Mam Day Journalism

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News articles require a style of

writing different from what is
used when writing a story. This
was discussed in the previous
chapter of this book.
1. Headline- this is a short, attention-getting statement about the
event. It capsulizes the first0 paragraph.
2. Byline- this indicates the name the writer or writers of the news
3. Lead Paragraph- this contains the major who, what, when, where,
why and how in it.
4. Major details- after the lead paragraph is written, the writer will
now decide the weave the major details into paragraphs.
5. Minor details- should there be more space in the paper, the least
important details may be written.
The lead:
As a the lead is the story’s
opening sentences of two.
Previously, it was discussed the
straight news, tells the most
important facts of the story.
1. Summary Lead – it answers the five W’s and one H
(what, where, who, when, why and how).
2. The Grammatical-Beginning Lead- the classification
of lead paragraphs still gives emphasis on the logical
importance of the major details; however it is also equally
concerned with grammatical structure.
3. Unorthdox lead or novelty lead- it is used to attract the
reader’s attention.

As stated earlier, the summary lead

uses the 5 W’s and one H as bases
for starting such as lead. The
position of the W’s is determined by
their degree of importance.
1. What lead- this applied if the most important angle of the news is the
event perse.
2. Who lead- this type lead is used if the most important angle of the
news is the person involved, thus, more significant than the event.
3. Where Lead- if the location where the event takes place is more
significant than the other aspects of the news, then this kind of lead is
the best applied.
4. When Lead-this type is seldom used since this is only applicable
when the time element is more important than the other angles of the
5. Why Lead- If the cause of the event is the most effective angle of the
story, type of lead is best suited.
6. How Lead- if the process or the manner of how the event happened
is most important among the other angles of the news, the how lead is

There are times when the lead is

introduced by a kind of grammatical
from which is usually a phrase or a
clause used to emphasize a feature.
1. Prepositional Phrase Lead- a phrase is introduced by a
2. Infinitive Phrase Lead- as the name suggests, is starts with
preposition “to” plus the main verb.
3. Participial Phrase Lead- this lead is signaled by the
presence or past participle of the verb, acting as a modifier.
4. Gerundial Phrase Lead- this lead introduced by a gerund.
It is a verbal learning ending in-ing which acts as a noun.
5. Clause Lead- this lead commences with a clause which
may become either an independent clause or subordinate, or
may transform as either a noun an adjectival or adverbial
Writings news feature, a writer
should remember that the article
should still have a soft touch of
feature writing.
1. Narrative Lead- it draws into the story by allowing him/her to relate
himself/herself with the character of the story.
2. Descriptive Lead- effective writing personality sketches, travelogue,
and t like, this lead illustration a mental picture of the subject to the
3. Qouted Statement Lead- it is a statement uttered by well-known
personality or celebrity.
4. Question Lead- it is a provoking question to capture the interest of
the reader and lead them to find the answer provided by the
succeeding details of the article.
5. Teaser- generally short, crisp and witty, this is the device to deceive
the reader in a jesting manner as it arouses his curiosity and gently
leads him to often, riddles are used, and they don’t give the readers
any clue on the nature of the story.
6. Punch- it short, striking one-sentence lead.
7. Astonisher Lead- this leads aims to give the reader a
strong sense of emotions value.
8. one-word Lead- it uses very significant word to capture
or arouse the interest of the reader.
9. Parody Lead- it consist of parody of a well-known
quotation, song. Poem, book or movie film title.
10. Background Lead- it describes an events in which the
background, overshadows the individuals who participate
in it; often, it uses stories about carnivals, festival dances
and others.
11. Freak Lead- in order to enhance its appeal and to
easily catch the attention of the readers, this kind of
unique lead uses typographical error.
12. Contrast Lead- it is used to point out opposites and
13. Staccato Lead- primarily rooted from musical
parlance, this term suggests a lead that consistent of a
series of words and phrases, punctuated, by periods,
commas or dashes.

1.To enhance the readability of the

2.To arouse the reader’s interest.
3.To add vigor and color to writing
4.To challenge the ability of the writer.
With the power of resolution
numbered 37 approved by the
members of the Board of Trustees of
the Batangas State College yesterday,
the new grading system of the College
will take effect next semester.

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