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PowerPoint 2000

Consultant Training Class

January 2001

 Enabling Technology — Setting Up Your Laptop

 Understanding Current A.T. Kearney Format
 PowerPoint Quick Tips
• Working with Tables
• Creating Charts
• Others
 Appendix
• Setting Up PowerPoint
• Introduction to Production Service Website
• Helpful Hints for Working with Production Services

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Enabling Technology — Setting
Up Your Laptop

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Changing the default format of the Blank PowerPoint
presentation will allow you to always work in A.T. Kearney
format when you open a new document

Instructions on How to Change the Default Format

 Open the PowerPoint document called “A.T. Kearney Default Design”
 On the File menu, click “Save As…”
 In the lower “Save As Type” box, click Design templates (*.pot) and click
 You will be automatically taken to the templates folder to a list of template
 Next, scroll down to find the icon for “Blank Presentation.pot” document,
select it and then click Save
 Click Yes to replace the “Blank Presentation.pot” document

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Customizing the Toolbar will allow you fast and easy access to
commonly used tools, buttons and applications

Customizing Toolbar Instructions

 Go to “View” … “Toolbars”
 Standard, Formatting, and Drawing should all be selected
 Next, go to “Customize” at the bottom of the toolbars window
 Select the “Commands” tab
 Under “Categories”, first select “Drawing”
 Drag and drop the buttons listed on the next page for various shortcuts onto your
 When dragging the new button, ensure it is positioned exactly alongside the adjacent
• A small + sign will appear if they are aligned, otherwise a bold X will be visible
 Next, under “Categories”, select Format and add the remaining tool buttons

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Illustration of common Toolbar Buttons
Fill Shape with Color
Multiple Shapes (pull-down menu) Color of Line on Shape
Slide View Color of Text
Outline View
Slide Sorter View Line Thickness
Notes View Styles of Lines
Slide Show Arrow Heads

Hide Slide
Send to Back (in slide sorter view)
Zoom Bring to Front
Speller Cut Align Shapes
Copy Graphs
Past Undo Left
clipart Slide Layout/
Redo Right
Center Vertical
Center Horiz

Right Align
Left Align
Font Apply Style
Font Size Bold Pick-Up Style
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Understanding Current
A.T. Kearney Format

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With the current A.T. Kearney format, the working area on a
page, as illustrated below, ensures that text and graphics are
presented in a visually appealing and consistent way
Chart Titles Illustrative

4.08 4.83

Working Area

3.58 A.T. Kearney 47/Internal PowerPoint Training-GC/

Quick Tips — General Guidelines for A.T. Kearney Format

Title Page

• May be replaced by the client’s

logo (if high-quality file copy can
be obtained)

Client Name, 32-Point Bold Text

Document Title — 16-Point Italic Text

Document Type, 14-Point Regular Text

• This is a standard title page.
• All elements on a title page are Note that each of the four title
centered and done in title case Date, 12-Point Regular Text
page elements has its own
textbox. If one (or more) of
these elements is not on a page,
then delete the text but do not
move any of the other elements

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Quick Tips — General Guidelines for A.T. Kearney Format

Text Page
Running Head — Always 12-Point Plain Text, Title Case

Text page — GP report format — headline is 18-point bold, sentence case

Subhead (bold, sentence case) — delete if not needed; first square bullet then goes here
 Text: 14-point Times New Roman with 70 percent Wingdings square bullet; 1 line space, 0.5 before-
paragraph spacing
• Subpoint
• Subpoint
• Subpoint
— Subpoint
– Subpoint
 Text: 14-point Times New Roman with 70 percent Wingdings square bullet; 1 line space, 0.5 before-
paragraph spacing
• Subpoint
• Subpoint
• Subpoint
— Subpoint
– Subpoint

“Tombstones” should always be 14-point bold, sentence case, centered

within the box and centered to the scotch rule. Create using a textbox
with the line on (do not use an AutoShape — inconsistent spacing result)

A.T. Kearney 7/23823/SG 4

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Quick Tips — General Guidelines for A.T. Kearney Format

Divider Page

Divider: 24-Point Bold Times New

Roman, Title Case
• If there is a need for bullets
• This is where you put them
• (In a separate text box, 24-point
bold Times New Roman, sentence

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Quick Tips — General Guidelines for A.T. Kearney Format

Notes & Sources

Running Head — Always 12-Point Plain Text, Title Case

Notes and sources

Text with footnotes and sources

 The footnote reference is the number in superscript and parentheses(1)
 The superscript number should be offset 30 percent (default setting)

• Use tabs to • The textbox for notes and sources should be set
create this with bottom alignment; text bottom aligns with
space after the A.T. Kearney production document
the colon number. The textbox should be set so that the
text in the notes/sources does not extend
beyond the left margin of the production
document number text box

