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Lesson /Topic
Evaluating Narratives Based on How
the Author Developed the

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Read the following
/j/ words /g/
gem gulf
gym groove
fudge ground
legion grocery

“ if the
statement is correct
and if it is

1.People can have the

same viewpoint all the


2. Differing viewpoints if did

not ease any argument
can result to a conflict.


3. In presenting
differing viewpoints,
one must consider the
viewpoints of others.


4. You need to provide

support or evidence in
presenting your


5. It is important that
you present your
viewpoints clear,
complete, and well-

We have Six cards with pictures
hidden and their corresponding
numbers will be presented to the
class. Two pictures will be turned
over at the same time. If the pair
didn’t match, they will be turned
back over and another pair of cards
will be turned over until all the
pictures matched.
Access the game through this



You did a good job!
It is about time that
you get yourself
ready for the new
Vocabulary Words

 maiden- an unmarried girl or


The Datu fell in love with a fair



young maiden.
Vocabulary Words

warrior- a brave or experienced soldier

or fighter.

Davao was once home to one of


Mindanao's finest warrior tribes,

the Bagobos.
Motive Question
“How did Mayon
volcano get its
Comprehension Check up:
1. Where and when did this
story happen?
2. Who are the characters in
the story?
3. What happened to
Handiong when he fought in
the battle?
Comprehension Check up:
4. How did the death of
Handiong affect Daragang
5. How was the volcano
6. What do you call the
time and place in which
the story happened?
Comprehension Check up:
7. What do you call people,
animals, or objects that
take part in the story?
8. What do you call the
character and setting of
the story?
 Using,
present the passages and
let the learners answer
through short answer
*Note: The passages and
the questions are found in
page 8.
Passage 1
Mr. Diaz bought a new car. It cost him much
money. On his way to work, something
happened the first time day he drove his car. It
would not start. Mr. Diaz was already late for
his meeting. He called a mechanic to check his
car. The mechanic worked fast. He found
some loose wires in the car which he
connected properly. Mr. Diaz happily drove his
car to the office.
1. Who are the character in the story?
2. Where is the setting of the story?
Passage 2
Jeffrey is in trouble again. His teacher
sent a letter to his parents telling them
that he is very talkative in class.
Jeffrey’s parents gave him another
chance to prove his conduct. Jeffrey
promised to talk only when necessary.
1. Who are the characters?
2. Where is the setting of the story?
Passage 3
One day, Liza was drawing a picture of her
mother. The picture had plants flowers and
a beautiful house. She made a picture out of
small feathers. Liza’s brother came to see
the picture. Suddenly, he started sneezing.
The feathers started to fly then all of a
sudden, the picture was gone.
1. Who are the characters?
2. Where is the setting of the story?
*Group 1
Read the narrative below and answer the questions that follow.
Channi’, The Blind Girl
A group of students were chatting and laughing excitedly near the sidewalk.
They seemed to be talking at the same time when suddenly they
became silent. They stared spellbound to a blind girl groping along the
wall, and feel her way about.
Though her eyes were open, they could tell that she could not see. In her
right hand was a bunch of flowers which she smelled now and then.
She continued walking till the end of the street. When she was out of
sight the students gave a sigh of relief. Were they not lucky to have
two eyes?
1. Who are the characters in the text?
2. Where is the setting of the story?
3. How will you evaluate the trait or attitude of the students?
4. What were the students thankful for?
5. Were rivalry and jealousy traits of the characters clearly reflected on the
*Group 2
Read the narrative below and answer the questions that
A Travel at Tinglayan
“How was your trip, Annay?” asked Whang- od. Annay
kissed her grandma. “It was fine, Grandma,”
answered Annay, yawning while stretching his arms,
and shaking his legs. “I slept almost throughout the
“Why you lazy girl!” exclaimed Grandma. “Then you
didn‟t see the beautiful scenery going to Tinglayan!”
“It was so nice riding on the jeepney,” explained Annay.
“The roads now are cemented, unlike the first time
Father and I visited you after the erosion. A week
had passed after that visit, yet my body was still
aching all over. We were like mashed fruits after our
