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International business

Globalisation of Business
Globolisation is econonomics institution of business dealing with trade
insdustry,good demanding ,government actually having a policy for all
investment all around the world with innovation technology.gpd has increasing
due to globolisation because there are plenty of company starting to invest in
different country also region of each country they will find the right technology
appropriate to their religion.
There are some keypoints of this globolisation to developed
Human resource development hiring an engineering
HIRE quality worker and engineering to developed product sufficient to
There are many activities of globolisation of trading
material,logistics,transportation,global warming ,interanational
relation,another revelant of this is economic globolisation,socialism in
national,investment company
Globolisation of Business english
 Globolisation is important for business industry in each national,it cant be
raising high demand of product and government should raising their taxes to
having more financial for goods,material of development,hiring scientist to
innovate technologies and some country will trading goods by logicstics
movement with international relations in order to raising economics also give
the opportunities to employee and having more jobs
 Each country like Japan,South East Asian produce more infustraction and
negotiation with other countries by trading material
 Investor having profolio in diffirence country with international economic
 Manafacturing using logictics,merchandise they can be raising their GPD of a
nationality with opening policy investment country,transporation of
commerce,government control system
Appropiate technique correction

 Sometimes teacher and student may have a wrong spelling ,there are
a difference way to changed this,this is may be an embressing spelling
for teacher but there are some way to change
 Find the spelling error in vocabulary for example “stategy of
domination technology in south east asian ” we can check speeling
and fix it again”strategy”
 Recognisze the mistakes or using software development to check the
student spelling mistake
 Using a visual images of linguistics to determinate an error
 Correct spelling and search in dictionary combine intonation of
speaking ,try to memorizing each of alphabet in words
Appropiate technique checking