Notes: (1) All notes are 10-point font, plain text and sentence case and are placed flush against the left side of the Scotch
rule. There is one space between the footnote number and the text comprising the footnote
(2) Note that the first item of the footnote is flush with the first item of the source note. Footnote numbers are
always in parentheses. Do not forget the hanging indent
Sources: Titles of periodicals and books should be italicized; “articles” belong in quotation marks. If this source line wraps,
it should wrap as shown. To do so, it must be placed in a separate text box A.T. Kearney 7/23823/SG 8

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PowerPoint Quick Tips

• Working with Tables

• Creating Charts
• Others

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Tables Part I Objectives — Participants Will:

 Obtain a basic working knowledge of PowerPoint tables

 Learn how to create a table and
• Add/remove columns and rows
• Resize columns and rows
• Merge/split cells

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Introduction: The Old Way

 Prior to Office 2000 the table feature in PowerPoint was a clunky, paste-in
version of an MS Word table
 PowerPoint 2000 has combined the main Word Table features with
PowerPoint’s AutoShape functions to make an easy-to-use, hybrid table. So,
tables that used to be created like this…

Old Style: Each Column Is a Separate Text Box

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Introduction: The New Way

 …Are now created like this, using the Table function:

 A table is one object that can be moved, sized, formatted, etc., as a single item or by
individual column or row

The PowerPoint Table feature is now the operating

standard within North America Production Services
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Creating a Table

 There are two ways to create a table in PowerPoint 2000

• Click on the Insert Table icon on the Standard toolbar and drag over the
number of rows
and columns needed

— Select Insert menu>Table and

type in the number of rows
and columns (up to a
maximum of 25)
— If more than 25 columns
or rows are needed, insert
them from the Table
menu after the table has
been created
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The Table Icon Bar

 The PowerPoint Tables and Borders toolbar should pop up on the screen
when a table is active. The Tables and Borders bar contains some very
useful icons such as alignment, border and fills, merge/ split and line drawing
and erasing tools. Also on the bar is the Table menu used for
adding/subtracting columns and rows

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Quick Tip

 Tables default to a 2¼ point thick outside border. The first thing to do with a
new table is change the default border to a 1-point border with a click of an
— Hit Esc twice to deselect individual cells and to select the entire table
— Click on the Outside Border icon which should be pre-set for a
1-point border. The table will automatically be reformatted

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Add/Remove Columns and Rows

 To add or remove columns and rows simply select Table menu> Insert
Column or Insert Row. This will add columns to either the right or left and
rows to either the top or bottom of the cell the cursor is currently in

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Resizing Columns and Rows

 There are two ways to resize table rows

• Click on the table and grab the bottom or top center point. Squeeze the
table down to an exaggerated size and release it. The table will “spring”
back into shape, but every row will now be the exact size of the text within.
When typing in new text the row will expand automatically to
accommodate it

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Resizing Columns and Rows

• Click and drag individual lines to resize only one row

— Again, over-drag the line and then release it. It will automatically
“snap” back to the exact height of the text

Tip: When
When resizing
resizing columns
columns or
or rows
rows make
make sure
sure that
that your
your mouse
pointer looks
looks like
like this:

Move your
your mouse
mouse to
to within
within range
range of
of the
the line
line and
and when
when it
it changes
click and drag
click and drag
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Resizing Columns and Rows

 Resize columns by clicking and dragging on one of the lines. This is not
limited to grabbing only the inside cell lines, even the outside lines can be
dragged to enlarge the far left or right columns

Column and Row

resizing tools

Table resizing tools

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Resizing Columns and Rows

 Creating a Table with one large column and multiple equal columns:
• Create the table with the large column LEFT OFF
• Size and place the table on the left or right of the page, depending on where
the large column is to be inserted
— Place the cursor in any cell to the immediate left or right of where the new column is
to be inserted and choose Table menu >Insert Columns to the Left or Insert
Columns to the Right
— Grab and resize the outside line on the new column

Tip: If the mouse look like this: it is not on the outside line. 4-arrows mean that the mouse will grab the
entire table, not the individual line

To grab the individual line your mouse must look like this:

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Merging Cells

 PowerPoint tables allow cells to merge across a series of columns or down a

series of rows
• To merge cells, highlight the target cells, then click on the Merge icon

 Cells can also be merged by using the Eraser

tool, which will “erase” the line between two
cells and merge them together

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Splitting Cells

 It would be nice to be able to use the Split Cells icon, but this feature does
not work exceptionally well. The best way to split a cell is to use the Draw
Table pencil tool
— Click on the Draw Table pencil tool and place it in the middle of the column or row
to be split
— Click and drag to the right or down the length of the column or row until it “snaps”
to the edge of the cell then release the mouse

Start Pencil Here

Stop Pencil Here

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Tables Part II Objectives — Participants Will:

 Obtain a basic working knowledge of PowerPoint tables and learn how to

• Tab
• Line spacing
• Align text within a cell
• Change the bullets and numbering
• Set bullet spacing on the ruler bar

