S8 - Ohms Law

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Ohm’s Law

German Scientist Georg

Ohm studied the amount of
current and voltage flowing
through various conductors
and discovered the
mathematical relationship
between them. His findings
became known as Ohm’s
Ohm’s law is a mathematical
equation that describes the
relationship between voltage,
current, and resistance. This
equation will help you understand
how electric circuits work.
Voltage is the pressure from an
electrical circuit’s power source that
pushes charged electrons (current)
through a conducting loop. This
enables the electrons to do work,
such as illuminates a lightbulb.
Voltage is measured in volts (V).
Electrical current is measured in
amperes (A) or amps, for short,
and it is the rate of flow of
electrical charge past a given
point in a circuit. In other words, it
is the movement of electrons
along a conductor.
Resistance, which is a measure of the
opposition to current flow in a
circuit. As electrons travel through a
wire in a circuit, they encounter
resistance. Resistance is measured in
ohms (Ω), abbreviated by the Greek
letter omega, ,
Ohm’s law states
that for a given
current is directly
proportional to
What is the voltage if a
resistance of 25Ω
produces a current of
250 amperes?
1. What is the current produced by a
voltage of 240 V through a resistance
of 0.2 Ω?
2. What is the voltage if a resistance
of 25 Ω produces a current of 250
1. What is the current produced by a
voltage of 220 V through a resistance of
0.9 Ω?
2. If a circuit has a resistance of 56 Ω
and a current of 8 A, what is its voltage?
Find the resistance of an
electrical circuit with a
voltage supply of 15 V and
a current of 3 A.
Electric Circuit- A
closed loop through
which current can
For a continuous flow of
electrons, there must be a
complete circuit with no gaps.
A gap is usually provided by an
electric switch that can be opened or
closed to either cut off or allow
energy to flow.
The flow of electron starts
from the negative
terminal of a battery
where there are abundant
negative charges, to the
load, to the electrical
switch, and back to the
positive terminal where
there are deficient
negative charges.
Components of Electric Circuit


Two types of circuit connections.
Series Circuit -
A circuit that
consists of one
Properties of a Series Circuit
1.The total resistance of a series circuit is
the sum of all resistances in the circuit.
Total resistance is always greater than the
individual resistances in a series circuit.
2. The voltage source is equal to the sum
of all voltage in each load in a circuit.
3. The current is constant across each load.
Properties of a Series Circuit
1. Rt = R1 + R2 + R3
2. Vs = V1 + V2 + V3
3. It = I1=I2=I3
Advantages of Using Series
1. A series connection does not overheat
easily. The amount of current in a circuit with
two loads is higher than the amount of
current in a circuit with more than two loads.
Meaning, the more loads connected in series
circuit the amount of current reduces.
2. In a series circuit, there is the only one path
for the current to flow from the voltage source
to the different loads. It would be easy to
connect and disconnect new load.
3. Since series circuit is less likely
to overheat, there is no need to
use expensive, thick wires.
Disadvantages of Using Series
1. If one of the light bulbs is damaged or
removed in a series connection, all other
light bulbs in the circuit will not light too.
2. The addition of more light bulbs in
series circuit causes a decrease in
the brightness of the bulbs
3. The loads in a series circuit are
difficult to control individually. When
the switch is off, all loads in the
circuit will not function anymore.

4. It is difficult to identify the

damaged bulb in the circuit.
•Water heater. •Lamps.
•Freezers. •Bulb.
•Refrigerators. •Well water pump.
Parallel Circuit
A circuit that
has two or
more loops
Properties of a Parallel Circuit
1.The reciprocal of the total resistance in a parallel circuit is
the sum of the reciprocal of all resistances in the circuit.
Total resistance is always less than the smallest resistance
in the circuit.
2. There is only one voltage which is equal to a voltage
3. The total current is equal to the sum of all currents in
each load in a parallel circuit.
Properties of a Parallel Circuit

