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• In normal English, "significant" means important, while in
• Statistics "significant" means probably true (not due to chance).

• A procedure to assess the significance of difference between two
samples drawn from the population or from closely related
population is known as the test of significance.

• Testing of hypothesis can be defined as “a procedure that helps in
ascertaining the likelihood of hypothetical parameter of a
population being correct by using sample statistics”

• The tests of significance involves t – test and f – test.

• The T- statistics was introduced in 1908 by William Sealy
• Gosset.

• The name “f – test” was coined by George W. Snedecor,
in honor of Sir Ronald A. Fisher.
• Fisher initially developed the statistic as the variance ratio
in the 1920s.
• The two hypotheses in a statistical test are normally referred to as:

• Null hypothesis: A no difference hypothesis i.e. there is no difference
between sample statistic and population parameter is null hypothesis.
Denoted by H0 .
• H0 : µ = xˉ

• Alternative hypothesis: “Any hypothesis which is complementary to the
null hypothesis is called alternative hypothesis.” Rejection of H0 leads to
the acceptance of alternative hypothesis which is denotes by H1 or Ha.
Types of error
There are two possible types of errors in the test of
a hypothesis:

• Type I error: Rejection of null hypothesis

which is true. = α
• Type II error: Acceptance of null hypothesis
which is false. = β
Reject H0 Accept H0
H0 is true Type I error Correct
H0 is false Correct Type II
decision error
• This test is used to test whether sample mean
is equal to population mean or not in case of
small samples.
t = Mean difference
Standard error (S.E.)
Testing procedure
The procedure for testing of hypothesis is as follows:
• Set up null hypothesis H0.
• Set up alternate hypothesis H1.
• Check whether sample size is large or small.
• Choose appropriate formula for standard error and
calculate it.
• Calculate the test statistic t.
• Compare the calculated value with the table value
with certain level of significance.
Types of t – test
There are mainly three types of t – test.
• 1. One sample t – Test: A single sample t-test is used when there is
• only one independent sample that is being compared to a
• population of interest.
• The formula for calculating a t-score is:
• H0 = m = m0 (given in object)
• t = mean difference / SE
• where SE is the standard error of the mean.
• The standard error is calculated:
• SE = S /√ n - 1
• where S is the sample standard deviation and n is the sample size
• and df is the degrees of freedom(n-1).
2. Matched pairs t – Test: A paired samples t-test is a type of t-
test where a single
• sample of participants is used more than once on some factors
at two point in time.
• A paired samples t-test is calculated using the formula:
• H0 = d = 0 (given in the object)
• d = effect of treatment
• = observation after treatment – observation before treatment
• t = d / √s2 / n
• s2 = 1 / n – 1 [ Ʃd2 – (Ʃd)2 / n]
• where s is sample SD, n is sample size and d.f. = (n – 1)
3. Two sample t- Test: A two samples t-test is used to
determine differences between
• the means of two distinct samples within a population.
• The formula for the independent samples t-test is:
• H0 = m = m0 (given in object)
• t = mean difference / SE
• SE = √s2 [1 / n1 + 1 / n2]
• s2 = n1 s2 1 + n2s2 2 / n1 + n2 – 2
• Where d.f. = n1 + n2 – 2
Ten rats were fed with rice in 1st months and body
weights of the rats were recorded. In the next
month, they were fed with grams and their weights
were measured again. The respective weights of ten
rats in two months are as follows:
• Weights in 1st month 50 60 58 52 51 62 58 55 50 65
• Weights in 2nd month 56 58 68 61 56 59 64 60 50 62
• Solution – H0: Weights of 1st and 2nd months are equal.

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