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Effect of Online Games to the

Social Behaviour and Academic

Performance of 1st Year to 3rd Year
BEED Students

This study aims to know the perceived

effect of online gaming to social behaviour
and academic performance among 1st year
to 3rd year BEED Students. The research
want to answer the following questions:
• To determine the profile of the
respondents in terms of;
1. 1 Name (Optional)
1. 2. Year Level
1. 3. Gender
1. 4. Age
• To determine the specific online
games do 1st year to 3rd year
BEED students play in Eastern
Samar State University Can-avid.
• To determine the effect in social
media behaviour of the individual
as linked in online gaming,
particularly in 1st year to 3rd year
BEED students in Eastern Samar
State University Can-avid.
• To determine if playing online
games affect or improve the social
behaviour and academic
performance of 1st year to 3rd year
BEED students in Eastern Samar
State University Can-avid.
This study is limited to the 1st year to 3rd year
BEED students in Can-Avid Eastern Samar
State University that are in to online gaming.
This research is focus on determining the
perspectives of students interested in online
games on social interactions and the factors that
may affect it. The information needed will be
gathered by means of interview and a checklist
style questionnaire. All the information and
conclusion that will be drawn from this study is
collected from selected group of students.
the researchers will discuss the research design and plan that will be
used for data gathering. It is helpful to determine the perspective of
how online games influence the 1st year to 3rd year BEED students’
social behaviour and academic performance. This also contains the
entire number of respondents and the methods that will be used in
gathering and the processes of analysing the data.
The research design that will be used in this
study is phenomenology. This design is chosen
because the study aims to find out the
perspective on how online games influence the
third year BEED students’ social behaviour.
The Phenomenology design refers to the
study of how people find their
experiences meaningful. It is commonly
used in studies that needs to gather data
of how people understand situations that
happens on their day to day basis.
The respondents in this study are from Eastern
Samar State University Can-avid specifically
1st year to 3rd year BEED students. The
researchers will used the combination of
structured, unstructured, and semi- structured
types of interview to gather the data.
This will be helpful to be able to know the
perspective of the online gamers toward their
social behaviour. The selected participants are the
students who plays online games, regardless of
the gender, the only basis in selecting a participant
in this study, is if the participant is an online
gamer. Researchers will be using the purposive
sampling to avoid bias in selecting a respondent.
In this study the researchers will use interview
and interview schedule through checklist
questionnaire. The objective in this part of the
study is to get the perspective of 1st year to 3rd
year BEED online gamers about the influence
of online games to their social behaviour and
academic performance.

The researchers will be preparing questions that

the respondents will answer through checklist
questionaire. The researchers will be proving a
cover letter to take the interview to the chosen
The researchers will be using the interview
technique to the online gamers of 1st year to
3rd year BEED to gather the data that will be
used by the researchers to their study. Through
interviewing each of the respondents answer
will be analysed. In this way the players’ view
on online games will be captured.
Analysis of Data

In order for the data to be analyzed, the

researchers will need to categorize each
of the data gathered accordingly
through coding.
After the process, the data will be
integrated and analyzed in order to
gain insight and knowledge about
each of the respondent’s perspective
about online gaming that will be
essential to the success of the

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