correction Speeling

Giving a correction immediately make sure the students don’t confuse the pronunciation
Try to prounce the words with student and check the spelling
For example we use Financial Institution of Industry and then make a student
write down in a paper and spelling correctly with academic business
international words
Teacher can check all of the worlds before starting teaching of prounce and
grammar check
It can be disappointed to the teacher that they can’t handled the appropriate
spelling .Make sure teacher will check the prounce of those word before
sharing to students
Teacher Correction:When teacher is realizing students mistake,they could be
fixed their problem immediately in order to let student memorized their
mistake right away
Self correction:Teacher voicing their mistakes and write down the correction
on the board or try to prounce at the moment
Appropiate technique correction
 Using appropriate and easy to understand with parter and profolio
also the investment for example
 “Deal with the profit,We are all having a benefit to create a new
network and we gonna have a great team”
 “Be honest,I would like to cooperate with you very well in this great
industry,We will give you all product that necessary for your company
 In my opinion.Our company all ready have a quality product to send it
to the customer and dealing with Marketing team to introduce to the
 Fixing the problem of grammar lexical approaching because students
may lacking of knowledge of linguistics,monitoring all the students
problem and trying to firgue out their weakness and developed their
confidence,fears of mistakes
 Correction misappropriate grammar for example :Im are like her
documents reports we can fixed the correct grammar ,”I don’t like
Multiple intelligence
 There are a variety of intelligence that we can assume of this
techniques depending on students ability
 There are multiple kinds of this intelligence
 Verbral reasoning intelligence:Ability to read and study linguinstics
more accuracy and adapt it easier,They can be using logical and
argument to persuade person understand their speechs,They can be
used a variety colours of vocabulary and expression words
 A list ob job in verbal intelligence it could be a lawyer, writer or
 If the student has great verbal intelligence ,try to make a senctence
complexity like:Stocism,Existentialism,
 Explained the words:Aristotle has explained the existentialism
theory through abstracted thinking
 Stocism is theory of philosophy to make life more easier and follow
the sprituality and mortality
Multiple intelligence
 Another intelligence that teacher can observed them it can be:
 Musical intelligence:They can able to singing or play instrument easily
with the right ryhmth and vocal control cord,ability to having great
 Logical intelligence:Students will be able to to calculate a have
logical measurement and conduct a number in different using left
 They can be a scientist with jobs like statistician,accouting or
 Using their ability the using the words appropriate to their fields
 Application natural linguistics memory instinct to creating verbal
communicated using differences vocabulary and basic of gramaticial
 Using English song for student whoses have a brilliant musical
instruments so they could study a lyrics in difference songs and also
know meaning of lyrics ,in addiction they can apply to the
communicative and writing
80.20 learning
 80 20 learning that the way you creating your of your 80 percents of your working
and you getting a result of 20 percents
 Sometimes the information in material that you read is about 80 percents and you
will receive of 20 percents of knowledge that the book gives you in
 The actually meaning of 80.20 learning is that you put your effort in studying and
you have better result and just sticking with important things
 But its not always correct because depend on your effort and effecitiveness when
you put your energy on your work
 Teaching social science for students,make students know how social work,prepare
a lesson planning for students a get all efforts,encouragement,motivatate students
to make students best works
 Writing example and important things in lessons including skills of
reading,scanning,adapt a new vocabulary and grammars
 Participate all the students with all level,giving students benefit of studying to
applied in the real words but nots only perceptives skills but also productive
80.20 learning
 When you reading International business book,the main things is all about
trading ,value cost ,customer service, that is 80 percents of the
knowdedge and 20 percents of your works and reading,this can be
applied also to your work
 This can be descirble form monitoring,80 percents of inputs transform to
20 percents of outputs
 The main things is about the result,if you put your work not effectively or
longer but not having a result,that’s not going to be happened but yout
put 20 percents of effective of your work and having a result of 80
percents,You have applied the 80,20 rules of learning
 Create an interested topics for students,make all profit lesson to student
in order to encourage them to write and speak with lesson
like,reading,listening,perception,observation,make sure to increase the
student levels in each classes
Team work
 Team work increasing power and interaction with human reaction,it gives more benefit of
 Each team will have difference opinion and then the tean will pick a leader ,put it all into
the team work and combine knowledge of individual person and create an idealistics
 Leader will lead the team into the success with ideology of each numer,Teacher could be put
them into the class and preparation of presentation,the topic and contents may be.How to
solve a problem of inflationary with Ukraine and up-price oil?
 The team will be find the solution and presents to the people,they can find the source of
magazines or real work area in order to attain the topic
 Students discuss about the inflationary of economics and talk about why real estate has been
raising and why it was so expensive!
 Students discuss about how to rent and buy house without pay all money and how to lend
money from bank with salaries of months!How to mortage successfully
 How to incresea profit of company,students create a leader to discuss about that topic and
pick leader
Team work
 Teacher will let the student listening to the radio about the negotiation of
partner of profolio and trying to firgue out what are they saying!so student will
understand the structuralism of conversation and dealing with high energy.
 Student should know the the basics of socialism and position in company and it
may having more complexity of litigation,dealing with legislator.The manager
should sustain the resource and human management of company and also
balance the finance with high demand,adapt the financial risk or share holder
 Teacher will show the appropriate vocabulary in business and let student listen to
the conversation in business,but make sure Teacher will give the student able to
read news magazine like BBC,CNN business and reading material
 Chossen a with the high quality students to creat a lesson plan and help other
students to do a remain topics skilss,each person has difference opinions and
well coporate and interaction
 Accpecpt all the ideas of members in order to do a greak work
 Repcect weakness of members and try to improve all of the weakness and also
developed a strength
Understanding Professor Rassias
methodology for Business English..
 Rassias method using pedagody methodology with comfortable learning environment to
make students using language more faster
 This method may be rigorous,student spend less time in text book and joint more activities
in the classroom
 Increasing speed of studying language in effective way to transform speaking and listening
 Developed mental in spiritually for student able to listening and communicate naturally
and percept good linguistics,
 Find a great instruction for students easy to understand in order to make student having a
good motivation
 More partice skills including speaking in natural way with student to student and not focus
too much in books material but make sure that student understanding enough information
in book because if teacher focus to much in books,it will give student boring and not attain
Understanding Professor Rassias
methodology for Business English.
 Create students natural confidence and speaking to developed their
skills,participate difference methodology of grammar,vocabulary ,speaking
and listening,Main approach to get student a way from inhibition feelings and
and more energetic
 Get the student away from fear of making mistakes,deveveloped self
consciousness,empathy of connecting other students to give opinions more
clearly and creativity
 Try to solve the problem of difference types of students of young
learner,running any activities appropriate to the course and student able to
percept the text course book and apply to the conversation dabate,students
work with another students from difference culture and natural feeling
emotion expression,not focus over in their text books but also the way they
talk in real life
Activity based methodology activities for all
 Speaking and communicate activities
 Ask student a lot of question in daily working and interview
 For example
 What is your SWOT in your company?Can you listed the Strength,Weakness,Opportunity and
 This is may be a challenging for student who have a low level but teacher can give student
additional activities for listening and vocabulary skills
 Writing activities
 Writing a report for a company,for example we can write a draft of law employee of
company,policy,securities and investment!
 Checking and correct grammar of each paragraph depend in teacher knowledge skills
 Using a difference level for beginner,intermediate and advance for students
 Puzzling the vocabulary of Business,
 Define the words of ,for example
 “Economics” ,They may explain like”Economics is a Financial capacity of each nationality or
it can be in company or finance private family”
 If student doesn’t know the words in that,Teacher will explaint it for them
Activity based methodology activities for all
 Making a presentation for business,this is a important skill for
business because they have to have a good language profience in
order to make people in crownd understand what they said,they can
illustrate a diagram or economics analysis by Excel software how
economics runs in this nowadays globolisation,they will be able to
have anlysis skills
 Dabate class.Student have opportunities to have their own
thinking,giving the ideas to developed their business and either
become a partner,shareholder ,they can get a connection between
human relationship and share their expirence during their
jobs,expand their theory and application to other student,this is may
be a interested activities for student
Lesson planning for outcomes.

