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A Rose for

by: William Fauklner
William Cuthbeth Faulkner

• William Faulkner An American

writer and Nobel Prize laureate
from Oxford, Mississippi.
• Born: 25 September 1897, New
Albany, Mississippi, United States
Died: 6 July 1962, Byhalia,
*Town of Jefferson

*Miss Emily's house

Miss Emily Grierson

• Protagonist

• ·A muted and a mysterious Figure

Homer Barron

The center of attention and the object of affection


·Represents modernity and industrialization

Mr. Grierson

·Emily’s Father

Judge Stevens

·Mayor of Jefferson

·Emily’s Servant
Colonel Sartoris

·Former Mayor of Jefferson

Emily lives with her dad. Soon he dies,
leaving her with the house and no taxes
to pay. When the townsfolk come by to
visit her for condolences. She meets
them at the door and states"my father is
not dead"
Rising Action
The town members try forcing taxes upon
Miss Emily. Soon Emily meets a
construction worker named Homer. Homer
Barron comes into town. He gains the
affection of the town, and the love of Miss

Emily purchases poison in order to kill

Homer Barron. She had emerged from her
seclusion a year prior to making the
purchase to date Barron.
Falling Action

Miss Emily is starting to show her age.

The town is aware that she is fading into

At the end, Emily dies.

The townspeople break down the
locked door of her bedroom and found
the corpse of Homer Barron.
People should let go of the past
and focus on the present in order
to plan for their future.
Point of View

The narrator of William Faulkner's ''A Rose for Emily'' uses a

first-person plural voice, indicating that the story is being
told by a collective narrator, or a narrator that seemingly
comes from multiple perspectives all at once.

Ho u se
Emily herself
What is the story all about?

It explores the themes of death and

resistance to change. Also, it indicates
about the decaying of the societal
tenets of the south in the 1930's.

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