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 Like Excel, tabbing in a Table moves the cursor one cell over
 To tab over without affecting bullets or numbering use SHIFT+ Tab
 To tab over to change the bullet position use ALT + SHIFT + Right Arrow
• To tab back use ALT + SHIFT + Left arrow

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Line Spacing

 Default line spacing on a table is 1 and .05

• Line spacing in tables is formatted the same way as normal text boxes.
Highlight the text and select Format menu>Line Spacing
• To change the line spacing for the whole table, press and hold the shift
key down then click on the table to select the entire table. Any change
made to formatting now will affect the whole table

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Aligning Text

 Use the left/right/center alignment icons just like a text box. PowerPoint also
has top/bottom/center align text icons on the Tables & Borders icon bar

Title 1 Title 2 Title 3

Text 1
(top aligned)

Text 2
(middle aligned)

Text 3
(bottom aligned)
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Bullets and Numbering

 When creating tables from scratch, the default bullets conform to the
documents “Master Page”. However, the first level bullet for tables, just like
text boxes, should start with the round bullet, then the long dash and finally
the short dash
— To format bullets, start by using the default bullets
— Change the bullets and indent spaces in one cell then using the format painter change all
the cells in one move

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The Ruler Bar

 Changing the bullet type does not change its spacing on the ruler bar. The
best way to format multiple cells is to change the indents and then use the
format painter to fix all of the cells in one sweep
• Place the cursor in the first text cell and look at the ruler bar. It should look
like this:

• Each set of markers represents one set of bullets

— Click and grab the bottom of the first marker and drag it right one tick mark. This is
the default spacing for a round bullet. The ruler bar should now look like this:

Title 1 Title 2 Title 3 Title 4

• Text text text Texttext text Texttext text Text text text
—Text text text •Text text •Text text •Text text
–Text text text —Text text —Text text —Text text
Text text text Texttext text Texttext text Text text text
•Text text text •Text text •Text text •Text text
—Text text text —Text text —Text text —Text text
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The Ruler Bar

• Click and grab the top of the second indent marker. Holding down the
CTRL key, drag it above the bottom half of the first marker
• Click and drag the bottom indent marker two tick marks to the right. This
is the default spacing for the long dash (em dash) bullet. The ruler bar
should now look like this:

Title 1 Title 2 Title 3 Title 4

• Text text text Texttext text Texttext text Text text text
— Text text text •Text text •Text text •Text text
–Text text text —Text text —Text text —Text text
Text text text Texttext text Texttext text Text text text
•Text text text •Text text •Text text •Text text
—Text text text —Text text —Text text —Text text

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The Ruler Bar

• Click and grab the top of the third indent marker. Holding down the
CTRL key drag it above the bottom half of the second marker
• Click and grab the bottom of the third indent marker. Drag it over one tick
mark. This is the default spacing for the short dash (en dash) bullet. The
ruler bar should now look like this:

— Highlight the entire formatted cell and double-click on the Format Painter icon.
With the Format Painter on, click and drag over all the cells to be formatted

Title 1 Title 2 Title 3 Title 4

• Text text text • Text text text • Text text text • Text text text
— Text text text • Text text • Text text • Text text
– Text text text
– Text text – Text text – Text text
• Text text text • Text text text • Text text text • Text text text
• Text text text • Text text • Text text • Text text
– Text text text – Text text – Text text – Text text
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Tables Part III Contents — Participants Will:

 Have a basic working knowledge of PowerPoint tables and learn how to:
• Change colors and fills
• Change line color, width and style

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Colors and Fills

 Use the paint bucket icon to fill cells just like an AutoShape

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Line Color and Width

 There are three ways to change the line color and thickness on a table
• Click on the Border Color icon, the Border Style or
Border Width icon
—Using the pencil tool,
Border Border Border
trace over the lines Style Width Color
to be changed

— Click on the Border Color icon, the Border Style or

Border Width icon
• Click on the Outside Borders icon and change the individual lines by clicking
“off” and then “on” a line, OR select the “border” to affect the entire outside
border or “grid” to affect the entire table

Border Grid

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Line Color and Width

• Select Format menu>Colors and Lines

— To select border colors or line thickness, go to the Borders tab and
select a new border color, line style or thickness.
• In the Format Table dialog box deselect and reselect the line to apply the new

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Final Note: Ungrouping — Please Don’t!

 It is impossible to understand the difficulties created by ungrouping tables

until you see it for yourself, so for this exercise we are going to ungroup the
table we have been working on
• Click on the table and select Draw menu>Ungroup
• Grab and move some of the items around and to see what has happened
—All of the cells have become individual text boxes
—The outside border has turned into four lines
—The lines between cells have become long edge-to-edge lines
—If text is present, each cell will be a different text box

Title 1 Title 2 Title 3 Title 4

• Text text text • Text text text • Text text text • Text text text
— Text text text • Text text • Text text • Text text
– Text text text – Text text – Text text – Text text
• Text text text • Text text text • Text text text • Text text text
— Text text text • Text text • Text text • Text text
– Text text text – Text text – Text text – Text text
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PowerPoint Quick Tips

• Working with Tables

• Creating Charts
• Others

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Objectives — Participants Will:

 Understand the basic tools used in creating charts in PowerPoint 2000

 Create basic charts in PowerPoint 2000
 Learn to use MS Graph formatting tools
 Import and manipulate data from Excel in MS Graph
 Create specialty charts
 Troubleshoot format problems when working with MS Graph in PowerPoint

What would a deck be without a few well-placed charts?

