Week 5 - Common Sentence Eror

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Hari Widi Utomo, S.Pd., M.Ed.

Developing Effective
English Sentence
Students Outcome

CPMK 1: Be able to explain the

elements of a sentence and
make good and correct
sentences according to standard
English grammar
Developing Effective English Sentence


Sub CPMK 1.1 : Subject Verb

Sub CPMK 1.2 : Phrases
Sub CPMK 1.3 : Clauses
Sub CPMK 1.4 : Sentence Types
Sub CPMK 1.5 : Common Sentence Errors
Developing Effective English Sentence

Today’s Meeting

Sub CPMK 1.1 : Subject Verb

Sub CPMK 1.2 : Phrases
Sub CPMK 1.3 : Clauses
Sub CPMK 1.4 : Sentence Types
Sub CPMK 1.5 : Common Sentence Errors
Students Outcome

Sub CPMK 1.5: Be able to

identify various common
sentence errors.
Learning Indicator

1.5: Identify various common

sentence errors.
Learning Activities


1. Betty Schrampfer Azar. Understanding and

Using English Grammar. Englewood Cliffs:
Prentice-Hall. 1989.
2. Raymond Murphy. English
Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge-
University Press. 1985.

3. Stephen Bailey. Academic

Writing: A Handbook for International Students,
2nd Edition. Abingdon: Routledge, 2006.
Let’s Start !!
Common Sentence Eror:
Fragments, Run-ons, &
Comma Splices
1. Fragments


3. Comma Splices 2. Run-ons

1. Fragments
1. Fragments

• A sentence must have a subject and a verb and be a complete thought.

• When a dependent (subordinate) clause or a phrase is presented as a
sentence, it is called a fragment.
• Sebuah kalimat harus memiliki subjek dan kata kerja dan menjadi
pemikiran yang lengkap.
• Ketika klausa atau frasa dependen (bawahan) disajikan sebagai kalimat,
itu disebut fragmen.
1. With subordinate clauses

Typical error: I sent Bobby to the store. Because we’d run out of milk.
Correct: I sent Bobby to the store because we’d run out of milk.
People seek counselling. When they are experiencing difficulty coping with
Typical error:
aspects of their lives.
People seek counselling when they are experiencing difficulty coping with
aspects of their lives.
1. With subordinate clauses

Gudrun wanted to go to Cafe De Ville. Even though she’d already been
Typical error:
three times that week.
Gudrun wanted to go to Cafe De Ville even though she’d already been three
times that week.
The city constructed ramps. So that people with physical handicaps could
Typical error:
access public buildings more easily.
The city constructed ramps so that people with physical handicaps could
access public buildings more easily.
2. With prepositional phrases

Typical error: It came as a great relief. To everyone.
Correct: It came as a great relief to everyone.
Gordon hoped that Emma would abandon the idea of suing the company.
Typical error:
For her own sake as much as for anybody else’s.
Gordon hoped that Emma would abandon the idea of suing the company,
for her own sake as much as for anybody else’s.
2. With prepositional phrases

Typical error: Most people wouldn’t do that job. Not for love nor money.
Correct: Most people would not do that job for love or money.
They eventually found Abe in a crude cabin. Within a wood on the other
Typical error:
side of that ridge.
They eventually found Abe in a crude cabin within a wood on the other side
of that ridge.
3. With verbal phrases

Women need to have an average of two children. To keep the world’s
Typical error:
population constant in the long term.
Women need to have an average of two children to keep the world’s
population constant in the long term.
She sat with the telephone on her lap. Waiting for the familiar ring,
Typical error:
wondering whether she would ever get beyond the agony of waiting.
She sat with the telephone on her lap, waiting for the familiar ring,
wondering whether she would ever get beyond the agony of waiting.
3. With verbal phrases

For her sketching class, she borrowed ideas from Pre-Raphaelite paintings.
Typical error:
Depicting doe-eyed, full-bosomed women.
For her sketching class, she borrowed ideas from Pre-Raphaelite paintings
depicting doe-eyed, full-bosomed women.
Having heard that there was a large and varied bird population there. Mavis
Typical error:
was going to Bear Lake for the weekend.
Having heard that there was a large and varied bird population there, Mavis
was going to Bear Lake for the weekend.
4. With appositives

The book focuses on the one topic, dinosaurs. The most fascinating of
Typical error:
ancient life forms.
The book focuses on the one topic, dinosaurs, the most fascinating of
ancient life forms.
The story takes place in Thompson. A small mining town in northern
Typical error:
The story takes place in Thompson, a small mining town in northern
4. With appositives

Typical error: He remembered his father’s imaginary invention. The hairy chest uncurler.
Correct: He remembered his father’s imaginary invention, the hairy chest uncurler.
The annual Heritage Days is held at one of Edmonton’s largest parks,
Typical error:
Hawrelak Park. A park on the south bank of the North Saskatchewan River.
The annual Heritage Days is held at one of Edmonton’s largest parks,
Hawrelak Park, a park on the south bank of the North Saskatchewan River.
2. Run-Ons
2. Run-Ons

• Appropriate punctuation is required to join two independent clauses.