 Writing material for the lesson,teacher may be write the hypothetical of

business international in the paper or on the board,let student fill in the
blank of missing words and let them Imaginate of them,this lesson planning
 Student demonstration of activities individually topic like
Marketing,researching behavioural customer,trading commodities,subsidies
 Using NLP of each student capacity to application for their talent
 Learning variety concept of conceptualization skill,displicinary ,skimming
and scaning reading materialization
 Giving varieties of vocabulary in business administration like :Giving
example of Debit Card when you go to local and making a deposit
 Difference between Debit Card and Creditcard
Lesson planning for outcomes.
 Metting planning for purpose,try to use the English for businessmen,talk with
professionalism envairoment ,teacher gives full activities of vocabulary,reading
section,explationatory in order to make student fully meaning
 Giving students enough information and pratical area,giving their limit reading
because over reading can’t percept enourmous information because there are a
limit of student perceptionally skills
 Listening to expert saying about their business,analysis a tatical and strategy
skills to maintain business,using difference technology and programming coding
for market the business
 Presentation about the ideology of developments institiution and hired qualities
human resources for increasingly businesss qualities and qualification so
everyone will be feeling safe about that companys and giving the authorities to
the public relations
 Rhetorical and argumentation difference perspectiveness of the ideologies and
solve the problem of conflict how to builds ups the company
Philosophy of Teaching Business English.

