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Introduction to 5S
Introduction to 5S

• A model for implementation

What is 5S?
• Five words that begin with the letter “S”
• Workplace organization and standardization
• Foundational building block of Lean
• Builds teamwork and discipline
5S Explanation:

“When in doubt move it out”

The first thing to do is to clear the clutter out of the area

Perform as a team
Use the “30 day” rule
Use the Red Tag technique
Break the “just in case” mentality
“When in doubt, move it out!”
“A place for everything &
everything in its place”

Now that the area has been cleared out of unnecessary items, it is time to find a “home” for
items that will remain

This is where fantastic results occur

-search time
-inventory and supplies
5S Examples - Sort, Set in Order

Now that you have used sort, decide where the

items that you will keep belong.
Decide how many and how to replenish
Make it visual and obvious if something is out
of place
5S Examples - Sort, Set in Order

See the difference?

1. Sort - All unneeded tools, parts and supplies are removed from the area
2. Set in Order - A place for everything and everything is in its place

“To clean and inspect”

•Shine=clean+ inspect
•Perform as a team
•Must plan shine
•Have the necessary items easily available
•5S is not just cleaning
“Make up the rules and
follow them!”

Standardize means to set up the

rules for sort , set in order and shine
Have the 5S teams and design set
the standards must be simple and
easy to follow
One- point lessons
“Make it part of your everyday
Walk the talk everyday
Lead by example
Take it seriously
Use immediate correction
Address What In It For Me?
5S is not something extra , it’s part of everyday work

Get everyone involved-teamwork

Helps set the base for other lean efforts

On-going communication-newsletters, communication boards, short meetings

Field trips, benchmarking

Reward and recognition

Before & After

Real world results

Benefits of 5S Model:

Teamwork & discipline

Organized workplace
Safer work environment
Reduces stress
Reduces waste
Better handle on costs
More pleasant place to work
Supports other building blocks of lean

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