultures in a learning styles to the language they use –
respectful, mature way is essential for and use these insights to design your
success in life outside the classroom. lesson plans.
 Give Students Freedom and
 Incorporate Diversity in the
Lesson Plan
The most valuable lessons are often
There are several ways you can ingrain
cultural awareness and diversity into your learned through a student’s own
lesson plan, and it will vary depending on experiences, so giving them some
the cultures represented in your classroom freedom in the course encourages more
and the course you’re teaching. Regardless connection to the curriculum. Allow
of the subject, always try to present and students to read and present their own
connect lessons to real-world issues. It’s materials that relate to the fundamental
easier to promote cultural awareness within lesson so they can approach the topic
your lessons when there’s a real example from their own perspective.
for students to relate to.

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