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Research methodology

• § Research Methodology: is the study of

conducting research
§ The word “Research” is composed of two
syllables “Re”and “Search”.
§ “Re” is the prefix meaning ‘Again or over
again or a new’and
§ “Search” is the latter meaning ‘to examine
closely and carefully’ or ‘to test and try’
What is research?

• Research: is the application of human

intelligence in a systematic manner to a problem
whose solution is not immediately available“ Hertz
• Research comprise defining and redefining problems,
formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions;
collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making
deduction and reaching at conclusion 'to determine
whether they fit the formulated hypothesis. Clifford
• It is a mechanism of collecting, classifying,
analyzing, discussing, summarizing and
drawing valid conclusions about a population
based upon information contained in sample
of measurements from that particular
• It is a scientific and systematic search for
pertinent information on a specific topic.
Motivation in doing research
• Research is not a trouble -free duty rather it is
time consuming, tiresome and expensive
• Despite these all difficulties many people
especially in academic institutes would like to
carry out research at least once in their life.
• Desire to get Degree
• Desire to get respect and promotion
• Desire to face a challenge in solving the
unsolved problem
• Desire to get intellectual joy of doing some
creative work
• Directive of government
• Employment condition

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