NSTP Powerpoint DRRM

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Chapter II
Disasters Awareness
Preparedness and
The Philippines is located in the circum-pacific belt of Fire and
typhoon. This being so, the country has always been subjected
to natural disaster and calamities-floods, typhoons, turnadoes,
earthquake, drough, fire, tsunamis, and volcanic eruption
which have brought incessant miseries to our people. No to
loss of lives and properties
• Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM)
concepts, principles and trends (RA 10121)
• Geographic Profile of the Philippines
• Disaster Risk Profile of the Philippines (focus on
specific region/area where the school is located)
• Four thematic areas of the Philippine Disaster
Management System
What is Disaster Awareness
Preparedness and Management?

- Disaster awareness denotes the extent of knowledge about disaster risks,

and the factors that lead to disasters influence the actions that could be taken
individually or collectively to address exposure and vulnerability to hazards,

-Disaster preparedness denotes the measures that are taken to prepare


-Management the systematic approach and practice in managing uncertainly to

minimize potential harm and loss. It comprise risk assessment and analysis, and
the implementation of strategies and specific action to control, reduce and
transfer risk.
Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management
Concepts, Principles and
Disaster risk reduction and

Is a series of actions (programmes, projects,

and/measures) and instruments expressly
aimed at reducing disaster risk in endangered
regions, and mitigating extent of disasters.
TRENDS (RA 10121)

Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is a systematic

approach to identifying, assessing and reducing
the risks of disasters.
It aims to reduce socio-economic vulnerabilities to
a disaster as well as dealing with the
environmental and other hazards that trigger them.
The concept of disaster risk reduction
and management (DRRM) accepts that
some hazard events may occur but tries
to lessen the impact by improving the
community’s ability to absorb the
impact with minimum damage or
Operationally, it includes risk assessment,
disaster prevention and mitigation and
disaster preparedness.
It is used to underscore the current trend
of taking a proactive approach to hazards
posed by extreme natural phenomena.
• Building code revision and implementation
• Hazard and vulnerability analysis
• Zoning and land use management
• Public awareness and education
• Early warning system (forecasting and etc.)
The components of Disasters risk
reductiontaken before the disaster.
Disasters Risk Reduction is a process which is done
before a disaster, strikes and consist with 5 steps.
• Risk Identification
• Risk Analysis
• Risk Priorization
• Risk Treatment
• Monitoring and Evaluation
Risk Identification

-The Risk Identification stage identifies

the hazard, potential threats are
identified base party on experience and
Risk Analysis

-Risk Analysis aims to establish the

magnitude and the likelihood of the
occurrence of the event.
Risk Prioritization

-The Risk Prioritization step analyzes

and identifies priority subjects (hazard,
areas and elements at risk) requiring
Risk Treatment

-The Risk Treatment stage identifies the

cause of the risk, identifies treatment
strategies, and prepares and
emplements treatment plans.
Monitoring and evaluation

-Monitoring and evaluation overseas

the implementation progress of the of
the disasters risk management process.
This stage also conduct periodic
investigation of progress and analysis of
impact and achievements.
Look at those pictures :
those pictures are examples of man-made disaster and natural disaster
Kinds of Disaster:

• Man- made disasters- it is disaster resulting from

human intent, negligence, or error. The results are
usually wide scale destruction, and high cost.

• Natural disaster- is the effect of natural hazard. Ex.

Flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, strong winds,
typhoon, drought, tsunami.
Theories of Disaster:
a. Disaster is an Act of God- were viewed as divine
retribution for human misdeeds and failings. Thus the old old
biblical idea of disaster as act of God include the notion of a
God acting in response of human failings (for example, in the
epidemic of HIV, is just punishment for behavior they see as
immoral, “catastrophic”, “earthquake”, as God’s way of
controlling the relentless rise of population.”
b. Disaster as an Act of Nature- Natural disasters have come
to be seen as random, morally inert phenomena—chance
events that lie beyond the control of human beings.
c. Disaster as intersection of society and nature- disaster are result of
human activities, not of natural or super natural forces. Disaster are
simply the collapse of cultural protections; thus they are principally
man made. Mankind responsible for the consequences of his actions as
well as of his omission.