Too many bullets probably!

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Charting in PowerPoint 2000

Q.How do I create a chart?

A. As with other Microsoft features, there is more than one way to create a chart
• Insert menu>Chart — or—
• Click on the Insert Chart icon

— Use either method to create

a basic graph

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Chart Format Tools

 Charting in PowerPoint 2000 has changed very little from earlier versions of
PowerPoint. Use the Format Chart Area below as a guide to create and
format PowerPoint charts
Tip: Always uncheck the auto scale box under the
fonts tab. When checked your charts “blow up”
when being copied or edited

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Charting in PowerPoint 2000

Q. What if I want a different type of chart?

A. The Graph program has 14 chart types, each has from two to seven subtypes.
Switching chart types is very simple to do, with a click
of the mouse

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Formatting Charts

 There are several chart elements that can be formatted to

A.T. Kearney specifications, we will focus on these elements
 Chart format specifications:
• Chart titles should be created manually, not within the graph application
• X-axes are always used
• One or two Y-axes can be displayed
— Y-axes are shown if no
data labels are used
• Chart gridlines are not used in
A.T. Kearney format
• Legends are created manually,
outside the Graph program
and placed in the upper-right
corner of the Exhibit area
• Due to text wrapping and
spell check issues, it is preferred that category and axes labels be created
outside the Graph program
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Changing Colors in Charts

Q. How do I change the color of a series in a

A. Double click the chart to open it, then double click
the series to be changed, select the required color in
the Area color choices; this will change all the items
in the series. Repeat this step for each series as
To add/remove border lines, double click the line to
access the format tools, select none

Q. How do I change the color of the background?

A. Repeat as above except double click on the

background and choose desired color. A.T.
Kearney format typically does not allow for color
backgrounds, but you may need a white or
transparent back in certain situations

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Importing Data From Excel

 PowerPoint’s MS Graph is the same application used in Excel to create

charts. Sharing data between the two applications is relatively simple:
— Highlight and Delete dummy data in the default datasheet
— Highlight the Excel data, copy it, then paste it into the MS Graph datasheet. The
data will automatically plot your chart
— Notes:
• Complex data may need some reformatting to display properly
• Formulas, pivot table and other complex Excel functions do not carry over into
PowerPoint’s MS Graph





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Specialty Charts — Waterfall

Q. How do I create a Waterfall chart?

A. Start with a default stacked bar graph, using at least two series of data. Input all
relevant data for each category. Both the category and “lift data” must be included

After all data is added, select the “lift” data series A and set the border and area to
match the background color

Simple Stacked-Bar Chart Formatted As A Waterfall (with Data)


$150 $125

$125 $100

$100 $75

$75 $50

$50 $25

A $0
Total Services Product Materials
$0 Category 150 55 55 40
Total Services Product Materials Lift 0 95 40 0

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Visual instructions for entering data into waterfall charts

This first row is the “imaginary”


This second row is the actual #’s you

want your block to be

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Specialty Charts — Scatter

Q. How do I create a Scatter-plot chart?

A. Launch the Graphing application. From the Chart menu, select Chart types, then
from the Standard tab, select Scatter. The
X-row plots the x-axis value

Scatter Chart With Data


Revenues ($ MM)

-120 0 120
Costs 47/Internal
A.T. Kearney ($ MM) PowerPoint Training-GC/ 5
Specialty Charts — Bubbles

Q.How do I create a Bubble chart?

A. Launch the Graphing application. From the Chart menu, select Chart types, then
from the Standard tab, select Bubble. The top X-row plots the x-axis value. The y
value is plotted on line 1 then a relative size value, which sets the bubble’s size, is
added on line 2 in this example

= Profit
Bubble Chart With Data

Revenues ($ MM) $60

-120 0 120

A.T.Costs ($ 47/Internal
Kearney MM) PowerPoint Training-GC/ 5
Specialty Charts — Line and Column Combination

Q.How do I create a line and column chart on the same axis?

A. Open the Graphing application. Create a simple column chart. Single-click on one of
the pre-set series in the default chart, then from the Chart menu, select Chart type
again. This time, select a Line chart. The data series you selected will change to a line
while the rest of the chart will remain plotted as columns

Example — Single-Axis Line and Column Combo Chart

Sales Revenue Versus Cost ($ MM) Revenue





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Specialty Charts — Two-Axes

Q.How do I create a double-axes chart?