 Giving student enough of material for studying in varieties topics,for example:filling in the blank
with sentence for example
 She has been_____ for employee for many years (recruiting)
 Creating a professional demonstrate topics
 Analysis the paragraph,by newspaper,printing some report of Finiancial Times paper and making
a reading section for understanding skills
 Using Language background approach to teach individually student depend on their knowledge
and experience ,difference position of their work we can choose many topics for them
 Giving students a quizze to check their basic knowledge of business English,we can use more
techniques that students can research by their own by encouragement,persuade,talk about their
business and giving example how business developed
 Thinking ciritical and having opinion how business international work,they may work with
investment from another country,they open the business and they have got to know how the
business envairoment culture work in order to work with people in that country
Philosophy of Teaching Business English
 Giving students opportunities to demonstrate their presentation skill and
apply in the real work,Teacher must be fixed their problem during the
 Using theory of logicial question and conclusion for manager
 How do you maintain your business if your resource is out of stock and they
have been delivering all of them?How do you find another investment
partner to increasing more profitable?
 Assistant of manager and CEO will have a opinion and cirtical thinking to
solve a problem based in teacher’s activities and some material they ve
been studied before
 Teacher have to make sure their spelling and writing is on the right ways
and focus in step to step,basic to higher level,concentrate in listening and
speaking and writing for academic purposes
 Giving student statements,question,exclamation,help students building
ideas to develop their business,writing email,understanding technology
 Classes discussion about their experience and negoitiationg
skills,difference topics like tele sales,marketing with public
relation,dealing with customer,legislation contract
Cross cultural communication.
 Nowadays is a time of revolutionary of technology and investment of
around the worlds,the stocks and the real estate has been raising and
people may easily can find the job if the economics has been
developing,but when people from another country they has came to
difference area may have some difference perspective and
opinion ,cultural,
 Partner and proflio may research difference culture to apply
communication respectively in order to co operate more effectively and
can be found their same opinion and not has been having and disconnect
between their region culture ,religion and political opinion states
 Cultural behavior with staff members and higher hierarchy may be a big
difference.They have to be equally in high competitiveness in each ranks
but sometimes they have a disconnect between hierarchy
 People from another word will find the same perspective in
communication envairoment more easily transferring knowledge
Cross cultural communication.

