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Web Core Vitals Evaluation :

Depth of why our

Performance metric is low ?

Our website’s First Contentful Paint (FCP) is when the browser renders the first
DOM element on our page. This includes images, canvas elements or text.
FCP simply is when the user can see some part of our page change.

Good – Between 0 seconds and 1.8 seconds Speed index:

Needs Improvement – Between 1.8 seconds and 3 seconds Speed Index is simply a measure of how long it takes for users to see
Largest Contentful Paint (12,5 s/ We have a High LPC) : your content in full.
Poor – :Over 3 seconds
LCP is a stable Core Web Vital metric for measuring perceived load 0-3.4 s is considered fast
We have a High FCP. speed. It marks the point in the page load timeline when the
page's main content has likely loaded. •3.4–5.8 s is moderate
What Factors Affect Largest Contentful Paint ?
What causes high LCP? •anything over 5.8 s is evaluated as Slow
3 factors affect LCP: Slow server response times, Render-blocking JavaScript and
CSS, and Slow resource load time. Using lazy loading means that the resource won't be loaded until We have a Slow Speed Index.
after layout confirms the image is in the viewport, which often
How to Fix FCP Issues: causes it to load later than it otherwise would. Optimize Our Page Speed Index
Eliminate render-blocking resources. How to Fix LCP Issues:
Remove unused CSS. Reduce JavaScript Execution Time
Identify the LCP Element ( Slider in our Case) Optimize server response time.
Remove unused JavaScript. Optimize Images Eliminate render-blocking resources.
Reduce server response times (TTFB) Optimize Fonts Render the main page content quickly.
Avoid multiple page redirects. Minify JavaScript, CSS, and HTML Files.
Upgrade Web Hosting.
Amount of Content

Your page has a good level of textual content, which will assist in it's ranking potential.

Title Tag Word Count: 783

You have a title tag, but ideally it should be shortened to between 10 and 70 characters (including
Image Alt Attributes
You have images on your page that are missing Alt attributes.
Al Maryah Community Bank - Best Digital Bank in UAE | First Fully Integrated Bank
We found 91 images on your page and 49 of them are missing the attribute.Alt attributes are an often overlooked and
Length : 81Title tags are very important for search engines to correctly understand and categorize your simple way to signal to Search Engines what an image is about, and help it rank in image search results.
H1 Header Tag Usage
Meta Description Tag
Your page has more than one H1 Tag. It is generally recommended to only use one H1 Tag on a page.The H1 Header Tag
Your page has a meta description tag however, your meta description should ideally be between 70 and is an important way of signaling to search engines what your content is about, and subsequently the keywords it should
160 characters (including spaces). rank for.

Al Maryah Community Bank -UAE' First Fully Integrated Digital Bank providing fastest and most secure Keyword Consistency
banking services. Choose Al Maryah Community Bank for your Credit Cards, Personal Loans,
Investments, Insurance and much more. Your page's main keywords are not distributed well across the important HTML tags.Your page content should be
focused around particular keywords you would like to rank for. Ideally these keywords should also be distributed across
Length : 227A meta description is important for search engines to understand the content of your page, tags such as the title, meta and header tags.
and is often shown as the description text blurb in search results.
JavaScript Errors
Your page is reporting JavaScript errors during load.This could indicate that some required functionality on your page is
failing or scripts may have coding problems.

Local Business Schema

No Local Business Schema identified on the page.


Your usability needs improvement

Your page has usability issues across devices. Usability is important to maximize
your available audience and minimize user bounce rates (which can indirectly
affect your search engine rankings).

Device Rendering

This check visually demonstrates how your page renders on different

devices. It is important that your page is optimized for mobile and
tablet experiences as today the majority of web traffic comes from
these sources.
SEO Strengths

Canonical Tag
Facebook Connected
Your page is using the Canonical Tag.
Your page has a link to a Facebook Page.
Noindex Tag Test
Facebook Open Graph Tags
Your page is not using the Noindex Tag which prevents indexing.
Your page is using Facebook Open Graph Tags.
Show details
Noindex Header Test
Your page is not using the Noindex Header which prevents indexing.
Facebook Pixel
Your page has a Facebook Pixel installed.
SSL Enabled
Your website has SSL enabled.

HTTPS Redirect Pixel ID

Your page successfully redirects to a HTTPS (SSL secure) version.
Your website appears to have a robots.txt file. 207720635506213

Blocked by Robots.txt
Your page does not appear to be blocked by robots.txt.

XML Sitemaps
Your website appears to have an XML sitemap.

Your page is using an analytics tool. Structured Data

You are using JSON-LD Schema on your page.

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