2. Vs = V1=V2
3. It = I1 + I2.
Advantages of Using Parallel Connection
1.All loads in parallel connection are directly
connected to the voltage source. Even the
resistances vary, all light bulbs can still have
their maximum brightness.
2. In a parallel circuit, even if one of the light
bulbs is damaged, all other light bulbs will still
function since the flow of current is not entirely
3. Individual load in a parallel circuit is easy
to control. Each load has a connecting wire
for the current to flow, and each may have
its own switch. Even if you switch off one
bulb, other bulbs are not affected.
4. All light bulbs and appliances at home are
connected in parallel. Switching off some
appliances does not affect other appliances
Disadvantages of Using Parallel
1. Overloading may happen if appliances are
simultaneously used at home. With more loads,
total resistance decreases resulting to excessive,
large amount of current that would pass through
the conducting wires. Consequently, overheating
of wires takes place which may lead to fire.
2. A parallel connection is difficult to
install, maintain, and repair since large
volume of conducting wires is needed.
When problem in the connection occurs,
it is difficult to identify which loop
among the many loops does not work.
3. It requires the use of several
conducting wires of varying sizes.
Write True if the statement is true and if the statement
is false, change the underlined word to make the
statement true.
1. In a series circuit, if one light bulb does not
function all other light bulbs will still function.
2. In a parallel circuit, not all light bulbs do not
have the same brightness in the circuit.
3. In a parallel circuit, loads are easy to control
4. A parallel circuit is easy to
5. Series circuits do not overheat
6. Adding more loads in parallel
circuit may overload the circuit.
7. Every load in a parallel circuit has the
same voltage.
8. The parallel circuit is difficult to install
and repair due to the volume of
conducting wires required in the
9. In a series circuit, loads are difficult to
control individually.
Safe Electricity
Write AS if the statement tells about
an advantage of a series circuit, DS if
it tells about a disadvantage of a
series circuit, AP if it is an advantage
of a parallel circuit, and DP if it is a
disadvantage of a parallel circuit
1.If one of the light bulbs is damaged or
removed, all other light bulbs in the
circuit will not light too.
2. Even if one of the light bulbs is
damaged in this circuit, all other light
bulbs will still function since the flow of
current is not entirely interrupted.
3. It is difficult to install, maintain,
and repair since large volume of
conducting wires is needed.
4. It does not overheat easily.
5. Overloading may happen if
appliances are simultaneously used
at home.
Electricity, if not properly
installed and not
properly used could
mean injury, harm, or
even death.
What is Electrical Hazard?
is a condition due to direct or indirect
electrical contact with energized
conductor or equipment, and from which
a person may sustain electrical injury
from shock or damage to property or
When working with or nearby electrical
installations, an electrical shock, arc flash or arc
blast can occur, and current can go through the
body due to the following situations:
 Direct contact with live parts of the
 Accidental contact with damaged wires that
are seemingly not live.
 Direct contact with a grounded surface
The Fatal Current
Electric current damages the body in
three ways:
1.It can cause improper function of the
brain and heart. May lead to cardiac
arrest or death.
2. The body will experience intense heat
that can cause skin burning.
3. Muscles will involuntarily contract
which will be hard to control.
Dry skin has a resistance against
current over 500,000 Ω, while wet
skin has only 1000 Ω. However, once
the skin breaks through, for example
by burning or wire piercing the skin,
the body will have 500 Ω resistance.
A.C. is More Dangerous than D.C.
Direct Current (D.C.) – is a current that
travels from negative to the positive
terminal. It does not change its direction. It is
the current we can get from a battery. D.C.
passing your body can not cause electric
shock but can cause burning if the positive
and negative wire can come into contact.
Alternating Current (A. C.) – is a
current that travels from negative to
positive; and, from positive to
negative terminals. In our country, it
keeps on changing direction 60 times
every second. It is the current that
does the damage, not the voltage.
The changing direction of A.C. has a lot to do
with the effect of the human body. The
frequency of 60 Hz or 60 cycles/second as
little as 25 volts can kill. It stimulates sweating,
which lowers the skin resistance. That is why it
is very important to free the victim from
current contact as quickly as possible, without
endangering the rescuer, before cardiac arrest
to happen.
Faulty Electrical Wiring.
One leading cause of the fire is faulty
electrical wiring. How do you know that you
should have your house electrical wiring be
Check on for the following warning signs:
1. Lights dim or flicker when another
appliance is turned on.
2. Appliances do not have
permanent outlet.
3. Many extension cords are
4. Fuses blow or circuit
breakers trip frequently
Following circuit conditions with faulty
electrical wiring:
1. Short Circuit a circuit condition in
which a current takes the path of less
resistance or zero resistance
A short circuit happens when
there is overloading of current
making the conducting wire
extremely hot that can cause the
melting of insulators until two live
wires come into contact.
2. Grounded circuit -circuit condition
where current traveling from the
positive conducting wire, bypass the
negative conducting wire and flows
through by through the metal casing
of an appliance instead
Electrical Safety Devices
Circuit breaker uses electromagnets and
bimetallic strips to open a switch in
cases of overloading. It automatically
shuts down if there is overloading due to
short circuit. It cannot be turned on
unless the short circuit is fixed.
Fuse is made up of metal ribbon that will
heat up and melt if the current exceeds
its current rating. Once the fuse is blown
out, it must be replaced with a new one
after the source of overloading is
determined and repaired. It is unsafe to
use jumper wire since it may not melt
when there is current overloading.
Automatic Voltage
Regulator (AVR) is a device
designed to protect our
home appliances by
regulating voltage
automatically. It takes a
fluctuating voltage level
return into a constant
voltage level.
Uninterruptible Power
Supply (UPS) an
electrical safety device
which provides
emergency power to the
load when there is
unexpected power
disruption. It also
functions like an AVR.
Electrical Safety Measures
Earthing or Grounding is a system of
connecting the metal casing of the
appliance to earth. Earthing protects
the user from a grounded circuit.
Earth is the best path for any excess
current. Grounding prevents damage
to appliances, injury, and death of an
electrical user.
Double Insulation is
a safety measure
done by appliance
manufacturers to
prevent electric
shock and grounded
external casing of
Write True if the statement is correct and change
the underlined word if the statement is false. Write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1.Operating any appliances with a wet hand is
2. If you happen to touch with your bare hands an
uninsulated wire, it is safe if it has low current.
3. Blown out fuse can be replaced with a jumper
4. A circuit breaker automatically shuts down if
there is overloading in the circuit.
5. When the circuit breaker automatically shuts
down, it is proper to reset it even without
inspecting the conducting wire for any short
6. Your washing machine and refrigerator
should have proper earthing for safe operation.
7. Grounded circuit happens when current
takes a short cut to a zero-resistance
conducting wire instead of passing through the
8. Short circuit happens when a live wire is in
direct contact with the metal casing of the
9. Earthing protects the appliance user from
the grounded appliances.
Q1. Compare the brightness of the bulb
with one dry cell to its brightness when
there are two dry cells in the circuit.
Dry cells (battery) Observation
Q2. How are voltage and current
3. To increase the resistance, add
another bulb in the circuit.
Q3. What happens to the current in the
circuit as the resistance increases
(increasing of bulbs)?
Q4. As the resistance (increase the #
of bulbs) What can you infer about
the current through the circuit?

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