 Teacher will have been putting students together especially whoses

student from difference region ,mentality,spiritual,religious,culture
of company or politics putting them to the same way
 Students can may have a challenging to speak difference languages
but it gives students more creativie of language and adaption of
difference culture
 Behavioural management will enquire for this area,students always
change and adapt in difference situation
 Same perspective will make all of people working together more
easily and not be challenging for difference perpective and culture in
this nowadays globolisation
 Everyone have difference communicativeness and may have some
conflict each other,make sure this civilization will put them into the
sameway and their diplomatic will be more professionalism in natural
international envairoment
International Gesture
 Attempt the professionalism gesture in business cultural like hand
shaking and express the bodylanguage and difference
ways,Checking emotional interactiveness and confidence,Smilling
and using exatradionary greetings
 Dress more professional with high quality of suits with vest uniform
and great looking
 Repectful with the collegue and nice talk and chatting with well
demonstrate the ideas and solve problem in company,Well planning
in presentation on the board with movement of hands,pointing out
the ideas,gives expression conclution,planning the ideas of future
business with energetic
 Stay way from discomfort feeling and inappropriate
behaviour,approach difference types of people in order to joining
their culture with high quality of adaption combine the gesture
and always treat people with warm behaviour
International Gesture
 Stay aways from negative feeling of
insincerity,anxiety,arrogant ,it can gives a bad behaviour
and gesture
 Delivering emotional facial expression ,movement of
hands combination with language,attempt the
socialigulism,connect with politics,be equivalent with the
gender,respect all the members in order to cooperate
more effectively
 Be a great of diplomatic ,great appearance with
smilling,hands shake with warms hands,be a great
negotiator with great persuadion by using body language
of attractiveness,be a trusted guy and give partner and
everyone a trusted,solve the complexity prolem in
company with enthusiatism,empathetic,
Professionalism and International diplomacy.
 International diplomacy is varieties of topics
including,ecnomics,sociology,anthropromology,protecting human
right,policy,international law,nationalism and even more advance in
particular fields like philosophy,languages cultures…
The study of diplomacy is all about the relationship between countries
with policy with national securities,global secure,the policy of
The Relationship between the conflict war and cold war between
Russian ,American and China,solve the problem of nuclear development
and strategy of war,dealing with religion problem and two conflicts about
Democracy and Republic
In the past American and Soviet union was developed arm races with
nuclear power and Space program and they was trying to bring people to
the Moon,
The business must be able to dealing with those policies and also have a
soft power about the negotiating with international diplomacy
Professionalism and International diplomacy.
 American was sending troops to Irag in order to stop a Terrorist and create
and Democracy government with Republic of Irag and also operate the
Counterinsurgency for destroy IS
 Two contries are in commerce war between China and Amerian,Amerian was
tried to raising taxes for logisticst connect in to the two countries,each of
government has individual policies of trading commerce during the
Commerce War
 Protect Humantarism for countries which poverty and dictatorship with
International humantarism law system
 Conflicting between to system of politics,Communist and Democracy,the
diplomat was tried to bring two countries into the right ways and right
policies,communist operate the system call”Communist party” was founded
by Marxism Lenin and Hegel
 National securities is an operation for Intelligence sercure ,global
war,strategy of intelligence divded in difference states South East
Asian,Souther African and send an agency to those countries in order to
collect intelligence information also to work with NATO allience
Student analysis
Reliazation about their mistakes of grammar,structure and sentences especially
pronunciation,showing the syllabuses and applied linguistics in the right
ways,fixed –costed their problem
Strategy or learning in difference main approachs,define a verb,main
verbs,tenses in correct ways
Business skills like negotiating,this field students must be expert at speaking and
hearing using varieties of vocabulary,persuade the partener in order to success in
Social interaction with people in the righway with behaviour,treating people
nicely ,attempt a communication skills,
Discussion in groups with problem that company need to fixed about finance and
marketing ,how the human resource quality working and profitable in each
Spoken grammar in the right ways using contraction ,repetitiveness and also
combine with grammar stress and intonation with writing syllabuse on the
Student analysis.
 Conversation analysis is a kind of socialization work with high
dynamics,students must be given a clean structure
 Student identify their problem and what is their weakness skills
and teacher must be able to know their problem in order to fixed
it,teacher will help students to improve their weakness and
encourage their strength
 Analysis the problem of English mistake by spelling and grammar
correction depending in their levels
 Combination of extensive training and intensive training in each
 Give students enough information to applied in their
work ,toppics will be the writing a letter for press
conference,writing to hire employee or meating a news
customers and how to create a great conversation,provide enough
material,ensure them to used it correctly
Approaches and Methods in the classroom.
 Communicative approach:Debating,expression ideologies ,using structures
of persuading,applied the pronunciation of difference nationalities,talks
about their finance business how to controlling their balance of business
and not be in debts?How to givings our product into more clients in oder to
increasing our produdctive
 Commuincate how globolisation nowadays so our business can attempt the
technologies innovations and how we can hired great engineering to
innovate our product using difference techiniques of innovating electronics
chips and innovate the aluminum .How we can buy that product with fixed
costed and reduced costs
 Lexical approach assesement:student will writing the hypothetical
philosophy of business cooporating with difference partners and writing