d. Disaster as avoidable Human Creation- inequalities in risk (and

opportunity) are largely a function of the principal system of power
operating in all societies, which are normally analyzed in terms of class,
gender, and ethnicity.
Definition of term

• Hazard
• Vulnerability
• Disaster
• Risk
• Reduction
Definition of term

-is a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or
Definition of term

- is the human dimension of disasters and is the result of the range of
economic, social, cultural, institutional, political and psychological factors
that shape people’s lives and the environment that they live in.
Definition of term

- is a serious disruption of the functioning of the community or a
society involving the widespread human, material, economic or
environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of
the affected community or society to cope using its own
Definition of term

-The combination of the probability of an event and its negative
Definition of term

-aims to reduce the damage course by natural hazards, like
earthquake, floods, drought, and cyclone, through an ethic
of prevention.
Lesson 2
Geographical profiles
of the Philippines
Geographic Profile of the
• The Philippines is vulnerable to almost all types of
natural hazards because of its geographical

• The Philippine archipelago occupies he western rim

of the Pacific Ocean (Western Segment of the
Pacific Ring of Fire) and earthquake belt of active
volcanoes and earthquake generators.
• It lies along the Western Pacific Basin in between
of two tectonic plates that create mountain ranges,
islands and volcanoes.

• Our locality which is the Province of Guimaras is in

western part of Visayas. The San Lorenzo is the 5th
municipality. the other Municipality are Jordan,
Nueva Valencia, Buenavista, and Sibunag.
Lesson 3
Disasters Risk Profile of
the Philippines (focusing
on the specific
region/area where
school is located)
Disaster Risk Profile
According to the world risk index 2011. The Philippines places 3rd out of 173
countries rank according to their risk score or their exposure to hazards.
RA 10121- Disaster Risk Reduction Management
What is Disaster?
According to RA 10121, it is a serious disruption of the functioning of the
community or a society involving the widespread human, material, economic or
environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected
community or society to cope using its own resources.
Disaster result from the combination of: the exposure to hazard; the condition
of vulnerability that are present; and insufficient capacity or measures to
reduce or cope with the potential negative consequences.
The Philippine profiles
• Situated along the Eurasian and Pacific plates
• 300 volcanoes, 22 as active, 27 are potentially active with 3 volcanoes
constantly monitored recently, (Mt. Mayon, Taal, and Bulusan)
• Extensive fault line generates an average of 20 quakes per day, mostly
monitor ones.

• Located in the typhoon belt, the Philippines average of 18-22

typhoon a year almost half of which is destructive.
• Vulnerable rural areas where houses are light structured and not
available to withstand the effect of these weather disturbances
• Its 289 km. Of coastline is exposed to possible
storm surges, tsunami, and sea level rise.
• Flooding is perennial problem due to:
a. Unplanned and unregulated development ventures
(housing and other industries e.g. fish ponds, mining)
b. Informal settlers living in water ways and houses on
river banks;
c. Denuded forest due to illegal logging
d. Eroded soil
e. Poor waste management
f. Problematic protocols in the release of waters in
major dams
g. The impact of climate change is also causing
unpredictable behaviors of typhoons and its effects
h. The effects of El Niño and La Niña can cause
inundations, landslides and drought which affects food
security and energy
• The country’s vulnerability to natural hazards alone cost the
Philippine government an average of Php.15 Billion annually
in direct damages or more than .5% of countries GNP
• Aside from these direct impacts, disaster have also derailed
social and economic development since funds are
reallocated from on- going program of finance relief and
reconstruction assistance.
• The Philippines’ Risk profile for natural disaster is also
reflected in the 2009 Global Assessment Report prepared by
the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster
Reduction (UNISDR)
Vulnerability of climate change:
• Current climate change trends exhibited increasing
temperature. Mean temperature increased .57C and
average of .01 C per year- increase from 1971-2000
• With global warming, more intense typhoon are likely,
but changes in frequency are uncertain- PAGASA
• It is likely that hot temperature and heavy
precipitation will continue to become more frequent
in the future.
• Number of days with maximum temperature>35 degree
Celsius is expected to increase in all parts of the country in
2020 and 2050
• Extreme rainfall is expected to increase in Luzon and Visayas
in 2020 to 2050
Perceived impact of climate change:
• The Philippines rank 6th out of 16 countries extremely
vulnerable to climate change based on climate change
vulnerability index 2010
• The Philippines relies on its agricultural economy
for food security which make up 18% of GDP
• One out of five (or 15.73% million) Filipino has no
access to safe drinking water.
• Climate projections by 2020 and 2050 would impact
domestic water supply, irrigation, hydropower
generation, recharge of equifers, water quality,
water shades and fishery, and even flood control
• Climate change is expected to further aggravate the
present condition of the Philippine eco system
• Human security is threatened
• Disaster risk are increasing, due to increasing
intensity and frequency of hydro- meteorological
hazard (brought about by climate change); and the
increasing value of exposed elements due to
development and demographic expansion.
Lesson 4
Four thematic areas of
the Philippines
Disasters Management
The Four thematic areas of the
Philippines Disasters Management