A. Open the Graphing application. Follow the steps to create a Line-Column combo.
Once that is completed, double-click on the data series in the chart that will be moved
to the secondary axis, then from the Format Data Series pop up, select the Axis tab,
select 2nd Axis, then OK

Dual-Axis Chart

Sales Revenue ($ MM) % of Sales Growth

$50 30%

$25 15%

$0 0%
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Troubleshooting Charts

Q. How can I fix my chart if it has already “blown up?”

A. As noted, two settings create/control this problem
1. Select Tools menu>Options, select the edit tab and uncheck the New Charts
take on PowerPoint font box
2. Double click on the Chart Area, under the Font tab turn the Auto Scale off.
Reformat the font elements as needed. Your font size and style will now remain
as formatted when edited or copied into other documents
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Keyboard Shortcuts

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Keyboard Commands and Short-Cuts are available for most
common tasks
Ctrl + A — Select All Ctrl + U — Underline Ctrl + Shift D — Duplicate Slide
Ctrl + B — Bold Ctrl + V — Paste Ctrl + Shift G — Group
Ctrl + C — Copy Ctrl + W — Close Ctrl + Shift H — Ungroup
Ctrl + D — Duplicate Ctrl + X — Cut Ctrl + Shift J — Regroup
Ctrl + E — Centre Text Ctrl + Y — Redo Ctrl + Shift M — New page w/o menu
Ctrl + F — Find Ctrl + Z — Undo Ctrl + Shift P — Font Size
Ctrl + G — Guides Ctrl + Shift Z — Plain Text
Ctrl + H — Replace Ctrl + Home — Top of Box Ctrl + Shift > — Larger Font
Ctrl + I — Italics Ctrl + End — Bottom of Box Ctrl + Shift < — Smaller Font
Ctrl + J — Justify Ctrl + Bksp. — Delete Word Left Ctrl + = — Superscript
Ctrl + K — Insert Hyperlink Ctrl + Del. — Delete Word Right Ctrl + Shift = — Subscript
Ctrl + L — Left Justify Ctrl + Shift & obj — Copy object
Ctrl + M — New Slide F7 — Spelling Ctrl + <Enter> — New Slide
Ctrl + N — New Document
Ctrl + O — Open Ctrl + F5 — Restore Window Alt + Tab — Switch to Next
Ctrl + P — Print Ctrl + F6 — Next Window Program
Ctrl + Q — Quit Ctrl + F9 — Minimize Window Alt + Shift + Tab — Switch to Previous
Ctrl + R — Right Justify Ctrl + F10 — Maximize Window
Alt + Shift  — Promote Paragraph
Ctrl + S — Save
Alt + Shift — Demote Paragraph
Ctrl + T — Font Menu Alt + F2 — Save As
Alt + Shift  — Move Paragraph
Alt + F4 — Close
Shift — Move/draw things Alt + 0160 — Will keep words in a
straight Alt + Shift  — Move Paragraph
sentence together
Shift + Enter — Hard return Down

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Page Construction Tips

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Proper page construction can help our graphic designers
efficiently edit and format electronically submitted pages

 Think vertically
• Create tables in columns not rows (type inside the boxes)
• Do not use tabs in tables
• Do not add values in the ‘before paragraph’ or ‘after paragraph’ in the Line Spacing
— This would make lining up rows a nightmare
 Text
• The same size text should be used in a graphic/table
— Varying the point size on a page looks sloppy and unprofessional
• Bold for emphasis should be used in place of a larger point size
• Title Case text that is not bulleted and that does not fall within an AutoShape should be
Title Case
 Tombstones
• Create tombstones as text boxes with the line turned on
— This makes spacing uniform above, below and to the sides of the text
 Footnotes
• Use tabs in the footnotes to assure proper wrap and alignment
• Make sure the first note aligns with the first source when there is both a note and a source
• Bottom aligned with the: A.T. Kearney AA/XXXX/#
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When creating text boxes, instead of placing a text box on top
of a shape, type directly in the shape

 Placing Text Within An Object Instructions

 To prepare for this exercise open a new PowerPoint document

 Draw a rectangle using the Rectangle tool button and then hit <Enter>

 Type “Category” inside the rectangle and then hit <Esc>
(the Escape key is at top of your keyboard)
• You can also use the right click to get these options

 Change the font to 18 bold

 It is easier to select shapes that have a fill in them
• To fill the shape, click on it and then use the Fill button to fill it with white
• You can set this filled shape as the Default Format by right clicking in the shape and clicking on the Set
AutoShape defaults

 Selected the rectangle and double click on the box to bring up the “Format AutoShape” menu

 Choose the ‘Text Box’ tab and select the Word-wrap in the AutoShape box

 If necessary, resize the shape to fit the text by dragging the corner of the text box out until all of the words are
within the shape
• Hint: Always create the text box with the most text to establish the size you will need for the remaining

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Snap-to-Shape is a function that allows you to easily align
duplicated boxes directly on top of or beside each other