legislation contract,insurance company,compensatory policies with
correction of grammar
 Natural approach:Applied grammar and contextualization so student will
speak and teacher will correct their mistakes and make sure students
giving students aways from their mistakes
Approaches and Methods in the classroom.
 Student centred approach:Teacher will giving the students vocabulary in business
,for example how can the calculator in finance institution applied the
mathematic by using albegra methods to giving a salaries to emplyees?
 By Using vocabulary and grammar to appropriate topics in business.Teacher can
also uses difference topics like talking in telesales and marketing
 Using communication approach and divied students one into telasales and one is
customer and talasales is going to persuade and having a communication advisor
to the customers
 Introduction a product to the clients,Roles playing as a Professional Mortgage to
clients as lending property housing or appartments ,checking custmers salaries in
order to decied acceptable or unacceptable for rending
 Students will have a perfect negoitiating skilss by providing enough soft skills
 Lexical approach,using language as a lawyer application ,business languages for
hierarchy for example:assistant manager ,advisor consultant,director of
finance ,Dicrector of management human resources,Competitiveness Strategys
for business
General language learning principals.
 Students will pick up their notebooks and writing downs for rememberize
their words by using dictionary for begineer ,advance and difficult words
for advance students,and also noted the essential grammar and lexical
method of studying languages,In the business English they will pick ups the
appropriate topics in their skills like economics levels 1 or A levels so they
can understading what its going on in the textbooks materials
 Using Academics Business Dictionary and writing into the notesbooks so
they can applied the words and having difference lexical approach and
pedagogy learning.
 For example their must be know what is a “Depreciation” in economics
and know the definition of Depreciation is decreasingly in the diagrams of
economics analysis combine with Inflationary or Degradation and relize
difference about Noun and Adjective “Depreciation”,”Depreciated”
 Listening is important skills of Perception information,students will take
times to listening in Economics experts say about how Stocks or Reals
estate works and able to understand grammar and structure
General language learning principals.
 Students want to study what are they hearing and observing,they
actually don’t want to focus on passive contextulization,they have
discovered in the topics that they interested to and not want to
focus on multidisplicinary topics
 There is no contracdiction about right or wrong in methodology of
study language,each methodology can help students build-up theirs
individually skills
 Learning by reading to understand and research difference topics
and also using advance or difficulty words and make sentences,this
method will help students perfectly in writing or vocabulary
creativity skills,it can produce their knowledge a memoriziation of
 Learning by listening by experts in radio or tv shows can also helps
students catch up their speech and increasingly their perception
skills be able to speaking and rememebering what they hear and
imitation of native speaker
Understanding student goals.
 Students want to be success in their career and having ability to use English
Business language in their work
 They have to talk with their clients stuff in English so teacher must be provide
all of material of English business by researching the documents of English
business,they can apply the dictionary of business English or using vocabulary so
students can immensely study appropriate topics for their needs
 Students want to speak fluency in business English so their customer or partner
can see their professionalism during their works
 Student wants to be perfect English as their friends or they already have their
friends from native language and their goals is having a perfect pronunciation
and communication in their work
 They can used a vocabularys and essential grammar in their works,teacher must
be having over knowledge of business envairoment and hypothetical of
economics analysis
 Student wants to achieve their goals by great salers by using English or higher
score in academic business test or they may use a perfect writing academic
Understanding student goals.
 approached:giving students a duty how to interviews an employees and how
to noted what employess was worked and experiences,so they can giving to
the director advice if they are able to work in company indudstrial
 Negotiating skills:students applied based on methodology ,persuade people on
the grounds,giving energetic movements,they can be an experts and having
higer score in Academic testing centre and achivements awards for English
like Dabate press conference,Great pronunciation of British and capacities of
 For Students who want to achive in Universities or Postgraduation they will
haves a tons knowledge of English in order to writing thesis or argumentation
statements ,great scores of GPA in University and accecptable thesis with
 For the Students who want to success as a Business having a difference skills
of negoitiating writing letter ,dealing clients,analysis a complexity problem in
their business,listening to the reporter ,understating hard worker natural
1 Speaking activities Describling about your company,How
many employess in your company and
how do you maintain your company
with recession?
Discussion about salaries depend in
their ability and how they can be
useful for company?
Negotiating with partners to persuade
them to invest your company and how
stock effect
Job interviews and requirement How have you been experienced about
your job as a assistant manager and
real estate agents?
How do you manage your advertising
your product into ads market and
influence your characteristic of your
jobs into the public relations and
ditigital marketing?
5 Activities
Writing activities Writing about your resumes of
cvs,language of profiency ,capacity of
using software including
Words,Excel,or Python
abilities ,Customer services,Writing a
reports for Directors
Report about the activities in
business ,report of financial ,financial
analysis and statistical building
Business planning by writing and oral How many customer are there in the
activities next fews years and how many incomes
that your can attempt for ours business
with a guarantees incomes
How do you hired enginerring to
innovated our electronic product and
buy the material with lower costes
Presentation about lastest activites of
company what we have done into a
groups of people
5 Activities

