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s testing:
level of significance and
one – tailed and two –
tailed test
Statistics and Probability
Mathematics Teacher
Level of
of significance
SIGNIFICANCE is defined as the quality of being statistically significant.


● It is denoted by alpha () or refers to the degree of significance in which we

accept or reject the null hypothesis.

● 100% accuracy is not possible in accepting or rejecting a hypothesis.

● The significance level is also the probability of making the wrong decision
when the null hypothesis is true.
Level of
of significance


● In public health research alpha is usually 0.01 or 1%. In social science, alpha
is usually 0.05 or 5% and 0.10 or 10% in other studies.

● This implies that there is 1%, 5% or 10% probability of rejecting a true null
Example 1.
In symbol, it is written If the alternative hypothesis used
as: , then alpha will be divided by 2.

Maria uses 5% level of significance in

proving that there is no significant change
in the average number of enrollees in the 10
sections for the last two years. It means that
the chance that the null hypothesis would is the area under the normal
be rejected when it is true is 5%. curve within the rejection region.
Example 22
In symbol, it is written as: Determine the value of or based on the alternative
hypothesis in decimal form.
In 2015, it was recorded that around 34% of the
population in were not married. A researcher
surveyed a random sample of 500 couples. He
If the alternative hypothesis
used , then alpha will be found out that 18% of them were living together
divided by 2. but unmarried. Test at 5% significance level if the
current percentage of unmarried couples is
different from 34%.

=𝟎 . 𝟐𝟓
Two –– tailed
tailed test
test vs
vs one
one –– tailed
tailed test
When the alternative hypothesis is two sided like it is called two tailed test
When the given statistics hypothesis assumes a less than or greater than value,
it is called one tailed test (DIRECTIONAL).
≠ Not equal, different from, changed from, not the same as
Greater than, above, higher than, longer than, bigger than,
> increased, or at least
Less than, below, lower than, smaller than, shorter than, decreased
< or reduced from, at most
= Equal to, the same as, not changed from, is
Example 11
The school registrar believes that the average number of enrollees this
school year is not the same as the previous school year.
Let be the average number if enrollees last year.

If uses use a two

tailed test.
Example 11
However, if the school registrar believes that the average number of
enrollees this school year is less than the previous school year, then you
will have:

Use the left tailed

when contains the
symbol <
Example 11
On the other hand, if the school registrar believes that the average
number of enrollees this school year is greater than the previous school
year, then you will have:

Use the right tailed

when contains the
symbol >
Test yourself
Determine if one tailed test or two tailed test fits the given alternative
1. The mean height of Grade 12 students is less than 66 inches.
One tailed test

2. The standard deviation of their height is not equal to 5 inches.

Two tailed test

3. Male Grade 7 and Grade 12 students differ in height on average.

Two tailed test
4. The proportion of senior male students height is significantly higher than
that of senior female students. One tailed test
Mathematics is not about
numbers, equations,
computations or algorithms: it
is about understanding.
a lot!
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