Snap-to-Shape Set Up Instructions

 On the left-hand side of the bottom toolbar, go to the ‘Draw’ menu
 Go up to to ‘Snap’
 Deselect ‘To Grid’ and select ‘To Shape’

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The Duplicate Function allows you to quickly make identical
object or shapes

Duplicate Function Instructions

 To make four boxes for the headers and four for the columns of text first, select the
header box you want to make a copy of
 Next, hold the Shift and Control keys down and place your cursor on the edge of the
text box until the small + sign appears along the top right corner of the cursor
• Holding the Shift and the Control key secures a 900 lock on the text box and allows
you to move the object straight to the left or right or up or down
• Using the Control key alone will allow you to place the duplicate any where on the
 Drag the text box to the right and repeat to create 4 boxes as illustrated below
 Change the text in the three new boxes as illustrated below

Category Supplier Quantity Price

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A.T. Kearney format addresses the proper use of bullets in all
text boxes

Proper Bullet Formatting of Text Boxes

 Bullet selection in tables
• The first level bullet is Times New Roman, fifth row, the circle six over from the left
— The second level bullet is Times New Roman, fifth row, the dash eight over from the left
– The third level bullet is Times New Roman, fifth row, the dash seven over from the left

 To format bullets for a line of text
• Highlight the line/lines of text you wish to apply this bullet to, right click your mouse or go up to Format on
the tool bar
• Select Bullet...
— In the ‘Bullets from’ window, select either Normal Text or Times New Roman
— Click on the square where the bullet is and click OK

 To practice, type the text as illustrated into your chart

• Tires
3 bullet
rd — Radial
— Rubber
– All season
– Winter

1st bullet
2nd bullet A.T. Kearney 47/Internal PowerPoint Training-GC/ 8
To aligning text when creating your own bullets within a text
box, move the tab located on the ruler to the right, as
illustrated below
Bullet Alignment Illustration

•This is how words appear if the • After setting the tab, the words
tab is not adjusted to wrap will wraparound properly
words properly with a bullet

To align the text, drag the bottom

triangle to the right 1/8 inch

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Line Spacing must be standardized to ensure consistent
alignment of lines of text across multiple columns

Line Spacing Instructions

 Select one or multiple boxes (hold down the <Shift>
key and click on the boxes you wish to select)
 Go to Format
 Click on Line Spacing
 Before and After paragraph line spacing should
always be set at 0
 To apply a particular “style” to several tables
(including desired tab alignment, font, bullets, line
spacing, etc.) use the ‘Pick-Up Object Style’ tool
• First set the table style you want for all tables and
select the table and click on the Pick-Up object
Style button
• Now select another column with a different style
and click on the “Apply Object Style” button

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Setting the text anchor point is another tool to ensure
consistency across columns of text

Text Anchor Point Instructions

 Go to Format Auto Shape
• Use the Format Auto Shape button that you have placed onto your toolbar or
• Double click on the text box or
• Use the Format menu at the top of the screen and go to ‘Format AutoShape’
 Select the ‘Text Box’ tab
 The text anchor point can be set to Middle,
Top or Bottom
• Column headers should be bottom aligned
• Text columns should be top aligned
 Select Word Wrap in AutoShape to keep text
in the box
 NEVER select Resize AutoShape to fit text

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Organization Chart Exercise

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To practice the next set of tools, we will create the
Organization Chart below using text boxes, connectors,
object alignment
Bright Lights Organization Structure

Thomas Addison

Presidential Assistant
Mary White

Director of Finance Director of Marketing Director of Energy

Jim Pearson Janice Jones Larry Smith

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Organization Charts should always be constructed using
connectors as they are an easy way to move objects together

 In the “AutoShapes” menu, select “Connectors”

 Drag the top blue bar of the Connector menu onto the screen to keep it visible and easily
 Always use the elbow connector for connecting objects
• If two objects are aligned vertically, the elbow connector will be straight so this is a good tool
to check alignment
 To connect two objects, line up the top end of a connector to the middle of one object and then
drag the other end of the connector to the middle of a second object
• To line up the connector to the object, a blue square appears on both objects as an indicator of
where to connect
• If you have a successful “connection”, both ends of the connector will be red. If you do not
have the objects successfully connected, the ends will be green

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First draw five rectangles and then use a connector to link the
Presidential Assistant to the President

Bright Lights Organization Structure

Thomas Addison

Presidential Assistant
Mary White

Director of Finance Director of Energy

Jim Pearson Larry Smith

Director of Marketing
Janice Jones

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• Setting Up PowerPoint
• Introduction of Production
Service Website
• Helpful Hints for Working
with Production Services

A.T. Kearney 47/Internal PowerPoint Training-GC/ 8

Set Up Contents

 Objectives
 Options settings
• View
• General
• Edit
• Print
• Save
• Spelling and Style
 Additional notes
• The Master Page
• Best practices
• Tips and tricks

