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How To Conduct a Basic Quality of life Exam

Reid Taylor

Being A Vet Applied Learning Project What I have Learned

Education For my applied learning project, I am demonstrating how to During my time interning at Dallas Highway Animal
• Bachelors Degree preform a basic quality of health exam on a dog. The goal of Hospital, I learned what it takes and means to be a vet.
my project is to educate people so they can see the warning As well as this is what I want to do with my life. Before
 Biology signs for there animals.
 Micro-Biology my internship I was really stuck between computer
Ear Infections
science and veterinarian medicine. I love animals but I
 Animal Nutrition • Ear Infections are one of the easiest things to spot in
your dog. didn’t know if I had what it takes to be able to be there
 Zoology when a euthanasia happens. But during my time at the
• Oily black residue.
• Veterinarian College / Degree • If your dog is shaking, there head constantly or become clinic, I realized how important it is to not let an animal
• North American Licensing Examination very sensitive about their ears. suffer and that even though it may be hard, its what's
• 1-Year Internship • A squelching or liquid sound when you scratch their ears. best for the animal. Overall, I’m thankful I got to have
Skills Lumps & Bumps this experience, and this has probably been one of the
• Compassion • Systematically feel over your whole dog's body feeling for best parts of my STEM experience.
any lumps, starting at the head and moving to the tail.
• Empathy • If you notice a lump, make a mental note of its location
• Critical Thinking and continue with the exam.
• Analytical Skills • Once you finish your exam go back and check the lumps.
• Problem Solving Skills • A small one with a prune like surface is called a skin tag,
which is basically a wort.
• Management / Leadership Skills • Abscesses are squishy lumps that your dog will wince
Outlook / General Info when you poke. These are extremely painful and require *Lipoma *Ear Infection
• Job Availability is very good with 59.3% of veterinarian intervention.
veterinarian jobs being left vacant • Finally, a lipoma is a non-cancerous fatty lump. These
are extremely common on labs and if they are not too
• Median pay is 123K in Georgia
large, they are nothing to worry about.
• An unemployment rate of 0.2% • As always you should report all lumps and bumps to your
• Veterinarians rank in the top 20% when it veterinarian.
comes to job satisfaction in America. Teeth
• Watch when they eat and if you notice any sensitivity or
References lack of eating, that’s a sign of dental issues.
*Ear Examination *Teeth Examination
• Open your dog's mouth and look for any white plaque as
Taylor, R. J., & Tietjen, Z. (2024, February 14). this is a sign of dead teeth.
Veterinarian Interview. personal. Eyes
Veterinarian job description [updated for 2022]. (n.d.). • Look for any signs of cloudiness or discoloration. • Watch your dogs' movements and notice if they are
Physical exam checklist for pets: First aid. VIN. (n.d.). bumping into more things or seem generally confused. • All of these are signs of cataracts.
*Eye Examination *Checking For Lumps

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