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What is Live Chat?

A tool that enable a website owner or a company to held a conversation with the customers in real-
time through the communication Channel
Social Media

Majority of Customers prefer Email

Live Chat than other Customer Support 23%

Channel because:

n Personal and Intense Interaction Live Chat

n Give immediate help with minimum effort


Average Customer Service Response Time






Live Chat Social Media Email

2 Minutes 10 Hour 17 Hour

Customer Satisfaction Rate










Live Chat Email Aplikasi Social Media Telephone

80% 61% 53% 48% 44%

What Customer Thinks about Live Chat

79% 51% 46% 29%

Immediate Customer can ask multiple More efficient More detailed

Response question information than

https://99firms.com/blog/live-chat-statistics/#gref (EConsultancy)
Konnek is a Multichannel Live Chat Dashboard that combine Company Communication channel
into a single dashboard with comprehensive feature and ease of use.
Konnek can connect commonly used communication channel and social media:

Whatsapp Line Telegram Facebook Messenger

Besides social media Channel, Konnek also support integration with:

Website : With Web Widget Integration from Konnek, Customer can directly contact you while visiting
your Website

Mobile : Konnek also support Mobile Apps Integration. (IOS/Android)

Konnek juga also support Chatbot Integration, that can enhance the Live Chat functionality of your


User Role
Role\Feature Statistics Channel Chat Settings Settings Settings Chat Setings Tags Settings
Agent Division Template Chat Limit

Admin ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑
Supervisor ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑
Agent ☑ ☑ ☑
User can log in to Konnek using 3 fields:

Company ID : Obtained after the

registration process
Username : Made by Admin or Supervisor
in Setting>Agents
Password : Password to get into the

User can use Forgot Password menu if they

forget the Password. Konnek will send the
confirmation link to the registered email
Dashboard View

Navigation bar on the left shows the menu

based on the user role

Supervisor has access to almost all menu in

the dashboard.

Agent doesn’t have access to configuration

and management related menu like the
Statistics, Agent, Division, and Chat Limit

By using the Statistics menu, user can easily measure how impactful and how efficient of Using Konnek than the
conventional Customer Care

User can alse easily measure the performance of each Customer with the Statistics dashboard of Konnek
Statistics contains detailed information about
traffic and agent performance.
It is divided into several submenu:

n General
n Conversation
n Agent

In Each Submenu, it has a filter to set the

period range
Statistics – General
General: Consists of general overview of
User can use filter to set the date to
determine the period. User can see the
number of all incoming chat in Total
Conversation. Total Open Chat describe
the number of unsolved chat. Total
Request Chat describe the number of
unassigned chat to agent.

The Daily Conversation and Total

Conversation per Channel chart shows
the trend of the Conversation based on the
Date and Channel
Statistics – Conversation
Conversation show the information about
traffic trend based on certain period. User
can see the average time the agent need to
solve 1 session and also can see the total
duration of all conversation
Statistics - Agent
Agent: Shows the information about agent
performance in handling the Conversation. There are
several specific information:
• Conversation Per Agent: Number of
conversation the agent was assigned to
• Open Conversation Per Agent: Number of
conversation the agent is currently handling
• Closed Conversation Per Agent: Number of
conversation the agent had closed
• Average Conversation Duration per Agent:
Average time needed by each agent to solve
every conversation
• Average First Response Time: How fast the
agent respond to incoming chat
Chat is the menu where users can see and respond
to Conversation initiated by the customer. It is
divided into two submenus:
Open: Contains list of ongoing chat that need to be
Close: Contains list of chat that already solved by
Agent or Supervisor.
Conversation List
After user choose one of the submenu (Open/Close),
system shows list of conversation (Chat Room) sent
by the customer. It is called the Conversation List.

In Conversation List, Supervisor can see all incoming

chat room while agent can only see the Chat Room
assigned to themselves.
Conversation List - Filter
Users can use Filter to manage which Chat Room
that they want to be shown in Conversation List.
Supervisor can set based on:
Status (Assigned/Unassigned): Status describe if
there are any assigned agent to the Chat Room
Channel ; Channel used by the customer
Agent Name : Chat room assigned to selected agent
Bot : Bot Reply Status on the chat room
Conversation List - Filter
Agent can only filter based on Channel and Bot
Conversation List - Sort
User can use Sort to determine the order of Chat
Room shown. Supervisor can sort based on:
Chat Open Time: When the Session is initiated. In
other words, Time when the customer send chat
Activity Time: Last response in Chat Room either it
is from the Users or the Customers
Conversation List - Sort
In Agent, Chat Open Time replaced by Chat Assign
Time because the Chat appears in agent’s
conversation list when the Agent is assigned to the
Set Availability
Agent has Availability Status that can be used as an
information for System or Supervisor to tell that the
Agent is ready to respond to a chat.