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 This session will guide users through the initial set up of PowerPoint 2000
 The following pages contain the step-by-step set up/configuration options
• These recommendations are based on Production Services’ best practices in
the use of PowerPoint
 After launching PowerPoint 2000, navigate to the Tools menu and select

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Options — View Tab

Startup dialog — Uncheck

New slide dialog — Uncheck

Status bar — Check

Windows in taskbar — User optional

Popup menu on Right Mouse Click — User optional

Show popup menu — Uncheck

End with black slide — User optional

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Options — General Tab

Provide feedback with sound — Uncheck

Recently used file list — Check and set to 9 (the maximum)

Link sounds with file size — User optional

User information — User optional

Web Options…User optional. Will be discussed briefly elsewhere in this


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Options — Edit Tab

Replace…with smart quotes — Check

When selecting…word — User optional

Use smart cut and paste — Check

Drag-and-drop — Check

Auto-fit text… — Uncheck

AutoFormat as you type — Uncheck

New charts take on PowerPoint font — Must be unchecked

Maximum number of undos — Check and set to 99

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Options — Print Tab

Background printing box — Check

Print TrueType fonts as graphics — Uncheck

Print inserted objects — Check

Use the following default print settings — Check

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Options — Save Tab

Allow fast saves feature — Uncheck

Prompt for file properties — Uncheck

Save AutoRecover… — Set to 10 minutes

Convert charts… — Uncheck

Save PPT as: — Select PowerPoint Presentation (.ppt) as the default

Default file location — User optional

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Options — Spelling and Style Tab

Check spelling as you type — Check

Hide spelling errors — Uncheck

Always suggest corrections — Check

Ignore words in UPPERCASE — Check

Ignore words with numbers — Check

Check style — User optional

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Additional Notes — The Master Page

 Every PowerPoint template is based off of a “Master Page”

• The elements on the Master Page are displayed on every page of the
document except when other styles are applied (for instance, the black line
along the top of an A.T. Kearney template is embedded on the Master
• The Master Page is also where standards for fonts, bullets and indents are
• To change features on the
Master Page hold Shift and
click on the Slide View
or select View menu>
Master>Slide Master

Shift + This
Takes you to the
Master Page
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Additional Notes — Best Practices

 To close the three-pane view, hold Ctrl and click on the Slide View icon at
the left of the horizontal scroll bar. This will maximize the Slide View
• Documents will reopen in the maximized slide view if the file is saved

CTRL + This
Deactivates That

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Additional Notes — Best Practices

Naming files
 Use the following file naming convention for Production documents in PPT
• Production document number_Client_Short title (in this order)
• This naming convention is a response to consultants’ requests for a more
searchable (in Windows Explorer) naming system
• We recommend keeping the client name and title to less that eight letters
• If the client name or title are unknown, use the document number and any
available information


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Time-Saver Tips

Time-Saver Tip #1 — A.T. Kearney Report template as PowerPoint's default

 Instructions
• Copy the zipped templates file to My Documents on your computer
• Create a folder titled "PowerPoint 2000 Templates“ and move the files
from the zip file into the folder
• Open the Report Horizontal document (Report Horiz 2000.ppt)
• Select File menu>Save As and rename the document "Blank Presentation."
• Choose the design template file type (.pot). The document will be saved to
your PowerPoint templates folder automatically.
• Now when you choose to open a new document (or use the Ctrl+N
shortcut), PowerPoint will open the A.T. Kearney Report template
automatically. When you save, you will be required to rename the
document, thus preserving your blank template from being overwritten

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Time-Saver Tips

Time-Saver Tip #2 — Favorites File and the Slide Finder

 Instructions
• With the Report template open, from the Insert menu, select Insert Slides
from Files
• In the Slide Finder pop up, select Browse, navigate to Favorites
2000.ppt (My Documents/PowerPoint 2000 Templates/Favorites
2000.ppt), select open
• When the slides appear in the windows at the bottom of the dialog, select
Add to Favorites List, select OK
• Access the List of Favorites tab, then click on Favorites 2000.ppt, and
the slides will reappear in the windows below. Use this feature to pull
slides electronically from the favorites file into new documents. Click
once on any slide in the view window and it will be "picked" to add to
your document when you select Insert. PowerPoint copies the slides you
pick into your new document
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Time-Saver Tips

Time-Saver Tip #2 — Favorites File and the Slide Finder (Cont’d)

 Instructions
• Now add a tool button shortcut to get one-click access
— Select Tools menu>Customize. Choose the Commands tab, and
highlight Insert from the Categories window. In the Commands
window, scroll to the bottom to find Slides from Files... Click once
on Slides from Files and drag it to a convenient location on your
toolbar. Now select Modify Selection from the Customize dialog and
in the pop up, rename the button Favorite Slides... ex:
— After renaming, select Close
— Repeat the above steps in the Slide Sorter view to have one-click
access to the Favorites file in that view as well
Bonus Tip: Add your own slides to Favorites 2000.ppt or other
frequently accessed documents to the List of Favorites to have
one-click access
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• Setting Up PowerPoint
• Introduction of Production
Service Website
• Helpful Hints for Working
with Production Services