ride over those pot marked roads and heart breaking
down chasms.
“It did not take long for the government to have all the
damaged roads repaired,” agreed Whang- od.
“Thanks to our government, things are back to
normal again.”
1. Who are the characters in the text?
2. When and where is the setting of the
3. How did Annay try to freshen herself?
4. How will you evaluate the trait or attitude
of Annay and her grandmother?
5. Why didn’t Annay enjoy her first visit to
*Group 3
Read the narrative below and answer the questions that follow.
Sahjid Bulig the Boy Hero
On July 2, 1993, the Feast of Krus ng Wawa was celebrated in honor of the Holy
Cross. Hundreds of devotees joined the religious fluvial procession as the
town’s tradition. They were on board on a decorated barge “ PAGODA”.
As the town people celebrated the festivities, fireworks flamed in the sky
overwhelmed the joy of the viewers. One of the baby rocket (kwitis) fell
across the corner of the Pagoda barge where devotees stayed. All the people
boarded panicked and force to move together on one side of the barge.
Overloaded capacity force the barge to tilt. It collapsed and gradually sank
to the river bed. Knowing the incident, Sahjid Bulig a thirteen-year old boy
rush to the shore and made a quick response. He jumped into the water to
save a little girl. He brought her ashore and left her safely. For the six times
he swam back and forth, he was able to save six small children .
On the seventh time of his rescue, the tip of the wooden cross of
the sinking Pagoda fell on him. He was unconscious and got
In the morning after the incident, Sahjid Bulig was found dead
together with more than 200 devotees. It was a day of
mourning for the people of Bocaue. For them, this little boy
was a hero.
-Angeles al., Revised Edition(2010) Sahjid Bulig
Expressway in English 5 pp. 44 SD Publications
1.Which is considered the setting of the story?
2. Who was the hero in the narrative?
3. What was the good deed done by Sahjid Bulig?
4. What caused the Pagoda barge to collapse and sink?
5. How will you evaluate the trait or attitude of Sahjid Bulig?
*Group 4
Read the narrative below and answer the questions that follow.
­Battle of Mactan
Year 1521, in the Island of Mactan, a stranger came named
Magellan. He was sent by the King of Spain to ask the
chieftain of the island to pay for a tribute. Lapu-lapu the
chief, was in deep anger and resists to pay, and stand firm
on his decision. Magellan with his disappointment, prepared
his men to fight against Lapu-lapu. Soon the battle begun.
The peaceful Mactan waters became warlike sight and
turned red. Magellan’s men fell lifeless and dead. Lapu-lapu
and his men rejoice gloriously in their victory for the
Filipino liberty.
1. In this narrative, which refers to the
2. Based from the narrative, who was the
antagonist or the villain?
3. What was the conflict or problem in the
4. If you will evaluate the trait of the lead
character or the hero in the narrative, what
trait is it?
5. What happened to the peaceful island
shore of Mactan after the battle?
“Based from the
different stories we
read and listened,
what are the morals
of these stories?”
“How do we
identify the
characters and
the settings in a
You did a great
 Read the story “Biag ni
Lam-ang”.then, Using
the worksheet, complete
the anchor chart by
describing the character
and setting of the story.
Direction: Evaluate the character and setting. Choose the letter
of the correct answer. Do this in your notebook.
1. Rizal was a busy man living in his hometown Calamba. How
will you evaluate Rizal?
A. bored C. relaxed
B. Occupied D. carefree
2. The bandits took all the treasures that made the villagers
became hopeless. The bandits are_______.
A. The authors. C. The antagonists.
B. The narrators. D. The protagonists.
3. In August, when the soldiers fought in Marawi and got
wounded their comrades lift them to the chopper and took away.
How will you evaluate the setting in the sentence?
A. A bloody battlefield C. A holy place
B. A place of festivities D. A romantic place
4. Which of the following vividly describes a setting?
A. Humming birds swiftly fly across the horizon.
B. The chieftain ferociously fought the Spanish invaders.
C. Although miles away, he still sends letters
remembering me.
D. The walls of the house were made of dark stones and
dimly lit by
5. The weather was ideal. They have a more perfect
garden party. How do you evaluate this kind of setting?
A. Favorable setting C. Poor setting
B. Messy setting D. Costly Setting

Once again read your favorite

short story, fable or fairy tale and
identify the characters and the

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