• Disaster prevention and mitigation

• Disasters preparedness
• Disasters response
• Disasters rehabilitation and recovery
• Disaster Prevention and Mitigation- Avoid hazard
and mitigate their potential impacts by reducing
vulnerabilities and exposure and enhancing capacities
of communities.
• Disaster preparedness- establish and strengthen
capacities of communities to anticipate, cope and
recover from the negative impact of emergency
occurrences and disaster.
• Disaster Response - provides the preservation and meet the
basic substance needs of affected population base on acceptable
standards during or immediately after a disaster.

• Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery- restore and

improve facilities, livelihood and living conditions and organizational
capacities of affected communities and reduced disaster risk in
accordance with the building back better principle.
Multiple choices
1. It is disaster resulting from human intent
negligence or error. The results are usually
wide scale destruction and high cost.
A. Man-made disaster
B. Disaster as intersection of society and nature
C. Disaster as an act of nature.
2. Natural disasters have come to be seen as
random, morally inert phenomena—chance
events that lie beyond the control of human
A. Disaster is an act of nature
B. Man-made disaster
C. Disaster as intersection of society and nature
3. Natural Disaster have come to be seen as
random, morally insert phenomena. Chance
event that life beyond the control of human
A. Disaster as avoidable human creation
B. Disaster as an act of nature
C. Natural Disaster
4. According to the world risk index ________.The
philippines place 3rd out of 173 countries rank
accurding to their risks score or their exposure to
A. 2012
B. 2010
C. 2011
5. Is the human dimension of disasters and is the result
of the range of economic, social, cultural, institutional,
political and psychological factors that shape people’s
lives and the environment that they live in.
A. Risk
B. Reduction
C. Vulnerability

_____1. denotes the extent of knowledge about disaster risks, and the factors
that lead to disasters influence the actions that could be taken individually or
collectively to address exposure and vulnerability to hazards,
_______2. it is disaster resulting from human intent, negligence, or error. The results
are usually wide scale destruction, and high cost.
_____3.denotes the measures that are taken to prepare for/reduce.
______4. stage identifies the hazard, potential threats are identified base party on
experience and records.
____5. Avoid hazard and mitigate their potential impacts by reducing
vulnerabilities and exposure and enhancing capacities of communities.
_____6. is a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition.
True or False
1. According to RA 10120, it is a serious disruption of the functioning of
the community or a society involving the widespread human, material,
economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the
ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own
2. The kind of disaster are man-made disaster and natural disaster.
3. Natural disaster is the effect of the human intent.
4. According to the philippine profiles,philippines has 300 volcanos, 22,
as active, 27 are potentially active with 3 volcanoes constantly
monitored recently, (Mt. Mayon, Taal, And Bulusan)
5. Man-made disaster is a disaster resulting from human intent,
regligence, or error.
Give the four thematic
areas of the philippines
disasters management

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