Agent can set their status by clicking the Availability

Switch Button in the Chat Menu
Enter Chat Room
When Auto-assign is Off, Agent can retrieve an
Chat Room and system will assign the agent to the
room. Agent can do this by clicking the Enter Chat
Room button.

When Auto-assign is On, Enter Chat Room button

does not show
Chat Room
Chat room is the menu where User can read and
repond to a chat sent by customer. In Chat room,
there are several information and action that can be
used to help the user.
Chat Room – Customer Profile

Customer Profile shows Image, Display Name, and

Channel used by the customer, and room status
Chat Room – Button

Close Button can be used to close the Conversation

and mark that the session of the conversation is
done. Closed chat room will be moved to the Closed
Chat that can be accessible through the Chat>Close
Chat Room – Reply Bot

Reply Bot Switch Button can be used to change the

bot system from active to inactive or vice versa. In
Active State, the bot will reply the chat from
Chat Room – Input Text

Input Text Column can be used to input the text to

respond to Customer. User can also input the
registered chat template by typing ”/”
Chat Room – Input Template

Template can be used to make the input text process

more efficient by registering the repetitive message
as a template.

After the user type ”/”, system will show the

registered template and their Keywords and
Contents. User can choose the template by using the
arrow key on keyboard and then press enter. The
content of the template will appear on the Input Text
Chat Room – Attach
Image & File
User can send image or document by using the
Attach Image or Attach File Button. It is shown
beside the Send Message button
Chat Room – Pin Chat
User can place certain Chat Room in the top of
Conversation List so it wont be sorted by the sorting
condition. User can do it by clicking the Pin Chat
Room button.

The Pinned Chat Room will be placed in the top of

conversation lists and will not move down following
the sort condition
Chat Room – Detail

User can see and add other information of User in

the Detail Information menu
User can enrich customer information by adding:

n Additional Information: Consist of Title and Description that can be

used as User Profiling. For Example:
Title : “Occupation”
Description : “Employee”

n Notes: It can be used to add notes or explanation that will be usable by

other agent to handle the chat

n Tags: It canbe used to add lable to Customer by certain criteria. For

example “Premium” or “Priority” to identify the customer as a high priority
Settings – Agent
Supervisor can manage Agent in the Agent Submenu
in settings. There are several menu in Settings >
Agent List: Contains list of Agent/Supervisor
registered in the certain company. When agent name
is clicked, system will show agent’s profile and user
can edit the profile.
Auto Assign: It can be used to activate or deactivate
the Auto Assign System. Auto Assign is a system that
can distribute the chat automatically by considering
agent availability and division.
Add New Agent: Useful for registering new agent
Settings – Agent –
Manage Agent
By clicking agent name, Supervisor can see Agent’s
profile and configure some settings to the agentm
including: Change Agent’s Name, change username,
role, Division, and agent Channel.
Delete Agent: Delete selected agent
Set Default Password: Change password to default
Settings – Division
Supervisor can configure division Setting in the
Division submenu in settings. There are several
menu in Division:
Edit: To change division name
Delete: To erase the selected division
Add New Division: To add a new division
Settings – Chat
Agent and Supervisor can set chat template in Chat
Template menu. There are some menu in Chat
Edit Template: To change Template keyword or
Delete Template: To erase registered template
Create New Template: To add new template
Settings – Tags
Supervisor and Agent can set tag configuration in
Settings Tags.
Edit Tags: To change existing tag
Delete Tags: To delete existing tag Supervisor dan Agent dapat melakukan pengaturan
Create New Tags: To add a new tag terhadap Tag pada menu Tags. Menu pada Tags
antara lain:
Edit Tags: Berfungsi untuk mengubah Tag yang
sudah ada
Delete Tags: Berfungsi untuk menghapus Tag yang
sudah ada
Create New Tags: Berfungsi untuk menambahkan
Tag baru.
Auto - Assign

With Auto Assign, Konnek can distribute Chat based on the Priority, Agent Availabilty, and Division automatically
Auto-Assign Ilustration

Customer Support


Auto-Assign Ilustration
1 queuing chat because all
agent reach the chat limit Customer Support



Chat Distributed to Agent Based on the

agent load and Division

*Note: With Chat Limit: 4 Chats

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