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Arab Spring

When and
where it
The Arab protests of 2010-
2012, known as the Arab
Spring, corresponded to a
series of popular
demonstrations calling for,
according to the protesters,
democracy and social
rights organized by the
Arab population.
Why it happened?

The beginning of these

demonstrations is considered to
be December 17, 2010, in the
city of Sidi Bouzid, when a
street vendor (Mohamed
Bouazizi) was deprived of his
merchandise and savings
accounts by the police and, in
response, blew himself up in
protest. .
Food prices, lack of work,
repression, request for
freedoms and democratic rights
or change of government or
The consequences of the Arab Spring
were the Syrian Civil War; the Libyan
Civil War; the rise of the ISIL (Islamic
State of Iraq and the Levant), the
insurgency and civil war in Iraq; the
Yemeni Crisis and Civil War; the
Egyptian Crisis, coup and insurgency.
In total there where 4 civil wars in the
aftermath, 9,700 riots, protests and
In material and human losses there
where 61,000 death approximately.
Most of the deaths occurred in
demonstrations and protests. And
most deaths happened in Libya.
Timeline: Tunisia – Libya – Egypt
• The 17th December 2010, Mohamed Bouazizi • Gaddafi’s son Safi is captured when he wanted
died after protesting against the corruption of the to flee to Niger one month later his father’s
police. death.
• Following this event young Tunisians started to • All leading figures are killed or captured from the
protest. Gaddafi regime on November 20th 2011.
• Days after the protests the Tunisian president, Egypt
Ben Ali, that led a Socialist political party, tries to • After Tunisia’s democratic goal, protestors in
stop the protests, but they don’t stop and Egypt start to show up.
continue furthermore in 2011. • Socialist president Hosni Mubarak makes an
• In January 14th 2011, Ben Ali, the president, flees announcement proclaiming that he will refuses to
to Saudi Arabia and bows to protests. step down.
• Other political figures try to overtake the role of • In consequence the army joins the protestors’
the nation’s leader but all fail, and the country side.
gets a democratic party system. • Bloody battles follow up between the close
Libya forces of Mubarak and the protestors.
• Inspired by the Tunisians’ protests, the first • Then Mubarak hand his power to the military and
reports of Libyan unrests happen just right after after the population vote for for a democratic
Tunisia gained it’s democracy. party and Mubarak is sentenced to life prison on
• The Socialist president Muammar Gaddafi tries June 2nd 2012.
to stop protest, firstly by imputing policies and
then by making the armed force to his dirty work.
• Gaddafi goes into hiding but rebel forces find him
and kill him on October 20th 2011.
Timeline: Bahrain – Saudi Arabia –
• On February 2011 several hundreds of Bahrainis Yemen
gather to show solidarity with the Egyptian • On January 2011 activists are arrested even
protestors. Tawakil Karman, winner of a Nobel Peace Prize.
• Then demonstrations are made and protestors • Protestors call for the removal of president Ali
are put in tents. Abdullah Saleh.
• The king stops the protests and denies Kuwaiti • Salem survives an assassination attempt on
involvement and continues with a monarchy June 3rd 2011.
system. • On September 23rd 2011 Saleh returns from his
Saudi Arabia recovery and calls for truce.
• Authorities ban public protests in March 11th • In February 27th 2012 Saleh officially hands over
2011. his power to his Vice-President and giving a
• King Abdullah announces reforms to stop a democratic state to the nation.
violent conflict and the rights for people to have • Saleh is later killed in 2017.
free elections from 2015.
Timeline: Syria – Jordan – Sudan
• The first serious unrest happens in March 15th • On November 2012 Protests erupt nationwide
2011, protestors are against president Bashar al- and this leads to changes in the government
Assad. system.
• Security armed forces kills more than 500 people Sudan
the rest of the year. • The protests started by late 2018.
• In 2012 al-Assad calls the protestors ‘terrorists’ • In April 2019 president Omar al-Bashir ends his
and attacks the city of Homs. 30 years in power.
• The first truce in battle is announced in April • After the overthrow of al-Bashid, military forces
2013. take over and take action to the protestors.
• In September 2015 al-Assad asks Russian • In July 2019 protestors are shot in a student
president Vladimir Putin for help, but Putin protest.
refuses. • Then the government is taken over by a federal
• In 2016 after Putin attacks Syria, Syria gains a system.
semi-presidential republic.
• Protests start on January 2011 against Prime
minister Samir Rifai.
• After the resignation of an economic reform,
protestors organize marches in various cities.

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