• A run-on or fused sentence occurs when this punctuation is completely
• Tanda baca yang tepat diperlukan untuk menggabungkan dua klausa
• Sebuah run-on atau kalimat menyatu terjadi ketika tanda baca ini sama
sekali tidak ada.
2. Run-Ons

Typical error: Henry bought the Christmas tree Lois put it up and decorated it.
Correct: Henry bought the Christmas tree; Lois put it up and decorated it.
Elvira Madigan was her all-time favourite film it had beautiful people,
Typical error:
beautiful scenery, and best of all, beautiful music.
Elvira Madigan was her all-time favourite film. It had beautiful people,
beautiful scenery, and best of all, beautiful music.
2. Run-Ons

She listened to the squeaky crunch of her tread through the snow she
Typical error: recalled a sensation, a sense of being, she had enjoyed more than once as a
She listened to the squeaky crunch of her tread through the snow, and she
Correct: recalled a sensation, a sense of being, she had enjoyed more than once as a
The distribution of the earth’s metals follows geochemical laws one of the
Typical error:
results is that most of the rarer metals are deep within the planet’s core.
The distribution of the earth’s metals follows geochemical laws. One of the
results is that most of the rarer metals are deep within the planet’s core.
3. Comma Splices
3. Comma Splices

• Comma splice errors occur when independent clauses are not separated
with a period, or joined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction.
• Kesalahan penyambungan koma terjadi ketika klausa independen tidak
dipisahkan dengan titik, atau digabungkan dengan koma dan konjungsi
1. With two independent clauses

A comma cannot be used to join two independent clauses.

Inconvenient banking hours are now a thing of the past, many branches now stay
Typical error:
open until 5:30 p.m. weekdays, and some are open on Saturdays.
Inconvenient banking hours are now a thing of the past. Many branches now stay
Correct: open until 5:30 p.m. weekdays, and some are open on Saturdays. (A period
separates the two independent clauses.)
Typical error: He fell into a deep meditative state, his pulse slowed down to practically nothing.
He fell into a deep meditative state, and his pulse slowed down to practically
Correct: nothing. (A comma and a coordinating conjunction join the two independent
Only the front facades were ornate, the back and sides were unadorned red
Typical error:
Only the front facades were ornate; the back and sides were unadorned red
brick. (A semicolon joins two independent clauses. See Semicolon.)
Maria avoided the limelight, her privacy was of paramount importance to
Typical error:
Maria avoided the limelight: her privacy was of paramount importance to
her. (A colon joins the two independent clauses. See The Colon.)
Typical error: Beryl just had too much to do, that’s why she couldn’t make it to dinner.
Because Beryl had too much to do, she couldn’t make it to dinner. (One
Correct: clause is subordinated to the other. See Subordinating Conjunctions,
2. With two independent clauses connected by a transitional phrase or a
conjunctive adverb
Transitional Phrases Conjunctive Adverbs
or example accordingly likewise
in conclusion also moreover
in fact besides nevertheless
in the meantime consequently otherwise
on the one hand furthermore then
n the other hand however therefore
instead thus
The government made drastic cuts to education and social programmes, however, it did
Typical error: not raise corporate taxes. (A comma cannot be used to join two independent clauses
connected by a conjunctive adverb.)
The government made drastic cuts to education and social programmes; it did not,
however, raise corporate taxes.
Children must be taught the relationship between work and consumer goods, otherwise
Typical error: they grow up expecting to have things without working for them. (A comma cannot be
used to join two independent clauses connected by a conjunctive adverb.)
Children must be taught the relationship between work and consumer goods; otherwise
they grow up expecting to have things without working for them.
The superhighway of telecommunications will enable people involved in related disciplines from
around the world to communicate more easily with each other, on the other hand the highway will
Typical error:
further widen the information gap. (A comma cannot be used to join two independent clauses
connected by a transitional phrase.)
The superhighway of telecommunications will enable people involved in related disciplines from
Correct: around the world to communicate more easily with each other; on the other hand, the highway will
further widen the information gap.
Phyllis took an active role in cultivating the creative talents of her children, for example, she would
spend hours with them scouring urban and rural trails for scraps of things to use in collages. (A
Typical error:
semicolon or period is required when a transitional phrase is used to connect two independent
Phyllis took an active role in cultivating the creative talents of her children. For example, she would
spend hours with them scouring urban and rural trails for scraps of things to use in collages.
Please write the right sentences!

1. Mona is a good friend of mine, she is kind and very funny.

2. When I got home from school yesterday.
3. JD is gone to Australia I wish I could have fit in his suitcase because I love the warm
4. I miss summer, when will it ever return?
5. Although my dog is a good companion.
6. The tall and slender girl who lives down the street.
7. After school, I think I will have a nap.
8. Class goes by very quickly some days others seem to drag on forever I wonder why that

1. Mona is my good friend, she is kind and very funny.

2. When I got home from school yesterday?
3. JD is gone to Australia. I wish, I could have fit in his suitcase because I love the warm
4. I miss summer. When will it ever return?
5. Furthermore, my dog is a good companion.
6. The tall and slender girl who lives down the street.
7. After school, I will have a nap.
8. Class goes by very quickly some days. Others seem to drag on forever. I wonder why that


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