New Curriculum Report

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Vest in Spelling
The definition of words will be displayed on presentations
slides, and each group will be competing to spell it first the
word corresponding to the meaning shown on the
presentation using the letter they are holding.

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(Noun) Is a way of looking at

teaching and learning.
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(Noun) is a way of looking at

teaching and learning.
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(Noun) the general principles,

pedagogy and management
strategies used for classroom
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(Noun) a standards-based
sequence of planned experiences
where students practice and
achieve proficiency in content and
applied learning skills.
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(Noun) when separate people or

things are brought together.
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Module 4: Integrating New

Literacies in the
Reporter: Nica Joy Elao, Danah Mae Emanig and Lovely Nhel Eslomot

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The Concept of Integrated Curriculum

In retrospect, the introduction of an integrated curriculum

gained greatest support in the 1960’s. Based on the essential
organizing of content, the design emphasizes in the role of
diverse entities called academics disciplines clearly defined in
terms of knowledge, skills and values

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Thus, an integrated curriculum…

● Focuses on basic skills, content and higher- level thinking:

● Encourages lifelong learning;
● Structures learning around themes, big ideas and meaningful concepts
● Provides connections among various curricular disciplines;
● Provides learners opportunities to apply skills they have learned. (Danah)
● Encourages active participants in relevant real-life experiences; (Danah)
● Captivates, motivates and challenges learners; (Danah)
● Provides a deeper understanding of content; (Lovely)
● Offers opportunities for more small group and industrialized instruction; and
● Accommodates a variety of learning styles/theories (Examples: Social Learning
Theory, Cooperative Learning, Intrinsic Motivation and Self- Efficacy) and
Multiple Intelligences. (Lovely)
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Approaches to Integration

The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

(2004) present three approaches for integration and these are
multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary.

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Multidisciplinary Approach
A multidisciplinary approach focuses primarily on different disciplines.
Teachers, who employ this approach may create standards from the
disciplines within a them. There are many different ways to create a
multidisciplinary curriculum, and they tend to differ in the level of
intensity of the integration effort. It can be recalled that the previous
Restructured Basic Education Curriculum (RBEC) is a best depiction of a
multidisciplinary approach Curriculum (RBECO (Araling Panlipunan,
Values Edd Ma MAPE and TLE)
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were integrated along with a theme termed Makabayan an

integrated subject served as a laboratory of life a learning area that
stressed the development of social empathy and commitment for
common good Grades in these disciplines were usually computed to
comprise the general grade Makabayan as a discipline. At the end of
the week, the four discipline collaborated to design a culminating
activity along with the give theme that connected these four
discipline areas the following the structure of Makabayan that used
the multidisciplinary approach centered on a given theme.
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MAPEH Makabayan TLE

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In using the multidisciplinary integration approach, there is a

these Another way of doing it is by fusing skills, knowledge and
attitudes into one common theme. Likewise, come up with a list of
standards from discip this way, students learn other subjects while
enhancing their computer related disciplines, such as earth
science, biology, chemistry and physics to focus on common
interdiscilinary science program.
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Interdisciplinary Approach

In this approach to integration, teachers organize and capsulize the

curriculum around common learning across disciplines to emphasize
interdisciplinary skills and concepts. The disciplines are identifiable, but
they assume less importance than in the multidisciplinary approach. For
example, in teaching Filipino as a discipline, the teacher hones students'
language skills while resorting to content and topics in Araling
Panlipunan. Below is an illustration of interdisciplinary structure.
Therefore, there are times that a teacher in Filipino teams up with a
teacher in Araling Panlipunan to teach a lesson in Araling Panlipunan
while she teaches the needed skills in the Filipino 1 subject.
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In addition, in using the interdisciplinary integration approach,

there is a need to structure the curriculum around common
learning areas across disciplines. For example, incorporate
interdisciplinary skills, such as thinking skills, problem solving and
analytic skills in teaching Science, Math and English. The purpose
is to learn the skills and concepts that are beyond the immediate
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Transdisciplinary Approach

In the transdisciplinary approach to integration, teachers design a

curriculum within student needs and concerns, Students develop life
skills as they apply disciplinary and interdisciplinary skills in a real-
life context. Two routes lead to transdisciplinary integration, namely:
project-based leaming and negotiating the curriculum.
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In using the transdisciplinary integration approach, there need to plan out the
curriculum around student needs and coricen Transdisciplinary integration is
utilized through project-based learning which involves allowing the students to
present a problem. Project based learning allows students to make connections
among different subjects by solving social problems and answering open-end
questions. It can also be done by utilizing student questions as a te for
curriculum design. Learning how to solve problems and to a Role questions
enables students to apply the skills in real-life situations.
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Interconnecting the Three Approaches

