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Ideal state
a theoretical concept of a just
and harmonious society
governed by philosopher-kings,
characterized by a hierarchical
division of citizens into classes
based on their innate abilities
and dedication to the pursuit of
truth, wisdom, and virtue.
Justice Morality harmony
believed justice meant each emphasized the importance Plato aimed for harmony
part of society fulfilling its of cultivating virtuous within individuals and
role harmoniously. He qualities in individuals. He society. He described a
envisioned a just society proposed an education balanced state with three
led by philosopher-kings system that nurtured classes: rulers, warriors,
guided by wisdom and wisdom, courage, and producers, each
virtue, promoting fairness moderation, and justice to contributing to the whole
and order. achieve moral excellence. like a well-functioning
Three classes of society
(Artisans, farmers, etc.)
(Philosopher-kings) (Auxiliaries)
Rulers warriors producers
Govern with wisdom, Defend the state and Provide resources and
pursue truth, and possess uphold its values. They necessities. Their work
knowledge. Their rule exhibit courage, discipline, contributes to the society's
ensures just decisions and loyalty, maintaining material needs, allowing
based on understanding the order and protecting the the other classes to fulfill
greater good. society. their roles.
• Harmony within the
The role of justice
in an ideal state
• Harmony within the
The role of justice
in an ideal state
• Harmony within Society
• Harmony within the
The role of justice
in an ideal state
• Harmony within Society
• Functional Harmony
“Good people do not need laws to tell
them to act responsibly, while bad people
will find a way around the laws.”

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