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Production Service website http://globalink/production/

 For training consultants to use PowerPoint, we have developed materials …

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• Setting Up PowerPoint
• Introduction of Production
Service Website
• Helpful Hints for Working
with Production Services

A.T. Kearney 47/Internal PowerPoint Training-GC/ 10

When submitting work to Production Services, there are some
valuable Best Practices to follow

Best Practices for Page Creation

Issue Best Practice
Templates • Use the templates provided and supply design samples (electronic or hard copy) to Production
Services whenever possible

Master Copy • Keep only one master copy of a document. Keep a photocopy and submit originals to Production

Format • Follow A.T. Kearney format/grammar/spelling rules as outlined in “Quick Tips on Format”

Work Orders • Fill out the work order completely. Provide correct billing numbers (0671 and 0679 are not

Document ID • Make sure the A.T. Kearney ID number shows on all pages sent for revision or conversion to a new
Number job. Never cut and paste

Final or Edited • After editing is made to electronic versions, always send the documents back to Production Services

Faxing • Always confirm receipt when faxing edits. Never use lined or graph paper. If you are using pencil or
red pen, photocopy the pages with the copier set to dark before you fax the page. Be sure the
A.T. Kearney ID numbers show when faxing pages

Proofreading • You are responsible for proofreading unless other arrangements are made

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There are Best Practices for page creation as well

Best Practices for Page Creation

Issue Best Practice
Instructions • As all work in Production Services may get split up between designers put all instructions on all
pages. Be precise in graphical instructions — always indicate if plot points should show

Labeling • On all handwritten pages, include plot points; show verticals, especially when faxing Gantt charts;
label axes; use column headings

Handwriting • Write clearly and neatly. Avoid using felt-tip pens. Make sure proper nouns are very easy to read and
indicate capitalization where needed

Edits and Reordering • Circle tiny changes. Use “STET” for putting material back in. Reorder using numbers not arrows

White-Out • Do not use white-out liquid or tape, especially when submitting photocopies or faxes

Alphabetization and • You must do all alphabetization and math calculations before submission

Abbreviations • Avoid using nonstandard abbreviations in submitted work — you know what they stand for, but
Production Services employees (as well as your audience) may not

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Remember that it is difficult to re-create the unreadable

Example of How NOT to create A Handwritten Page

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Ensure that you receive what you want the first time by
making all of your instructions clear

Example of How NOT to Provide Instructions

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All documents must have an A.T. Kearney ID number to
ensure that the documents are easily and quickly traceable and
to avoid unnecessary rework

 A.T. Kearney ID Number Details

 The ID number is made of several parts. For instance, the number on a typical page done in Beijing
Production Services is: A.T. Kearney 47/23122/12 B

 A.T. Kearney Our name (omitted per client request)
• 47/ Beijing office designation
• 23122/ The Production Services document number assigned to the document by the tracker
• 12 Page number assigned automatically from the Slide Master
• B The letter designation assigned this portion of the document (work is split up
between designers, necessitating multiple files for larger projects)
• During corrections phase, this number is not altered; the number need not correlate to the final page number

 Work done outside of Production Services should follow the sample above, except that the third entry will
reflect that group's numbering system, such as BP345

 Examples of other office numbers
• 1 Alexandria
• 8 Cleveland
• 37 Hong Kong
• 71 Shanghai
• 23 Toronto

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All Production work must be scheduled in advance to ensure
that your deadlines are met

Process for Scheduling Document Production Work

 Call the Production hotline and schedule time as early as possible
 If you know in advance of a deadline, call to schedule as soon as you know
 Overtime must be requested in advance
• Do not assume Production Services will be there after hours
 When your local Production department cannot accommodate your
unscheduled, last-minute project, other options are available to you, you can:
• Work through another office (consider time zones);
• Borrow time from someone else on the schedule;
• Do it yourself (but make sure you have it logged with a production number
or it will not be locatable)

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Realistic estimates should be used when budgeting production

 Effective Production Time Budgeting Process

 Describe your document in detail in order to arrive at an accurate time estimate
 Keep in mind additional time is required for copying and binding documents
 Colour documents take much longer to produce and significantly longer to print than black and
white documents
• To add colour add an average of 3-5 minutes to each page
• Typically, it takes 30 minutes per copy to print an 80 page colour document
• Determining the colour scheme up front also takes time, as research often needs to be done to
determine corporate colours etc.
Guidelines for Estimating Production Time For New Pages
Page Type B&W Minutes/Page Colour Minutes/Page
Text Only 10 10
Tables 10-30 15-35
Diagrams 15-30 20-35
Graphs 20-30 25-35
“Save As” Pages 6 11

A good estimate is 10 minutes per page, but allow more time for complicated graphics
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