These approaches offer an excellent fit for standards thro a backward design process
as teachers integrate standards-bax planning with effective teaching and learning
practices. Thus, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary perspective
offer different maps to begin the design process. Teachers can any of the approaches
at any level of education in a single classroom or in a team approach. Despite some
differences in the degree and the intent integration, the three approaches share many
similarities. As such, centrality of standards and the need for accountability bring the
the Lea approaches closer together in practice (ASCD, 2004)
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Aspect Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary

Organizing Center · Standards of · Interdisciplinary · Real-life context

disciplines organized skills and concepts
around a theme embedded in · Student questions
disciplinary standards
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Methods of Curriculum Integration

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Project- Based Learning

It engages students in creative knowledge while

enhancing their skills in critical thinking,
creativity, collaboration, communication,
reasoning, synthesis and resilience. (Barron and
Darling-Hammond, 2008 in Corpuz, 2014)
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Implementation Outcome:
As a result, Curtis (2002) revealed that project-based
programs show that students go far beyond the
minimum effort, make connections among different
subject areas to answer open- ended questions, retain
what they have, learned apply real-life problems, have
fewer discipline problems, and have lower absenteeism.
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Service Learning
-refers to the learning that actively involved students in a wide range
of experiences, which often benefit others and the community, while
also advancing the goals of a given curriculum. ( Clavender- Bright,et.
al 2012)
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Implementation Outcome:
As a result, Glenn (2001) found that more that 80% of the schools
that integrate service learning into classroom report improvement in
grade point average of participating students.
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Learning Centers/ Parallel Discipline

- A popular to integrate the curriculum is to address a topic or theme

through lenses of several subject areas.
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Implementation Outcome:
As a result, according to a study by Carnegie Melton University (CMU),
learning centers in the classroom can affect ability to focus and study
among young children.
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Theme- Based
- Some teachers go beyond sequencing content and plan
collaboratively and they do it in a more intensive way of working with a
theme dubbed as “theme-based”. Often, three or more subject areas
are involved in the study, and the unit ends with an integrated
culminating activity. Units of several weeks’ duration may emerge from
this process, and the whole school may be involved. A theme- based
unit involving the whole school may be independent of the regular
school schedule.
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Implementation Outcome:

Using theme-based learning, students can exhibit excellent on task

behavior and work collaboratively. Also, students are engrossed both
in presenters and as an audience for the half- day performance task
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In this method, teachers fuse skills, knowledge, or even attitude into

regular school curriculum. In some school students learn respect for the
environment in every subject area or some incorporate values across
disciplines. Fusion involve basic skills. Many schools emphasize positive
work habits in each subject area. Educators can also fuse technology across
the curriculum with computers skills integrated with in every subject area.
(ASCD, 2004)
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Implementation Outcome:
- As a result, fusion brings positive gains in student achievement resulting from integrated
instructions in the classroom (Bolack et. al., 2005) In addition students make connections
among disciplines , values, concepts, content, and life experiences. Students increased
critical thinking skills, self confidence, positive attitude and love for learning manifest their
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Other Types of Integrated Curriculum

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1. Connected

This happens when topics surrounding disciplines are connected,

which allows students to review and re- conceptualize ideas within a
discipline. However, it has its shortcomings becomings because the
content still remains in one discipline.
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2. Sequenced

This is observed when similar ideas are taught together, although in

different subjects, which facilitates learning across content areas, but
requires a lot of communication among teachers of different
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3. Shared

This is when teachers use their planning to create an integrated unit between
two disciplines. Although in some ways, this method of integration requires a
lot of communica and collaboration between two teachers. A teacher presented
the structure, format and standards in making research w collaborating with the
science teacher, who focuses on t content area of research that is related to
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4. Webbed

This reflects when a teacher plans to base the suject areas around a central
theme that will tend students to see connection within different subjects.
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Doing Curriculum Integration in the Classroom

Chhabra (2017) posted that integrating cancutor the room includes

combining different subject areas and than, teaching them relation to a
singular theme or an idea. Innovative teachers and schools prefer
integrating the curriculum in their classrooms improves student
achievement and leads to an increase in student standardized scores. Placing
student achievement on top priority, an integrated curtium utilizes the
mentioned three different approaches of integration

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Benefits of Integrated Curriculum Model

1. it focuses on basic skills, content, and higher-level thinking

2. It provides a deeper understanding of content
3 It encourages active participation in relevant real-life experiences
4. It provides connections among vanous curricular disciplines.
5. It accommodates a variety of learning styles, theories and multiple
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New Integration in the K-12 Curriculum

The new literacy can be integrated into the K to 12 curriculum across subject
areas as presented in the table below However, the integration of new literacy
is not limited to the identified disciplines the given learning outcomes,
suggested strategies and assessment In fact, each learning area can integrate as
many new literacies as possible depending on the lesson, the nature of the
subject and the objectives or intended outcomes. New literacy integration can
take place in as many disciplines as possible.

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