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The Scientific Management

Presented by:
Ma. Rennae C. Alcazar
Maria Cindy A. Contreras

Scientific Management Theory

 Scientific management theory is a method of improving efficiency in the

workforce. As its name implies, this management theory uses scientific
methods to assess work processes.

History of Scientific Management Theory

 The Scientific Management Theory, also known as Taylorism or Taylor's

Principles of Scientific Management, is a management approach developed by
Frederick Winslow Taylor in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
 It is not a philosophical theory in the traditional sense but a practical approach to
improving efficiency and productivity in the workplace.

The Principles of Scientific Management:

Development of
Science, not the Harmony, Not Cooperation, Not Every Person to
rule of thumb Discord Individualism his Greatest

 Rather than allowing each individual worker the freedom to use
Science, not the their own “rule of thumb” method to complete a task, you
should instead use the scientific method to determine the “one
rule of thumb best way” to do the job.

 Taylor indicated and believed that the relationship between the
workers and management should be cordial and completely
Harmony, Not harmonious.
Discord  Management and workers should acknowledge and understand
each other’s importance.

 There should be a comprehensive collaboration between the
Not employees and the management rather than individualism.


Development of  The effectiveness of a company also relies on the abilities and
Every Person to 
skills of its employees.
Thus, implementing training, learning best practices and
his Greatest technology, is the scientific approach to brush up the employee

 The primary goal of scientific management is to increase efficiency.
When Taylor began his scientific management experiments, he
Goals and focused on increasing efficiency by reducing the amount of time
Objectives of needed to perform tasks.


Scientific Management Techniques:

Work study Standardization of tools Scientific selection, Scientific setting of Functional foremanship Mental revolution
and equipment placement, and training wage rates

 This technique involves the systematic observation and
measurement of the time and effort required for each step
of a task, as well as the identification and elimination of Work study
unnecessary or wasteful motions.

 This technique involves the use of uniform and consistent
tools, machines, materials, and procedures for performing
Standardization of
a task. tools and equipment

 This technique involves the use of objective criteria and
Scientific selection,
tests to select workers with the right skills and abilities for
each task, and to assign them to their most suitable jobs.
placement, and

 This technique involves the use of differential piece-rate
system, which pays workers according to their output
Scientific setting
rather than their time. of wage rates

 This technique involves the separation of planning and
execution functions, and the division of authority among Functional
multiple supervisors who specialize in different aspects of
work. foremanship

 This technique involves the establishment of a mutual trust
and cooperation between managers and workers, based on
a common understanding of the goals and benefits of Mental revolution
scientific management.

Scientific management treats man as a machine.

There is no concern for the emotional or psychological

well-being of the employees.

Limitations of Too much focus on performance based on time can

Scientific demotivate employees. This can lead to absenteeism.
In the name of specialization, workers are forced to work
on the same task again and again which created such tasks
boring and with no initiative.


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