5 reading and watching a newspaper Writing down the journalist have said
and Tv shows about the business in the documentaries and report into
financial the newspaper by using tv and teacher
collect the appropriate video for
students levels and marked their
pecepted of hearing and understanding
Reading the financial reports,teacher
prints the collection of newspaper in
the website and bring in to students
reading for understanding vocabulary
and using in it in the real timess
Lesson plan 1

Topics Business English

Methedology:communicative approached,Natural approaches
Lengths 45 minutes
Teachers:Hoang Trong Thinh
Lesson objective:student will be able to used vocabularies and grammar in
the topics
level :Upper intermidiates
vocabularies includings
1Speculative applications
2 Speech recognition
3 Speaciality
4 Sovereign
5 solicitors
6 barristers
Lesson plans 1

1 Greeting
plan 1 Procedures
Every one introducing about
15 minutes(takes long time
theirself,explain about their to introduce between
hierarchy in a company,using numbers of students in
Icebreakers in order to put classes
them into more familiars so
the can work together as a
Approach :Commnunicative
2Warms ups Chines Whispers :Teacher 10 minutes
writing downs the words
In to the papers including
So teacher divied into 2
groups and shows each turns
is one words and students
whisper to another students
to writing downs the words
that they whisp and writing
down on the boards
Lesson plans 1
3 Topics Students shows the reponsiblities
Presentations to their jobs
15 minutes
about their jobs in the
companys,Explanation about theirs
process of working area for their
jobs,If they are a financial accounting
they will explain the details how do
they caculate a financial reports to
the managers,If they are a sales,they
will explain how to dealing with the
customers effectively
Approach :Commnunicative approach

4 Vocabularies teaching Words including

Choral drillings TPR responsive techniques
10 minutes
1 Speculative applications
2 Speech recognition
3 Speaciality
4 Sovereign
5 solicitors
6 barristers
Teachers printed the definition of the
words and pictures of Solicitors and
barristers to the students and explain
the meaning for thems and using TPR
choral drillings response,5 times
repeats for rememberize words
Lesson plans 1

5 Topic presentation Writing downs the plans 5 minutes

about traveling for traveling and history
of the place the you
travels also the
cultural,this topics let
students remember the
place the they have
visted and writing
challenging topics in
history as much as they
can increasing writing
Lesson plan 2
Topics Business English
Methedology:communicative approached,Natural
Lengths 60 minutes
Teachers:Hoang Trong Thinh
Lesson objective:student will be able to used
Vocabularies and grammar in the topics,reading to
Vocabularies includings
diagrams,substitution,microeconomics,subsides ,s
Level Upper intermediate
Lesson plans 2
Time Description and procedures Timing

1 Warm ups Teacher writing downs the 10 minutes

letters A to Z
Students will write the First
letters into the vocabulary in
Business for examples A will be
Agent of Stock Brokers
Teachers divied into 2 teams and
making points to win
Approach :Natural approach

2 activities filling in the gaps Fill in the gaps with the work 15 minutes
and vocabulary building with sentences
I____to sent the emails for you
lastest weeks about our reducing
costs for specials customers
Steps Procedures Time

Leading student into a Divied into 2 groups of 20 minutes(this is a

small talk or discussion students so they can talks challenges topics for
about their meeting,point business )
out the resolution of
business background and
try to solve the problem of
recession and degradation
of economics
Using a vocabularies
of :sustaitable,agrumentat
oeconomics,subsides ,stati
Using appropriate verb
sentences with simple
present and present
Approach :Natural
Steps Procedures Time

Reading material for Teachert pinted the 15 minutes

development cirtical material for reading in
thinkings Financial times and let
students answering
question and find the
answer on the test for
skimming and scanning
and filling the blanks
Analysis the text and
giving enough
informations on the
text,reading for

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